Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2817 to send Buddha to the west



"This is the case, but I have buulted in the Sheng Dynasty in the Danyang, and the power of the red stone fort for the power of all parties is not as good as the original. Although the Red Stone Ball is re-control everything, but it wants those forces in a short time. The strong is all united, what is easy? "Yunshan frowed.

"It's not easy, but this is our only way. No matter how we have to do our best to fight, even if you pay some big costs, you will not hesitate." Yin Suer's voice is low, and then her scorpion is The sword is unparalpled, "Mr. Jian, this is afraid that you have to rely on you with the sword, I hope that the sword can help you."

Yin Suer is sincere.

She is now really needed to have a strong helpful help of the sword and the swords.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, no sword is unparalleled, the Danyang Shengjie will come to fight with the Sanyinhou!

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, and did not refuse.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled from the Red Rockburg.

After leaving Red Rock, his heart is also heavy.

"Tianyong Palace, Tianxu ..."

Even if it is a sword, it is unparalleled, and it is impossible to know the strength of the Tianxi Army, and know that the Tian Dynasty is in the border of the Danyang, I also feel a huge pressure.

"The Yunshan said is right, although the red stone castle has now re-control everything in the Danyang Shengjie, but the prestige of the power of the power, but it is lost, I want to pick up it back in a time, absolutely It is not easy, even if it is now the whole Danyang, it is crisis, and the red stone castle is afraid that the number of strong people will not be able to participate in the war. "The sword is unwound.

For the numerous forces of the Danyang Shengjie, including many excitement, the Danyang Shengjie is not swallowed, and in fact the dry system is not big.

Even if the Danyang Shengjie has been annexed by the Tianxian world, it is just to change the name, and the interests of these strong power will not have much impact.

Especially like the four top scorpions, they are now being forced by Red Rockburg, and even many strong people are playing in the Red Rockburg, suffering.

At this time, they hoped that Tianxu Palace killed so they may also renew the flag.

"So, the Red Rockburg this is indeed a real crisis." The sword was unparalleled, but his heart was hesitating.

He is hesitating, or do not fully help the Red Rock Fort to solve this crisis.

Honestly, he has no feelings about the Red Rockburg, and there is not much sense of belonging to this Danyang's Shengjie.

The reason why he went to help Red Rockburg, helping Yin Suer, purely because of the agreement with the red stone saints.

But I have helped Yin Suer to win the victory, so that she can perfectly control the Danyang Shengjie, he has already done a lot, its value has exceeded a sealed sky, so he will leave now no matter how red stone fort is now He also worked also.

However, the sword is unparalleled. It is not a person who is free to be a burden.

"Good people do it, send Buddha to the west, then the red stone saint gave me a sealed map, I want to help Yin Suer to solve the crisis, let the red stone fort, the Danyang Shengjie is completely stable, I Now I have only achieved half of it, although I have made far beyond the value of a sealing map, since I promised, I have to eat a little, but I have to do it. "

"Moreover, this red stone saints also gave me a dramatic order. I want to help Yin Suier as much as possible to achieve the unstead of sacred people. If I don't care, Yin Su is dead, then this , I am white, and I don't match my principles. "

The sword has no doubles, but the bottom has made decisions.

Tianxu Army comes, the Danyang Holy Territories I have encountered, he will have done our best to help this Yin Su.

"The Tianxi army is too strong, and there are San Yinhou personally sit in the town. Let's join hands with my swords, even in a short period of time, I have a batch of strong people in the Danyang Shengjie, I am afraid I can't tell Tianzhi Positive counter-balance, I want to truly help Yin Suer to solve this danger, only one way ... "

"Call! I can only go there again."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is immediately moving.

A large amount of gray fog, gloomering, dissemination of mysterious ancient jungle.

Here, it is in the Danyang continent there is a fierce bones in Herhe! !

There is an endless crisis here, very few people dare to come to sway.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is a big secret in this burying domain.

The secrets of the world opened by the rules are hidden in this bones.

The bones are dangerous, but they go to the sword unparalleled now, as long as they are not going to enter the most dangerous place, there will be no big risk, the sword is unparalleled, not long, I have come to a place. Nothing of the small canyon.

"I am here."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the canyon in front of it, but the face has revealed a touch of smile.

He knows that this canyon is the entrance to the secret.

I saw that the sword didn't have a pair of palms. I immediately appeared a black sword.

This black sword is originally divided into six, before the sword is unparalleled, and the six people will go to the midst of the secret, and each person has a broken sword.

The six-handed broken sword is combined to open this secret.

It can previously swayed under the secret, six people, only sword unparalleled one person survived, and the remaining five people were in addition to the wings that were falling in the cemetery, and their treasures have fallen into the sword. There is also the same. The sword in their hands.

And the handle in the hands of the gods, when the sword was unparalleled, the Trumpet Valley of the Secrets was given to him.

So the sword is unparalleled now is a complete product, which is naturally easy to open this secret.

At this moment, as the sword is unparalleled, the complete product is taken out, and a unique breath is distributed from the black sword.


In front of this unique breath, the canyon is slightly shaken, followed by the central void, but slowly appeared a space channel, this space channel is dark mystery, simple meat looks at all, I don't know what the other end of the channel is there. .

However, the sword has been there before, this time the natural car is light.

Without any hesitation, the sword has no double shape, and it directly enters this space channel.

When the ray flashes, when there is still another, the sword has come to a huge dark void.

This dark void is boundless, and there is no shining.

The sword is unparalleled to speed up the speed, directly facing the darkness of the darkness, which is the depths of this secret.


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