Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2824 Rotating the Third Heavy

(The third is over!)


The sword is unwinding, and it will be aware of the attention.

"The blood of the top Tianbao level, give me twenty handle, this is 10,000 Santan, you." The sword did not have a Qiankun ring.

Previously, the top four sharp shodes were satisfied, and the sword was unparalleled, and the Santa Dan was got a large number of Santa, plus the navigation of the South Qoushan, more than 20,000.

Most of these Santa Dan have been refined by him, but he also left some, has been demanded by himself.

These Sundans have not many just 10,000, now it is here.

After I took the Qiankun Ring, the Purple Rope was investigated, and she nodded slightly. "The adults waited, I immediately sent you the blood of the blood."

The Purple Robe is ready.

After a time, he once again appeared in front of the sword, and there was a twenty-handed top-pointed Tianbao hierarchy, the Qiankun quarter of the blood of the sword was given the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, then leave the dock.

A vast mountain center.

The mountains in this mountain range stand, these mountain peaks have a yellow hair, this is a desolate mountain range, and people can't smoke on weekdays.

The sword is unparalleled to stand in the center of the mountain, and he stands there soon.


The black sword of the foot of the foot is released, and it is suspended in front of him.

The nine-smelled blood of the sword, every hand, is strong, even more tight than the general top Tianbao.

The power of the reincarnation is naturally more rich.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the words are missing.

In front of him, this nine-handed blood god sword, instant into nine black streams, and the hole wears voids.

Speed, or the same speed, the nine-handed blood of the sword, the gentleness, the power, but when the sword is unparalleled, only the ordinary Tianbao hierarchy, it is much more powerful.

boom! boom! boom! ~~

Each streamway is wearing void, carrying a shocking sound.

Under the unparalleled control of the sword, the nine-smeled blood god swords into nine different directions, bombarded nine different mountains next to them.

!!! ~~~

It's a nine giant rang, almost simultaneously.

That nine original is still a mountain, at this moment, it is actually drunk at the same time. The whole mountain center is wore a huge, spiral cave, but the mountains of the mountains did not collapse.

"Sure enough, I am the most familiar to the palm of the blood of the blood, the most perfect control of the power, the nine-smelled blood of the sword, but there is no one, the power is ly," Sword is unparalleled Smile, "Don't just control the most perfect, and the power of the blood of the blood is obviously better than the previous improvement !!"

"I have no secret surgery now, I'm purely on my own power, with the sense of reincarnation rules, fully driven the nine-sided blood of the blood, any hand, and its power is feared is comparable to the higher God. One hit, and I am going all out, to show many secrets, the bottom card is out, then manipulate the nine-sided blood of the blood, I am afraid that any hand can have the strength of the peak of the peak !! "

"At that time, this nine-sided blood of the sword is equivalent to the nine peaks."

"In addition, I have not really displayed the sword."

The sword has no double with a smile, and it will move.

"Nine swords, all things !!"

! !

Then the original scattered nine-sided blood, the blink of an eye is completely combined.

Time, a black giant wood that exacerilizes the warlon is immediately formed

It is also black giant wood, but this black giant wood appears, and the surrounding of the mysterious reincarnation swirls, the weighted power is also far from being able to compare.

boom! !

The black giant wood suddenly bombards, directly bombards above the largest mountain in front.

The impact of black giant wood, the middle of the giant mountain is running through, and under the madness of the murderous energy, the whole mountain is immediately crashing.

"This power, the blood of the blood of the Tianbao hierarchy, at least ten times!" The sword flashed in a two-layer light.

This is also normal.

Ordinary Tianbao Shen Bing, with the top of the Tembe, this is worse than two levels, and the gap on the power is naturally amazing.

"I have given it to the South Palace main battle. I fully show the second weight of the sword. The result is easy to defeat, but now, the same spiritual level, I will show this heavy sword, should be suppressed to press him. "The sword is unimaced.

Moreover, this is just a second heavy sword array.

With the feelings of swords, there is no sense of reincarnation rules, you can try to grasp the third heavy sword array.

"The Tianquan Master has a command, but the Tian Dynasty is going to assemble, and from the Tianxian world to the Danyang Shengjie territory, how to have a certain time, this time, I can try to control the third Returning back to the sword. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately, in this desolate mountain range, he began to try to take a third round of back sword arranging.

The third round is back to the sword array, named is drunk!

This trick, in general, only the limits of the reincarnation rules can be fully controlled, the sword is very close to this level, he can try to achieve this step in the way to master the drill.

"let's start!"

Deep sucking tone, swords are unparalleled again.

There are nine-handed blood of the blood, plus the previous nine handles, and the foot is ten!

The eighteen-handed blood god sword is the basic condition constituting the third round of returning sword arrays.


As the sword is unparalleled, this eighteen-handed bloody sword will begin to condense in front of the front.

Eighteen-handed blood god sword, the speed of aggregation is very fast.

In the blink of an eye, a new black god sword is to condense.

But just take the last ..., many god swords have broken.

"Is there a failure?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at this scene, but it is not discouraged.

He is very clear, he wants to really control the third heavy sword array, definitely take time.

Unlike the first attempt, it is impossible to succeed.

"carry on!"

The sword is unparalleled, so soon start the second trial.


The sword array collapses.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The third time, the fourth, fifth ... The sword is unparalleled in this.

Failure once, he summed up an experience, summarizing the unique rules contained in the sword array, and the most important thing is that he is on the side of the drill, he is still in the reincarnation rules.

Time passed, a swaying past a year and four months.

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