Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2825 comes!



It is still in the desolate mountain.

! !

Football 18-handed blood god sword, each handle carrying the vast reincarnation rules, the blink is condensed together.

A new black god sword suddenly condensed, this black god sword is five meters long, but the sword is very thin, and the force of the sharp reincarnation rules is more scary, the black god sword slightly trembled, it seems Some are not very stable.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled.

This five-meter-long black god sword suddenly burst out, leaving a perfect arc in the void.

Just as a beautiful black sword is brushing.

This sword is equally drunk.

The round back sword is the third heavy, the rotation is drunk ... The artistic conception contained in this trick is the same as the seventh type of the Sky Swordsmaniced by the sword.

They are intoxicated.


This beautiful black god sword took over the front of the three mountains in front of him, and the horrible power is shocked.

Half rang, the party stopped.

After the pause, the black god sword has a little shake, and it seems to have a trace of collapse, but it is finally supported.

"Drive for a year and four months, also carefully drilled and found it for so long. Is it barely controlled?" The sword is unimaced, and the face is with a smile.

This year, four months, he has been staying here, during which he didn't know how many swordsmanship, he ended in failure.

Failure has not been numerous, but each time failed, he will be proficient in the mastery of this heavy sword.

But these days, this third heavy sword can finally be reluctantly displayed, and after showing it, the sword array will not collapse immediately.

It can be said that he has reluctantly controlled this sword.

Returning to the sword array, one weight is more strong, the power of this third sword array does not make him disappointment, compared to the second weight, it is much more powerful.

"Before I handed over with the Sanyinhou, I have made my efforts to be slightly suppressed by him, but the power is more than him, but I can't put it back to the sword. I can't put my own The feelings of reincarnation rules are completely played, but now it is not the same. "The sword is unparalleled.

Now, he controls the third weight of the reincarnation of the sword, and the power is strong. It is enough to collide with the three yinhou.

If it is combined with his own sword, the time and space rules follow the reincarnation rules to use the limit, he has the battle with the Three Yinhou.

"I am now, I am looking forward to fighting with that Sanyinhou again." The sword has no double smile, but it is shaking, "I am not anxious, I am just a barely mastery of this third heavy sword." In the promotion, I can continue to control it. "

There is no more than a double sword, but immediately began to skilled this sword.

But unfortunately, there is obvious that the Tianxisong Palace is obviously not intended to give him so sufficient.

"Sword, Mr. Yi, speed red stone fort." Yin Suer has already sent it.

Before the sword was unparalleled, I said to Yin Suer, I have been in turn close, I will not take care of the outside world, unless it is the arrival army arriving, don't come to disturb him.

Now Yin Suer is looking for him, naturally, it is natural to be there.

"On the time of the year, the Tianxi army arrived? The speed is really fast enough." The sword was unparalleled, although the control of the third round of returning sword arrays is not completely proficient, but he nor Continue to drill, but immediately went to the Red Rockburg.

In the Red Rockburg, the sword was unparalleled to Yin Su.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, I have already got news, Tian Xijun entered the ice original before the few days ago, and it is estimated that it will be used to use the territory of my Danyang." Yin Suerway.

"Iceland?" The sword is unparalleled.

After knowing that the Danyang Shengjie is about to have a war with Tianxian Community, he carefully explored some information about Tianxian.

He knows that the Danyang Shengjie is connected to the Tianxian Ben, while each other is handed over, it is an ice origin.

The ice original is a border common, and the Tianxianjun is only necessary to pass through the ice cream, you can reach the Danyang Shengjie.

"I originally thought that the Tianxi army secretly used the space channel to appear in a certain space in my Danyang, launched a raid for my Danyang's Shengjie. I didn't expect that they actually passed a positive attack on my Danyang Shengjie." Sword There is no travelers.

The sword is unparalleled. Since it has been in the Danyang Shengjie in Danyang for a while, it is not possible to directly lead to the space channel of the Tianxian in the Danyang Shengjie. .

"Sword, Mr. Yi, I don't know." Yin Suer is a smile.

"Connecting the space channels in the two worlds, indeed, not only the virtual world is left in my Danyang Shengjie, my Danyang Shengjie has also left a space channel in the Tianxian world, connecting the two space channels. It is not so easy to start, and one or two people are not countless, but this time is two trips, that day, the virtual army mobilized half of the scale, and there is a thousand strong people, it is impossible to pass the space channel. Transferred. "

"The consumption of resources is too big, even if it is a Tianxifei Palace, I am afraid I can't support it."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

The farther distance, the farther distance, the greater the cost required to transfer.

It is naturally not that easy to connect between the space channels connected to both.

"You can't rely on the space channel, the Tianxian army can only pass the ice in the Jiuni, and the speed of the Danyang, and it is estimated that it will be used for half a month. We should now go to the edge of the ice. Prepare, will block the Tian Dynasty to block within the ice origin. "Yin Suier said.

"Well, I immediately inform the swords." The sword nodded, and immediately he gave copper.

Now the swords, because they stopped expanding, the top strength is still called by the sword.

In addition, the Shenjun army in the swords has developed rapidly, although it is still just five hundred people, but these five hundred people are all elites, they are all powerful, and they also bring them.

After all, the fake army is not all consisting of the great gods. Most of them are only a sense of God. On this war, the Shenjian army can have certain strength.

It can be said that this battle, the sword is unparalleled.

However, there is more than the swords, and the red stone castle is not only the same.

In addition, in this time, Hongshi Bao has been actively preparing, inviting all parties, and also supports the support of the Danyang Shengjie and the strength of the power. Now I got the instructions of Yin Suer, and I naturally gone.

In just a few days of Kung Fu, many strong people in Danyang have already gathered in the edge of the ice, waiting quietly.

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