Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2821 Corps

(Today's six is ​​coming!)


Not long, Go Valley appeared in front of the sword.

"I just went a little, the corpse left in this secret, remove some must stay in the secret to block the cultivator, there are not many remaining." Valley.

"Not much? How much?" The sword asked.

"I have made my best to pick a hundred caid for you, I don't know if I can help you." Google old road.

"One hundred respect?" The sword is unbeded, but it is bright.

"You see." Go Valley waved, and immediately said, there was a void, and it was condensed into a cold figure.

These figures are dead, and they are densely numb. One hundred caids stand in the surrounding void.

The sword is unparalleled to open.

These corpses, the corpses seen before the sword are not two, all of which are copper armor, silver armor with the gold nails.

The copper armor has a general high gods, accounting for a large half, and there are more than one hundred of the nepons. More than 60 are all copper corpse.

The silver armor has a top heroic power, there are thirty respects.

And the rest, it is the golden corpse, there is a ten respect!

"Ten Jinjia corpse, thirty villaenic corpse, there is a sixty bronze army !!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is very excited.

This 100th corpse is the power of 100 respects.

And the weakest are high-spirited, and there is also a top ten golden armor, that is the power of the peak.

All added, this is a strong corpse army!

Yes, it is a corpse army! !

"The Tianxui Army of Tianyong Palace, the size of the two thousand people, there is two hundred big gods, but their great gods are uniform, I am afraid there are many of the first-class big gods, the higher God is absolutely in a few, As for the peak, the big god, the quantity is definitely less! "

"This time I received the day of the virtue of the palace, just half of the Tianxiu army, that is, one hundred great gods, now standing in the corpse argue in front of me, and is also a hundred respect, quite quantity, But in quality, it is obviously the corpse army to occupy an absolute advantage! "

"There is this corpse of the army in hand, plus the power of Red Rockburg and my Sword, now I am in the same day, and our camp is absolutely advantageous!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the bottom is surprising.

At this time, the valley has once again seen it, "Su Han, this hundred caid, you have been satisfied?"

"Satisfaction, very satisfied." The sword has no double-link.

"In fact, such a corpse is nothing, it is only the little girl who is refining before the master's life. But before the master's life, it is possible to refine the sage level, but it is not much in this secret, I You can't give you the corpse of the saints, but I still have a corpse in hand, but I can give it to you. "Go Valley said.

"There is still a respect?" The sword watched the valley.

The old mysteries of the valley smiled, followed, but once again, and the time was blunder.

In front of the sword, there is a corpse that wears a bloody battle, the whole body skin is like a blood cast.

This body is equally dead, because there is no shot, the sword is unparalleled, and it doesn't matter to judge the strength of this corpse.

"Valley is old, this is?" Sword is unparalleled to ask.

"This is the bloody corpse on the corpse of the gold armor. It is also the corpse of the Shenzun level. However, this bloody body is in the gods, and the battle is called invincible!"

"Invincible in God? Invincible God?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, according to the realm of the Taijie Shenjie, his war is a very rare invincible God." Valley smiled.

And I heard this, the sword is unparalleled but it is full of flowers.

There is a hundred corpse corpse formed by the necquey. He has confident that he can definitely defend the army. The only trouble is the invincible God of the Sanyin Hou.

He didn't find the way to fight against the three yin, and now I now give him a higher level, enough to compare the blood armor of the invincible God, how does this not let him surprise?

"Thank you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and you will be busy with your vitality.

"You don't have to be polite, you have leaving the test, this is what you deserved, and just some corpses, it is nothing to do with many opportunities to this secret." Google is faint, Subsequently, he continued to look at the sword.

"Su Han, in addition to these corpse, I can also give you a treasure, this treasure should also have a lot of use, but something is given to you, but you have to promise me a condition."

The sword has no double one, the next conscious looks over, "I have a lot of treasures for me, I don't know what it is?"

"I can give you first."

The valley is smiling, but it is a turf, and there is a deep blue jade bottle in his hand.

Open the bottle plug, a cyan medicine with an adult thumb size appeared in the hands of the valley.

"This is ... Dan medicine?" The sword didn't have a double look, staring at this cyan medicine.

He didn't know this medicinal medicine, but it was able to come from the hands of the valley, this medicinal medicine is definitely not everything.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't know what this Dan medicine has a role.

"Tong Sheng Dan, I don't know if you have heard it?" You smiled at the sword.

"Tong Sheng Dan?" The sword was unparalleled, and the head was shaken.

He didn't dialect the refining Dan, and he was only a wide range of people who were passed through Jinculan.

As for this passage, he did not hear it.

"I don't know, it is also normal, this pass Santa, in the center of the Taijie Shen, is extraordinary in your three days, but in three days, in this remote territory, this passage should only belong to the legend. There is a few people in the middle, and I am old and smirk.

"You have never heard of not tightening, I can tell you this passage of Santanes now."

The sword is nothing to listen carefully.

"Tong Sheng Dan, as the name suggests, is the medicinal medicine leading to the road of saints, its efficacy, in fact, the truth of the Queen Ji Jin Dan at the level of the gods."

"Emperor Jin Dan, can help Tian Shenzun to achieve the great god, can help the big gods break through the realm, and Tong Sheng Dan ... can help the peak of the peak of the bottleneck, breakthrough, breakthrough to the unstead of sacred people !! "

Go is to say this, but the sword is unparalleled, but the moment is instant, and it is rolled! !

Help the peak of the gods, breaking through the unstead of sacred people? ?

That is not dead, the people! ! !


PS: Today, six! !

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