Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 291 Wars Half!

This decisive battle, originally because of the relationship between the sword, there is no heart, it is already in an advantage, but with the blood eagle, and in an instant to kill the two protection laws that do not have a heart, the situation is mutated, and no heart will change the moment. Disadvantage.

The blood eagle is in this moment, and the third guidance of no heart is cold.

"Coldyang, quickly escape!" North Mu, who was fighting not far, shouted.

"Damn." Coldyang saw the bloody eagle to kill him, the completion became ugly to the extreme.

He wants to escape, can be entangled in a Wan Shikao, the magic of the island in front of him, found a chance, and the bloody eagle has also appeared not far from him, then the eagle-like claw is a blood color. Dragonfly, lightning, grabbed him.

Cold yang faces.

Can be disrespectful ...


Nearby voids, a huge swirls appeared, and in the heart of the whirlpool, there was a smart-eyed sword light. This sword is directly facing blood eagle. If the bloody eagle does not shock, this sword is complete Blood eagle can be brought into two paragraphs.

"Well?" Bloody eagle browned, looked at this sword, and then immediately changed to the sword light.


The two confessed, but a sound like a metal impact.

The bloody eagle is sustained, and if you want to see why the person who is exhibiting this sword is, it can suddenly a thigh is a long whip, producing a harsh air explosion, and he is fierce, blood eagle Cold, the figure immediately fails.

"Cold Yang, okay?" The sword was in the cold sun.

"Swordsman." Coldyang is now happy, but then it is a sense of service: "Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, this person is given to me to deal with it." The sword watched the bloody eagle in front.

"Okay, you are careful." Cold Yang heads up.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bloody eagle has seen the past, the latter is also staring at him.

"Hey, I don't know how to die, I will die for the old man."

The blood eagle is cloudy, and the figure is immediately brushed into the bloody stream light. The sharp and cold claw is also attacked again. This time, this time, even the void is a paw margin toward five paws.


The Semizu-terrible claws are made from the bloody eagle, and it is even more creepy.

However, in the face of this claw, the sword is unparalleled, but it is close to the shape of the body, and the three killer swords are in front of the sky, and they are directly angry.

"Nothing, , sixth style!"

The gorgeous and eye-catching sword is in front of the sky, this void is just empty, but it can suddenly have a horrible bloody claw, and this sword is in the chapter of this claw.

A loud noble, terrible power broke out, and the scary swords of the two were scared by the two people and the smell of flowers were swept out of the four sides.

Close to the sword is unparalleled, the most recent dozens of bloody eagle, the strong people in Wan Shiko, the first time is affected, or being opened, the chest, shot down the thigh. Unlucky is directly cutting out the head, and the Napidal energy is too rapid, too intensive.

In an instant, the surrounding square is 100 meters, dozens of giants fall from high altitude.


"This, what happened?"

Surroundings around the battle are completely stunned, a sword that is full of stunning eyes is unparalleled, and the blood eagle has seen it.

"It's a sword, it is him!"

"He actually blocked half of the holy strong eagle?"

Many strong people who are unintentional immediately recognize the sword.

At the most collision of the most central.

"This kid ..." The blood of the blood is also shocked. He has a half-holy strong person who is fully out of his hand, facing the little guy who is gently in front of you, and the spiritual power is only a small guy who has become a small yang. Does not occupy the wind?

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, but it is cold, followed by him, and the swords of the sky form a road tide water, and it is covered with the blood of the eagle. These tides are crazy.


Bloody eagle only feels that he is in a mud pond, the body is very hindered at this moment, and it is also possible to have no swords with swords, but this moment has been defeated.


The body of the blood eagle faded out.

"I go all out, hard to hard, it is in the wind?" Blood eagle is incredible.

The sword is unparalleled but smile, "I collided on the front, I dominated!"

"The frontal collision is spelling, it will kill him at speed."

Bloody eagle is cold, the body is abrupt, I saw a bloody stream in the void, and I have already arrived on the side of the sword when I appeared, and the claw flashed. come.


The claws pass through the sword without double head, but there is no fresh blood flow out.


The sword is unbolded, the appearance of the bloody eagle, three kids swords into Thunder lightning, directly attacked.

"Speed, actually so fast?" Blood eagle was shocked, and he turned to blocked this sword.

Subsequent swordsmith out of swords.

I saw a sword light, or anger, or a burst, or horizontally, each sword passed the world, so that the swordsman power rose, the speed is also amazing, the world is even more outbreak, even Unexpectedly, the bloody eagle as if it is in the ocean.

Bloody eagle glanced over the eyes, used in both hands, and the claws crazy hit it, but only very bubblely put these swords and light, but found the opportunity to counterattack.

The most important thing is that I have been around those who are around his body like a tide sword.

These swords are crazy, and his strength has been greatly limited, and the speed is also reduced, and it has become more and more speeds of swords.

"The positive collision is not enough. Now even the speed is more than, he has this special means to hinder my strength. I'm not his opponent." Blood eagle is shameless, although not far apart, can be true It is indeed this.

He is not a sword unparalleled opponent.

"This kid, it's terrible!"

"If I continue to kill him again, I am afraid that I have a risk of life!"

Just just kill the sword unparalleled, this bloody eagle has no temper.

"Wan Shi island owner, you can't say it before, there is no heart, there is a powerful power!" Blood eagle crazy against the sword unparalleled offensive, while the mouth emitted.

This roar is not comparable, passing through the entire battlefield, making the battlefield no heart, the strong people of Wan Shijo have heard clear, and the next scene, even the many strong people present are stunned. .

"Wan Shi island owner, I promised you to die, but it is also within the scope of my life, but now I have been threatened by my own life, and the previous agreement will be made, say it! "

The bloody eagle was smashed, but then turned and fled directly.

The half-holy, the bloody list is ranked first, and it is necessary to escape.


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