Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 290 Blood Eagle

I have no heart to Wan Shijo, which is one of the four majors of Tianbufu. It is much different from each other.

There is no heart to teach the master and the island of Wan Shi Island.

I have a good job in taught, and it is a strong in the bloody list, but I have died one, now only seven. Wan Shi Island also has seven magic kings, but also on the bloody list, high-level combat power, almost quite.

Now the seven prototypes have warred together. The seven magic princes of Wan Shijo are all able to stop the sword. So that the sword is unparalleled in the crowd, it is in the unmanned place.

There is also a good job of taking the law, and the princes of Wan magic is also noticed that the sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, is a swordsman."

North Mu and Coldyang saw the scene of the sword unparalleled, not a laugh.

He didn't pay hands with the sword before, and the sword was unparalleled with the bloody list. He did not feel unexpectedly for this scene, but other other guards were surprised.

"It's him?"

"Northern Mu and Cold Yang introduced, it also recommended him to become the person of the protection method?"

"We all think that this person is too light, the realm is too low, the judgment of Northern Mu and Coldyang is questioned, but now it seems that we are too self-righteous, this sword is old, but the power is indeed It is more than enough to include the blood month. "

"That little child ..." It's been a murderous king of Wan Shikao, but I saw this scene of this scene is slightly cold, and my heart is also in love.

"Haha, bald, it seems that this battle, it will be you Wan Shi is island." The unintentional teacher swaying in the world, he also saw the scene in the battlefield in the distance, seeing the sword unparalleled four-party Scene.

"I didn't expect you to hide a strong man with a bloody list." Wan Shi Island is the Lord, the breath of the bald man not from the cold.

"Of course, although there is no heart, although laughing, I can feel unexpectedly," That is the people recommended by north Mu, Coldyang, oh, he is really good, this battle can win! "

Can win!

The strength of the original parties is not large, and all aspects are very balanced, it is difficult to divide the winning and negative.

This balance, as long as there is a place to be broken, then the entire battlefield will also appear immediately.

Like now with the sword, there is no double big slaughter, Wan magic island numerous And this advantage will grow larger.

"Haha, you have to win!"

"Killing, killing this group of thousands of magic island!"

"Kill them!"

The strong people who have no heart to teach, have roaring, and they are excited.

In the most high-end fashionable battle, there is no heart to teach the main voice, "bald, you can defeat!"

"Is it? Is it?" The head man is strange.

This strange smile makes the unintentional main color, and the bottom is also a disturbed.

Because this decisive battle is there, and Wan Shi is is is close to the unintentional strength. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to divide the battle, even if the battle is difficult to divide, and finally can only fight for each other. Everyone knows this truth, but the Wan Shi Island is the Lord to provoke a decisive battle.

This, there is definitely there is a greasy.

At the same time, at the same time, at the end of the void, a bloody stream is rushing directly into the battlefield at an amazing speed. This blood color flow is the first time, the first time appeared next to a good care.

A blood shadow directly grazes this.

"What?" This kind of protection is not shocked. When you are busy swinging in your hand, you can collide with the sickle, but it is immediately thrown out. Subsequently, the blood color flow is not reduced, caught his head. .


This kind of warfare is frightened, and the spin is rubbed, and the bloody streamer is actually twisted his entire head.

Blood color light is finally emerged, and it is an old man who is in a blood rober who stays with a goat. The goat beard old, the palm is dry, the fingertips are extremely long, and the sharpness is incomparable, like eagle claws.

The head of the prototype that was just killed was caught in one of the claws, and the goat beard old mouth also revealed a strange smile.


The wind is the top, the main color of the most, the main color is changed, and the dead is staring at the goat beard.

"Blood Eagle!" The unintentional teacher has already recognized this old man.

Half Holy Strong Blood Eagle, the plaque ranked 131, although the ranking is lower than him, the front is killing, no heart, the owner is also defeated, but the key is that he is now The Lord of Wan Shi Island is half a holy.

He was tangled by Wanji Island, and he can resist the blood eagle.

"Breast, you have invited the blood eagle?" Cooperate, the main color is cold.

"Haha, you have no heart to teach strength, if you don't ask for blood, I will be able to play with you again?" The head man smiled.

On the battlefield, the bloody eagle killed a good protection method, and then he continued to kill the second place, and he stared on the law, and he was the Wuwu.


When I saw the bloody eagle, I killed him, and the black-faced colors changed. At this moment, he also cared for this battlefield, just want to escape to keep his own life, but the bloody eagle is too fast.

It's easy to catch up with him, then join hands with a devil in Wan Shikao, and kill the Wuwu!

"The second one." Blood eagle is open, and the eyes are spread, but also solidify in the third sings of noise.

This third place guards, but it is cold.


Blood eagle is directly blusted for blood color flow.

Just on the bloody eagle into the battlefield, while starting to open the killing, the sword of the wilderness of Wan Louis is unparalleled. The three kids in the hands have a shock, and then it is immediately changing immediately.

"Three killed swords broke through." The sword was unparalleled with the three killing swords, and it also revealed a soft feng.

Three killed swords, from the second product low-level god soldiers, upgraded to the second series of mid-level soldiers, although it is just a small level of improvement, it is this small level, but the three killing swords have improved to a new realm. .

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody eagle in front of the battlefield is rushing into the battlefield, and the scenes who have killed the two major laws.

"Half Holy!" The sword was unparalleled, and the merits were slowly litter.

"My sword is broken, the three kids swords can also improve, with my current strength, just a yang deficiency level, even if it is a strong in the bloody list, there is no threat to me, and only half of the holy The strong, qualification, let me go all out! "

"The blood month list ranked first hundred thirty-one blood news!"

"Just use your blood, come to feed the three killer swords that I just broke!"


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