Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 285 is yin!

"I, actually defeated?" Shen Tianyu took a trace of incredible.

He has all made all efforts, but the results are still defeated.

And when his body shaped wolf, the sword has continued to attack him, and the fog covered in Shen Tianyu and felt that his actions were once again huge, and Shen Tianyu is like a dead ash.

"I didn't expect that I Shen Tianyu will die in a unknown child." Shen Tianyu stared at the sword and unparalleled.

"The unknown small stroke?" The sword is unparalleled, "I killed you, I am not a nameless child."

The voice falls, the three kill swords are out, and the body of Shen Tianyu is in direct caves, and his chest has appeared a big hole.

Shen Tianyu's body weakly fell to the ground below, and the sword was unparalleled to stand next to his body, the eyes overlook.

"The top of the top of 500, the strength is really good, if it is not because of the sadness of the scop, I can only collide with me, I will never kill this speed. He. "The sword is unparalleled.

He is clear, you can kill this Shen Tianyu, because Shen Tianyu has a scruple, helpless, can only collide with him.

Task, he concludes that the world's source is from the killing of the source. The two origins have collided on the front. They are not imaginary. You can Shen Tianyu to understand the origin of the wind. It is really good at speed, hard to hurt him.


Taishan et al. Also appeared in the sword.

"Shen Tianyu, dead?" Taishan, the magic shadow saw the body on the ground, and the expression was wonderful.

"Swordsman, you ..." Taishan is a horrified staring at the sword.

At this moment, they also knew that the swords were unparalleled with them to fight against them, and they were just planetous.

"This is Shen Tianyu, in front of the planetary list, in a few caregipes, the ranking of only one person is high, and he has also handed with a half-stronger After guilty, although it is over, you can have a long time to kill, and there is no death. "

"But now, he was killed by swordsman, this strength ..." The magic shadow smoked.

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but smile.

Half-holy strong people, before he had a semi-cultural communication meeting in the northern domain, he also gave his hands with a half-holy strong person in the Relivery. (I have said to the Shengdian strongman, it is desperately desperate, not enough to

Half Holy Strong, the war is indeed strong, before the communication meeting, he all made all efforts, but the other party is just random, the result is just the feature, Shen Tianyu can follow a half-holy fighting battle, inde small.

Unfortunately, he is chased, there is a scruple, plus the sword is unparalleled, so he is dead.


A figure is exposed, falling in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and others immediately look.

" ."

Taishan shouted immediately.

The Wuque is cold, but the eyes are the cold bodies on the ground.

"This is ... Shen Tianyu?" Wu Evai was witnessed.

Shen Tianyu's ranking on the bloody list is much higher than him, before in the heart of the city, he also joined the two people to him, but it will be fully suppressed by Shen Tianyu, but it will not be able to kill it on the spot. This Shen Tianyu is dead.

"Shen Tianyu, is you killing?" Wuyu's eyes fell over a sword.

Taishan Zhang has a mouth. I just want to say that the sword is not double alone, but the sword is unparalleled, but the opening said: "This Shen Tianyu is too confident, and the beginning is not perceived to our team ambush, and we seize the opportunity Our teams work together, this will kill it, but it still spends a lot of hard work. "

"Oh?" Wushu's eyes around, did see the surrounding pits, obviously after a fierce battle, not from nod.

"This Shen Tianyu actually even got a bloody squad, it didn't seem to be so." Wu Wei smiled, and then waved, and the body of Shen Tianyu, Qiankun rings.

"Your team is doing well, wait for yourself to return to the heart." After that, this Wu is directly left directly.

Seeing Wuyu leaves, Taishan, Magic and other people's face is a bit unhealthy.


"The swordsman will be so hard to kill Shen Tianyu, but this Wuqi will send us a word, but he will take the body of Shen Tianyu and his Qiankun ring."

The people of the ninth team are unfair to the sword.

Task, Shen Tianyu, but the sword is unseen, and what is the relationship with Wu?

In addition, this Wu Yan took a word, and took Shen Tianyu's Qiankun ring away?

Shen Tianyu, not only the top of the top, but also the leader of the wing, the wing to help the Tianbufu is also a big force, such a long time, this leader's Qiankun quotable value is?

"Swordsman, you will let him let him go to Xia Tianyu's Qiankun?" The magic shadow fierce watched.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is only a smile. "But it is some purple crystal liquid, even if you get it, it is estimated that you will get it to teach. How much do you get? As long as this Wuyu will make your credit , Our teacher should not treat us. "

The sword has no double one, the cloud is light, and it doesn't care.

In fact, he doesn't care, there are some purpless lingerie in the district. He is not in the heart, and it is the most important thing for him to fight against the top.

"Let's go, first ****."

The sword is unparalleled, and then a group returned to no heart.

Shortly after they returned to no trick, Wuyu and other blood front team strongly came back.

This is the success of merits, but not only the wings are helpless, but the two leaders of the wings are all killed.

After returning to no heart, the other two caregivers who dispatched together, they immediately went to see the unintentional teacher.

In the estate of the ninth team, everyone of the ninth team includes swords and unparalleled gathers here, waiting quietly.

"Hey, our team is because of the relationship between the swordsman brothers, this is afraid that it can be big out of the limelight." Magic smiled.

"The top of the bloody list, but also within 500, the swordsman brothers killed him, the new blood monthly list, I am afraid there will be the name of the swordsman brothers, our team must also follow the light ! "

"I am now very curious about what rewards will we give us?"

Members of the ninth team have been looking forward to.

This time, their team has established great efforts, and some work will now be rewarded.

And after a long time, Taishan appeared in their sight, but the face of Taishan is not good.

Looking at the ninth squad, especially the sword is unparalleled, the Taishan expression is complicated, deep sucking the mouth: "We were covered with the wild, he took Shen Tianyu's body to see the teacher, but did not mention To our team, but said herself is alone, and kills Shen Tianyu! "

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