Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2818 Test

(The third is over!)


Within the secret, there is a heavy crisis, but these crises are based on the strength of practitioners.

The sword is unparalleled is God, and the crisis encountered is naturally targeted.

He all the way, with his current strength, the first focus on the second crisis, he is easily over.

Even the third crisis, that is, in the cemetery, the sword is unparalleled in the middle, although there are a lot of corpses, even the golden armor came, but they were unparalleled by the sword.

Soon the sword has come to this secret of this secret, those invincible and unstead of sacred people, and even the cemetery of the main body of the two rules.

Just here ...


A strange rays are united in front of the sword.

This ray gray, gradually condensed into a shadow.

This is an old man who looks uncomfortable, it is the old, that is, the secret of the secret, the secret.

"See the old man."

Seeing people, swords are unparalleled.

"Little guy, you are coming again."

Go is the hands, the indifferent eyes are solidified in the sword. "When you leave, I will explain you, wait for you to break through the saints, you will come again, but you are now not dead, obviously far away."

"It's over, but this time I am in this world, I have encountered a big crisis. I can't come again. I want to ask you to help you." The sword has no double.

"Do you want me to help you?" You can not help but smile, "Little guy, you are wrong, I am just a secret of a secret, I can't leave this secret, how can I help you?"

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled: "I know that you can control everything in this secret, like the cemetery that I walked before, the corpse is also in the Old, I am in the palm of your hand, I Come, don't do anything, just want to be in your hands from the valley, you have to fight for my world. "

"Is this?" Google old, "The corpse, I did in my hands, but these corpses, all the owners, all the owners, I have been guarding this secret," I have been guarding this secret in accordance with the owner. Everything has to be in accordance with the rules. If you want to get the treasure of the aim of this secret, you have to pass the corresponding test, even if it is just these irrelevant corpses, it is true. "

"I know, but I don't know what tests I need to get these corpses?" The sword asked directly.

"The words of the test ..." Go Valley began to sink. After a while, he once again opened again. "The owner has a lot of tests left in this secret, but these tests are almost more than those who are not dead, and you Finally, it is just a god, even if the master left is the simplest test, you pass the chances of minimalism, and these tests are tested, and if you accidentally, you will fall into the land, so I advise you. Still don't try it. "

"The possibility of passing is very low?" The sword was unparalleled, but he followed him, but it was tight: "Time is urgent, I can't think of other ways, I can resolve this crisis, I have no choice, only Can fight for a fight. "

"You really want to try?" Go Valley is slightly smashed, "Su Han, not me Xiaoyu, but the hostess's means beyond your imagination, the simplest test he left, targeting the soul, Slightly don't pay attention, your soul will be completely annihilated, if you don't listen to me, if you want to try it, you can finally get down from the chance after the test, I am afraid it is much lower than it! "

Google is obviously a number of expectations for swords, so you don't want the sword where you have no way to die.

What he said, it also obviously took advantage of persuasion.

However, he did not know, he moved this, but the sword was unparalleled.

"Test of the soul?" The sword has no double inner heart, "Go is old, I have decided, accept this heavy test."

"Since you are so thin, then I will no longer barely." Go Valley said that the big hand is a wave, and the side of the void immediately out of a space channel.

"This spatial channel is, it is the test of you have to accept. You can accept the test, you can adhere to three hours in this test, you have not died, and you have passed. "

"It's good."

The valley sighed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is not hesitant, directly into the space channel.

Looking at the sword without double into the space channel, the valley shakes his head.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled, but since the sword is unparalleled, he will not stop.

"I hope this little guy will be happy." Google can only think so.


After entering the space channel, the sword is unparalleled directly in a dark void.

This dark void is boundless, and it is the same as that of the ceremony, and the knife is one of the dark voids that fights the Qiankun.

And the sword hasn't doubled into this dark void, and there is no time to view the surroundings.

boom! ! !

A strong strength, but it is already crazy.

This soul is huge, and there is an abnormality in the dark voids and is closely condensed into substances.

In an instant, a huge soul storm is in this dark void, which is still expanding in an amazing speed.

"this is?"

Looking at the soul storm in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, just want to avoid it, but find a few voids near yourself, the same soul is blowing, and it has formed the same soul storm.

These soul storms appeared in all corners of his surroundings, completely blocked his returns, so that he did not escape space.

With the continuous expansion of the soul storm, the sword is unparalleled in an instant.

Booming ~~~

In the storm, there is a lot of soul power to rush to him.

From the soul of all parties used, the source is constantly incorporated into his mind, and it is crazy to hit the essence of the essence in the sea.

"Is the soul shock !!!"

"And still sustainable soul shock."

The sword is unbolded, and when the soul of this soul is noticeed, his body table immediately rose a purple clock.

Zihuang Ben, not only the treasure of the body, and attacking the soul, there is a certain defense effect.

Nowadays, these souls, after the purple crowd, the power will immediately weaken.

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