Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2822 Tong Sheng Dan

(The first to come!)


"Is there a few more than?" The sword asked without a double.

"Benglei." Of course, this is for those peaks that do not have any preparation, and strength, they have a chance to achieve a chance to achieve the neutral saints. However, for those strengths and sufficient preparations, and even have a great potential, they have a great potential to swallow Santa, which directly breaks through the chances of unscrupulous saints, and at least 30%. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is even more shocking.

Without any preparation, there is a chance to break through.

After having sufficient preparation, the breakthrough chance can reach 30%?

30%! !

You must know that the royal kingan can make the high gods, breakthroughs to achieve the chance of peak, the same, very small, can be so, but still enough to make many big gods to compete, even for this, don't hesitate to kill.

Like copper, there is a Bacro that has been killed by swords. They are all swallowed an emperor Jin Dan.

This is the case, and this Tong Sheng Dan's value is at least 100 times, or even thousands of times.

The sword is unparalleled. Once this is the news of Santa's news, the whole Danyang Shengjie, and even the whole golden mullet will vibrate.

Countless big gods, countless top power, will come to compete for this medicinal medicine at all costs.

Don't say that those peaks have been honored, even if the invincible gods like Sanshenhou, it is absolutely unable to resist this temptation of Santa Dan, and will fight for life.

After all, a normal spirit of the peak, it is too difficult to break through the unstead of the saints.

Just taking the Danyang Shengjie, a big border, the territory is also a wide vast, but it has been born in the Danyang Shengjie, which is the red stone.

However, the big gods of the gods, all the small and small in the Shengdi, the Danyang, but there is a lot, even the peaks of the gods have some, but they can't really break through the saints, but they want to break through. The hardships of the dead saints.

Once there is a Tong Sheng Dan who can have three% breakthrough, these big gods are not crazy.

"Su Han, you are very good, although there is no peak of the peak level, but the morning and evening will be reached, when you estimate it, you can break the bottleneck, even if you can break through, but you will have a long time for a long time. And this passage can help you. "

"With your talent, as long as the Shenli has accumulated the top, there is a full preparation, with the help of Santa Dan directly break through the chances of unstead of sacred people, at least 50%." Google smiled.

"This medicinal medicine, I can give you now, but the premise is that you have to promise me a condition."

"What are the conditions?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's very simple, I want you to promise, exactly said that it is a sudden vow. If it breaks through the unstead of the saints, it will come to this secret, but go all out to accept the test of the owner, go to get the owner left. What? "Google old road.

"Is this condition?" The sword was unparalleled.

He also thought that the valley's elderly will put forward what harsh conditions, but the result is just to go all out to accept the test of this secret owner.

In fact, even if the valley doesn't say, after the sword is unparalleled, he will definitely come back to this secret after reaching the saints.

This urgency is a powerful rule, which contains endless opportunity, and the sword is unparalleled to this secret, there is a direction.

"This condition, I promised, I can do it now ..."

In the face of the old face, the sword is unparalleled on the spot.

Of course, this vow is not too binding to the sword, and he will not have any damage.

Just, since the sword is unparalleled, since the vows, it must have made every effort to fulfill it.

Seeing the sword without double, the valley is not a smile, followed by a waving, and gave the Tong Sheng Dan to the sword.

In the income of Santan, the sword is unbounded, but the sword is not a happy.

I have a little wrong with the valley. This passage is a certain role in the sword, but it is not large.

No way, he is the perfect chaotic life, the breakthrough of every realm is different from ordinary people.

As the Emperor Jin Dan, for other great gods, it is a great medicine that breaks through its realm, but it is very small for the sword.

So before he got five Emperor Jin Dan in a secret area, he did not swallow a strong, but it was used to recruit a strong.

This is the same, and this is the same.

The sword is unparalleled. If you have successfully reached the level of the peak, you will also accumulate the top, but he wants to break through, nor by the area of ​​Tong Dan can be resolved in the area.

This Tong Sheng Dan, the top can only give him some auxiliary, or to promote the role.

However, the sword is unparalleled or quite happy.

After all, this Tong Sheng Dan does not use it, but others can use it.

And the sword has a suitable candidate, this person is Yin Suer! !

"I promised the red stone saint, I will try my best to help Yin Suer breakthrough in their realm, let her become a saint, can become a non-dead saint, why, I can't really help her, but now ... this Tong Dan, I gave her directly, it was already the greatest extent, as for the time she could break through the saint, I have to see her own creation. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Valley is old, thank you."

The sword has no double, and then he will refine the corpse in front of him. In the income of the Qiankun Rings, with the corpse army to leave the secret.

The second time I entered this secret, the harvest of swords had not been huge.

I got a corpse army, I also got a passage of Hordan, and the power of his soul, I also got a certain tempering.

"There is a corpse army, plus the strength of the Danyang Shengjie, should be enough to fight against the fantastic army, and even occupy the absolute upper wind, and because there is blood nail corpse, even if it is the third Yina, I am not afraid, but ... I have my own strength, I still have to be different. "

"Take the Tianxiu Jun yet yet, I have to upgrade your own strength as much as possible."

The sword is unhealthy.

And now he wants to get a big improvement in his strength, there is only two ways.

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