Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 283 stops him

"Is this?"

The many strong people of the blood front team immediately.

No wonder, I came to this Golden City. It turns out that their goals are the wings.

"Listening now." Wu Rong low Shen said: "The first squad of the sixth team follows me directly into the wing to help the old nest, so that the remaining four squads, guarding the four-faced city gate of Jinyi City, respectively!"

"The seventh squad is guarded!"

"The eighth team guards Ximen!"

"The ninth team guards the South Gate!"

"The land is the small team guarded the North Gate!"

"But who, I want to escape from Jinyi City this time, and kill innocent!"

"set off!"

Under the squad, he immediately killed the six squads of the blood front team with the other two prototypes.

And the rest of the four small teams have stood there, and they face each other, they are all helpless.

After just a moment, I sent a roaring in the Jinying City, followed by the war.

A voice of an energy hit is far away from the city, and it has also passed to the city.

The ninth team of the ninth team is quietly suspended in the void, and it is a bit hard to see the fierce battle in the city.

"Betting, they kill kills in the city, and we are here, afraid that they can't drink soup." Magic smashed.

"There is no way, the mall care method personally issued the order, we can't make it wrong." Taishan also painted his face.

Before departure, they will give this task to kill one party, but I think that the result will be like this.

Other six squads are crazy in the city, but they can only wait for the city.

"Don't worry, now the battle is just beginning, the wings can barely resist a while, but how long it supports, the many strong people who come to the wings will definitely flee crazy, and those who are waiting outside the city will not use. The land of Wu Zhi. "The sword was unparalleled.

"The words said this, which is better than the six teams that are killed in the city." Magic smashed.

"Well, there is something else, you will wait, even if you haven't shot, you can have next, wait for the next opportunity." Taishan said, the strong people of the ninth team no longer complained.

And the fierce battle in the city lasted more than half of the time.


A burst of bursting slammed in the Jinyi City, spreading, and then many strong people in the wings immediately started to flee.

"The North Gate, fast!"

The explosion is still ringing, and then the large number of strong power of the wing is like the harbor to the North Gate.

Seeing this scene, the last hit of the top of the ninth team waiting outside the South Gate is also ruined.

"The power of the wing is escaped in the North Gate. It is quite opposed to our direction. It seems that the chance of our squad is even more opportunities." Magic said in the mouth.

Others include Taishan, and swords are unparalleled.

They are eager to fight, but there is no chance.

It is at this time ...


The sword is unparalleled, but the other strong people of Taishan and the ninth team have also looked up. They saw the south gate of the gold wing in the south gate of Jin, a body shape with an amazing speed. Their direction is brushing.

"Haha, look like it is not a chance to shoot, or leave it one." Magic grinned.

The order of the Wuyu is letting them kill all the people who leave Jin Wings in the city, and this person is obviously escaped from the Jinyi City, nine into the nine is the person of the wing.

"This person?" Taishan look suddenly, even the people came over, the next moment, his eyes were a sharp contract, "" turned out to be him, the wing of the leader Shen Tianyu! "

"What?" The ninth team of the ninth team is very shocked, and the spin is also awkward.

As the figure is getting closer, they also see the length of the person.

A exquisite short hair, keeping a slag, holding a blue war knife in his hand, and the breath is even more awkward.

This is the same as that of the serial plaque in the top of the plaque.

"It's really him." Taishan has a slightly, "enough, let the wings to help all the strong people to the north door, but he own alone quietly changing the south gate to escape, I have no tricks I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid. "

"Captain, what do we do?" A team member asked.

"What can I do? Hand, stop him." Taishan drunk, and the ten strong people of the ninth team included the sword and unparalleled, and they went to Xia Tianyu.

Shen Tianyu, who holds a cyan knife, is cold and cold, but the figure is a few wolves in the rapid escape.

"I thought that Yesterday, my wings didn't have a secret, but I didn't expect it to have no heart to teach it. Hey ... I know, I should not inform Wanye Island in this interest in the benefit. I won't finish the easter. "Shen Tianyu has some regrets, but the matter has not been used, and it is not used.

He now only hopes that he can live in a no trick, it is enough.

At this time, the ten gods of the ninth team have come toward him.

"Well?" Shen Tianyu became changing, "I am really cautious enough, I am also arranged in the city."

"But just a normal blood stroke, can't stop me."

Shen Tianyu snorted, and immediately had a sharp suffering from a pound.

"Block him."

Taishan drunk, there is a huge copper hammer in his hand. This copper hammer looks full of 10,000 pounds. It can wave in the hands of Taishan, but there is a flame ripple around the surface of the copper hammer. It took directly to Shen Tianyu.

At the same time, other members of the ninth team also shot, one by one.

They didn't want to kill this Shen Tianyu directly. After all, they also clear, Shen Tianyu can be on the bloody list, and the ranking is very boring, according to the truth, he is enough to slaughter a batch of yang, Their pilots teamed up, only to stop Shen Tianyu, waiting for the three major laws and laws that were unhappy, it was enough.

However, in the face of their blocking, the Shen Tianyu is a clear laugh, and the blue war knife is directly swing.

"Give me!"

A moral knife rushing in half of the horizon, in an instant, it seems to be two halves in the world.

The terrible power is instantly, the attacks of Taishan and other people have disintegrated, and even the Taishan et al. Also shocked.

Just a knife, I took the Taishan nine people.

"A group of waste, still want to stop me?" Shen Tianyu smiled dismissed, no body shape was hindered, continued to play forward, but a black dress suddenly blocked in front of him, this person, the sword is unparalleled!

Other nine people in the ninth squad, they want to stop Shen Tianyu, but only swordssellers have never shot.

"There is also a flies." Shen Tianyu did not see the sword unparalleled, and the hand has been cut.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a cold.


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