Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 284 This person is given to me!

"Shen Tianyu, the blood month list ranked forty-eighty nine, comprehend the origin of the wind, once played with a half-holy, although it was defeated, but it was a long time with the semi-holy battle."

"This person is qualified to make me whole hand."

The sword is unparalleled, and the information of Shen Tianyu is remembered, but the body has a sharp war.

~~ The ice-cold knife droves directly in front of the sword.

The sword is not a mouth of the mouth, the spiritual force has been urged, the strength is along the arm festival, the arm is moving, the three killings have been carried with a great power directly, there is no flower, it is a straight.

That Shen Tianyu did not start the sword without double in his eyes.

It is important to know that he just took a knife and shocked the nine people such as Taishan. Now, even if it is just a knife, it is not an ordinary yang's peak to resist.

However, in the sword, there is no double one sword, and the moment I collided with his war knife. Shen Tianyu is not a sudden, some surprisingly lifted his head, because he felt a giant positive transfer.

boom! Shen Tianyu immediately broke out, and burst into a hundred meters far, and he was standing in the void.

"Master, the real power!" Shen Tianyu faced dignified, and the sword didn't look at the past.

Just just a confrontation, he has already perceived that the sword is unbearable, and it is too much to at least be strong with Taishan.

"Who are you?" Shen Tianyu asked.

"Swordsman." The sword has no double.

"I have never heard of it." Shen Tianyu shook his head.

"Today, you know." The sword smiled without a double.

"Oh, the tone is not small, dare to block me, then die!" Shen Tianyu was a cold, and the figure was instantly drifting, and in the moment he floated, there was a wind swept in the void.

"This person, give it to me!" The sword is unparalleled next to it. Some horrified Taishan, the magic shadow and others said, then slammed the ground, the three kids swords on the sky, and the void of the front hole Out.

The void in front is clearly empty, but after his sword is swept, this empty void is sudden, but it has a ghost charm. It is the heavy day, Shen Tianyu's war knife is also clever, both in the empty space. In the collision, a loud sound, terrible power has just spread it ...


The two stories are strange and disappeared.

"Where are they?"

The surrounding Taishan, Magic, and other ninth team members have grown up their eyes, and they look at this scene.

Shen Tianyu's strength, so that they feel from the heart, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, is that they really shocked.

Their nine people jointly took hands, they could not stop Shen Tianyu. They were all shocked by Shen Tianyu, but the sword was unseen, but they were blocked. Shen Tianyu.

Sword is unparalleled, suddenly appears in the void.

A white light is on, and the white light is too glaring. Even the sword is unparalleled. Some open eyes. However, at this time, the white shining actually went to the sword where there was a unparalleled skull, and it was directly from the sword without having a pair.


Taishan and other people exclaimed, so that they all shocked the swords that didn't make this dead?

However, the sword of the war knife has nothing to do, but there is no blood, I saw the "sword unparalleled" body shape slowly, it was a residual.

At this time, there was no sign of Silitual Swords, behind Shen Tianyu, Shen Tianyu's heart, even the anti-hand knife, once again confront the knife, followed the two people to disappear again.

"This speed!"

The Taishan and other people who watch the war in the surrounding Wars only feel that one of the scorpions, they have been invested by the thrilling scene.

"call out!"

The ground below has suddenly appeared a deep gully, it is obviously the long sword, but it is a big deep pit.

Taishan and others have to be a rush of the Yangxia, but it is difficult to see a star half.


A loud noise, and the void is separated.

Shen Tianyu happened in the void, and the face was a few points to look at the sword.

When a fierce battle, his strength of the sword is no longer slight.

"He is just a yang, it is," I have to follow my speed? "Shen Tianyu was surprised.

It is insiscible that he is an understanding of the source of the blast.

The origin of the wind is to concentrate on the best of the disease, and then further feel the source of the wind.

The top of the wind is the most good, it is the speed.

According to the truth, he quickly broke out, even the general semi-Holy Saint-Saint, but the sword was unparalleled with only yang Yong, but the speed did not be much slower than him.

He does not know that the world of swords is unparalleled is a perfect combination of four artistications. The four artists are not divided into each other, which makes him are quite perfect, and the speed is naturally good, and the most important It is the feelings of the swords and the world's own origin, which has reached this level, than this is much higher than this Shen Tianyu.

"You can't waste it again, otherwise, the three prototypes that have no tricks will respond, I will bother." Shen Tianyu was cold, and then turned into a wind sweater.

"Little son, finally fight." Shen Tianyu was blowing.

"It is here." The sword is unparalleled, and the body is also illusion.

"The sword is like a fog." The sword didn't have a double, and immediately broke the sword. These swords formed a misty mist swept, directly formed a small sword, and Shen Tianyu is in this sword. among.

The misty mist is squeezed, so that Shen Tianyu has a great impact.

"What ghost thing?" Shen Tianyu became changing, but the momentum is still not reduced.

", die!"

Shen Tianyu low drunk, the cyan warrior gathered in a large amount of spiritual wrap, so that this war knife has skyrocketed, and the power is even more awkward. This cyan warner is slamming.

Time Time is all overdated by half.

"Nothing, , sixth style!"

The sword is unblocked, and the battle is extremely flashing. At the same time, the three killing swords in his hand, the power of the second product low-level singer, is also fully progent.

Ornate and a sword!

The same roaring.

Two terrible temperaments, making the surrounding Taishan, magic shadings and others are not composed.

Subsequently, these two hevant offensive are in the void, and the front impact together.


The sky is shaken, the terrible hard wind swept.

In the next moment, there was a shadow of the wolf, and the blood was also sprayed in his mouth on the way, and this wolf was shadow, and it was that Shen Tianyu.

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