Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 287 faces!


A cold sword is blooming out, directly on the gun tip of the gun, making Wuhe's body shape is a meal.

"Well?" The Wushu flashed in a strange, "This kid, even so simple, I blocked me this shot?"

"It's also right, before, North Mu and Coldyang recommended him to become a tutorial law method, they didn't know how to be in a short time in a short time, although this is because North Mu and Coldyang have not made their best. It is still necessary to show that this kid's power is much stronger than ordinary yang. "

"It seems that I have to kill this kid, I have to take a little bit of strength."

The Wuque is dark, and the handsome twisted twists of the long guns are coming out.

A huge vortex fiercely appeared in a huge swirl.

" " "

Each shot is fast as lightning.

The sword has no double three kill swords, but they will be all over the three guns.


The Elephant is a flashed, and the long gun is rotated one hundred and eighty degrees. After the high election, the prince is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to resist, although it is blocked, but the powerful power makes him sinking, and the ground below the feet will return to the first time.

"Volume"! "

There is a burst of Wuwu, a long gun, then it is a thorn, stab the moment, like a dragon to fade.

"Kid, go to die!"

The dragon cracked, the sword was unparalleled, and the long sword was placed in the chest. Then the powerful power broke out, the sword is unparalleled, it seems that the shell is directly slammed, and directly arrived at the most edge of the play. Finally, he hit it on the wall, and the wall immediately burst.


"too strong!"

The many bloody teams around them look at this scene.

"Hey, the idiots that don't do, I have to blame me." Wuwu snorted.

But his words just finished, ! The gravel sounds a slight sound, followed by a shadow.

"Don't die?" Wu Wan looked at the sword unparalleled.

"Not only don't die, he didn't even be injured?"

"Nothing is not damaged, is there a little scarf?"

The strong people around the surroundings are also stunned.

"Wushu's protection method, you said before, I thought that your strength is really strong, but now it seems, but so, you are too disappointed." The sword didn't shook his head.

Wuyi glanced.

Those of the blood front teams around the surrounding are awkward.

Warm care laws that burs out such a terrible strength, but in the sword, there is nothing in the sword? Also made him very disappointed?

"It is also difficult for you to take care of you on the bloody list. It is the sixth hundred, telling the truth, you compare with Shen Tianyu, far away." The sword is unparalleled, but the figure is awkward.

The distance between dozens of fertilizers appeared in front of the Wuyu, and there was a fog from a smog, and the sword is covered with a sword. It is crazy to squeeze the sword. The actions of the Wuque are greatly affected.

Subsequently, a sword light suddenly appeared.

This sword is very gorgeous, it is beautiful, and it is directly toward the Wuaro.

Wushed frowned, and the long gun was immediately burst.


A loud noise, Wu Ran is a color change, and his body is smashed out of this moment.

Can be a moment ...! " " "

A sword is like a hill, and it comes to him.

These swords, every power is stronger, and the speed is incredible.

"This little child!" The Wuhe is a horror, hurriedly waving the long gun to resist the endless sword.

When a breathing time, I went to the digital sword light, and he found that he couldn't keep up with the sword.

"I can't stop." Wuhe worn.

A sword is silent, there is no sound appearance next to his ears, swordson, emits a touch of metal gloss under the illuminating of the eye, and the whole body is rushing, and there is no resilience in this moment. Looking at the sword, the sword is getting closer and closer.

However, when the Sword Ying is about to brush his head, the swords and shadings are inclined, and the moment is turned from the sword.


The swords of the three kill swords were hit on the top of the Wuwu, made a crisp sound. This Wuque is like a fan of life, and the face is red and swollen. At the same time, there is a blood spray The body shape is above the ground of the workwood farm.


It's a beautiful sword to light, this sword is directly smashed behind the ground, almost rubbed his arm, squatting ~~~ Suddenly the center of the play appeared A huge crack that filled the footsteps and wanted, as if they were divided into two halves.

This crack is the sword!

And the Wuwu lying on the ground, saw this huge crack next to him, encouraging the throat, and the scorpion has a bit.

He knows, just the sword, if he shifted a bit of this side, then his body will also be directly smashed in two halves like this.

"Wu Wei method." The sword is unparalleled, and it is slowly in front of the Wuwu.

The squat is a sword in front of the dark.

"You, you ..." Wuwu wiped the blood of the mouth, and hurriedly wanted to get up.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Wurai is surprising to retreat, drink: "What do you want to do?"

At this moment, Wuquan is really frightened by the sword.

"Nothing." The sword is unparalleled to the Wuque, and the sound is lowered: "Wu Wei's law method, I am not interested in this noble care, there are those purple spirits, but I don't mean that I will bully. I have, you know. "

"Although you are strong in the bloody list, the strength is extraordinary, but it is not a steel barbone. If it is used to smear your neck, it will die!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is like a knife. It is close to this Wuku.

Hey, hey, he can feel the sword unparalleled kill, and he finally understands that the ninth team can kill Shen Tian Yu, all because of the ninth team, there is a strong sense of monster level exist.

"Right, Wuar's protection, you should also give me something from me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What is it?" Wuhe was wrong.

"Shen Tianyu's body, I let Wu Yu care for you to take the body of Shen Tianyu, just lend you to you temporarily, haven't said not to you?" The sword was unparalleled.

I heard this, the strong people around the many bloody teams, suddenly.


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