Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 286 Challenge Protection


The ninth squadron is very angry.

"Do you have mentioned us?"

"Haha, he killed Shen Tianyu? It's a ridiculous, he can kill Shen Tianyu alone?"

"The bastard, actually pretending the credit of the swordsman brothers!"

"This ukna, it's really shameless!"

Taishan, the magic shadow and other people are burning in anger, and then, I have seen it in the sword.

Wuyi led all the credits, nothing to them, after all, killing Shen Tianyu, did they have no power, but the sword is unparalleled.

"Swordsman." Taishan voice sink.

The sword is unparalleled, "" This so-called credit also has the reward, he will lead, I don't care, but ... so unscrupulous, I don't mention it, he really makes me Fool. "

The sword is unparalleled. Some cold.

Those reward mers, he doesn't care, but he will not be bullied.

And this ulley, it is, it is the face of his nose.

"The blood front team, collection." A magnificent voice sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is immediately looked up.

"It is the voice of Wuwu." Taishan Road.

"Walk, go first." The sword is unparalleled with a double body, which has been out of the source of the sound.

On a vast military field, the ulon is sitting on a seat and placing a few altars on the ground.

Many strong people of the blood front team stand in front of the Wuwu, the sword is unparalleled.

Wu Evan took a smile, spreading, "Today, the wing is overwheld, the wins will be great, everyone has a lot of people, there are several altars, everything, everyone can drink more."

"Tianxin wine?"

"Legendary Tianxin Wine?"

"Today, the heart is saying that a small pot will value the thousand purple spirit, such a big jar, there will be ten pots, which means that this altitude wine is worth 10,000 yuan."

The strong people of the blood front team saw the beautiful wine on the ground, all of them encountered their throat.

The ten people in the ninth team are both nasal.

"He gave a lot of work, let me say that Shen Tianyu's Qiankun will definitely leave a lot of purple fluid, and the reward for this teacher, that is also very huge, and now he takes After a few altars, I want to happen to us completely. "Taishan smiled.

"This ukan, I want to be beautiful." Some people also secretly.

The sword is unparalleled to see the Wuwu, and the mouth is slightly tight, but it is directly stepped forward.

" ." The sword was unparalleled to the front of the Wuar.

"Well, have something?" Wuyi is still sitting there, glanced at the sword.

"I heard that Wu Wei's lawmaster is a violent gun method, the murder is invincible, and once in the tea time in the tea time, the first battle is famous, and it is known for the list of bloody lists. I don't know if you can dare to have a decision?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the many bloody teams around them have heard it.


This 'dare' and 'is willing', it is completely two.

The sword is unparalleled to ask 'dare to ", the provocation is too strong.

If the Wuwu does not agree, the many strong people who have no heart will definitely joke in the dark, say that he is a protective method, the top power on the bloody list, even a challenge of an ordinary blood support team is not dare promise.

"The swordman is really embarrassed." Several teammates in Taishan and the ninth team laughed.

Surrounded by those bloody teams are weird looking at this scene.

Wushu's protection, do you dare?

The red-colored colors rose, the heart thought is that the sword is unparalleled to know that they have led their troops. They will not have this move.

Immediately: "If you rely on you, I want to fight with me? If you don't have a force, you can fight, but I will fight with people. I don't know if I have left it. If you are not careful, you can kill you. ! "

"Haha, as long as you can fight against the top of the Wu , how can you die?" The sword didn't have a double.


The Wuhe is slow to stand up, and with his got up, a strong breath will slowly rise from him.

"It should be war, it should be war!"

"Wushu carefully promised!"

"This kid is so challenged, and Wu's care is difficult to do. I don't know what this little child thinks. I dare to challenge Wu's , I am really looking for death!"

"Wu Mi is old early, and the ranking in the bloody list is more boring. Today, the wing is overwheld, and the wing to help the leader Shen Tianyu finally died in the hand of the Wuzi care, and still Wu What horrific is the strength of the ????? ?????? .. . ....... ...... ...................... . .. . .

"Say, who is this boy in this sword? Isn't it self-tempered?"

"I have never seen it, I should just join us."

"This person, I know, he is a swordsman. It is Northern Mu, the two protection laws in Zengyang have completed the task, and he also wants to recommend him to the law before the two protection laws of Northern Mu and Coldyang. But it seems because his realm is very low, so it has not been able to take a care. "

Those of the many strong people of the blood front team have already disclosed.

These people have no difference between swords, and they are ridiculed with swords, and they seem to be self-reliant.

On the ninth squad, they have seen the sword without the sword before, so the sword is full of absolute confidence.

"Hey, these people, I am afraid I don't know, I really shot and kill Shen Tianyu, not Wu, but the swordsman." Taishan came.

"This Wuwu is really daring to take the battle, wait, wait for him to cry."

"Swordac, take him!"

Other strong people of the ninth team roared in the heart.

The sword is unparalleled with Nawu stands on a distance of dozens of meters, and there is a black hole in the hand.

"Swordsman, you just came to the Datang Dynasty, and the strong people who have seen it also fade, and I am afraid that there are not a few, you don't know the power of the strong in the bloody list, I will let me You see the knowledge. "Wuyu is light, and it is not satisfied with the sword.

"I am looking forward to it." The sword was unparalleled smiled, the three kill swords have been scabble, and it is horrified.

"Unfortunately, after today, my blood is less than one person." Wuhe voice fell.

The ulova is like a man, the whole person is like an arrow, and it will take a few feet from the moment. When the long gun is ahead, it is like a poisonous snake to spit the core, with a harsh air explosion, directly stab the sword unparalleled chest .

"So fast!"

"too fast!"

"This is the strength of the strong people on the bloody list. It is also the peak of the yang, but we are more compared to the Wu's , the gap is too big."

Surrounded by those bloody teams amazed.

It can be facing this shot, but the sword is unparalleled but smile.

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