

Half the holy strong, actually turned away?

"Blood Eagle ..." Wan Shijo is at this scene, and in his mind, he is echoating the bloody eagle. "The life is threatened? The other side is just a small guy who is a yang, it can be Threatening to his life? "

No matter how many strong people around, the bloody eagle has indeed begun to escape.

However, he had to escape, but he has to pass the sword unparalleled consent.

"Since it is here, it is still completely left." The sword did not have a double-cold laughter in the world, then directly chased the eagle, the blood eagle was in the sword unparalleled in the sword. The speed has been greatly limited, and the sword is unparalleled. It is easy to catch up with him.

"Kid, I have already left, don't plan to fight the battle between your two parties, don't be too much!" Blood eagle glanced over the sword behind him, coldly.

"Exhaus? You will take the two major protection laws that I have no heart, is it too much?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is a laughter. "It's hard to touch a similar opponent, I will Let you leave so simple. "


The sword is unparalleled directly to the blood of the blood.

"Kid, do you really think that you can kill me?" Bloody eagle face, and it took the water.

"Killing it is not killing, don't you know?"

The sword is unpacking, keeping up with himself, but there is a murderous land, killing like a cloud, all the world seems to have become dark, and under this pound, killing, present Many strong people are not published in their hearts.

The sword is unparalleled with the three kids in his hand. When you lifted, behind him, a giant shadow appeared in the sky. This giant is suffocating, and the long sword in his hand is also raised. Suddenly swaying.

Blood empty sword, first style!


In the face of a sword, it will strike the blood of the eagle, and the strong power will not help but feel a heartbeat.

"This is ... Killing this source?" Blood Eagle was shocked.

Just sword is unparalleled with him, it has always been the world of the world. Although it is very perfect, it also leads to a relatively balance between him, not particularly strong, he dares to say that the sword is unhappy.

Kill the source, it is completely different.

With the killing of the killing, attacking power is much stronger than the world's own source.

This sword like swords is unparalleled, and the power is shocked.


Bloody eagle glanced at the eyes, did not have any reservations at this moment, they were desirable, he was very clear, if he didn't fight, he tried to be here today.

"Blood ghost!"

Bloody eagle, there is a bloody, the blood is filled, and the blood is filled, but the blood is all over his palm, his fingertips immediately become red, and the eyes are equally scarlet.

Then, the wild wolf directly pounced directly to the prey, the blood eagle went out, and then wandered, and it was a tear.

! The air has a strong sound explosion.

But when the killing sword is coming ... Boom!

It is completely destroyed, and the strongest strongest recruitment of the blood eagle does not have any weightlessness.

"Is this impossible?" Blood eagle is incredible, I can't believe that my strongest trick will act so unbearable.

"Sword, is the sword in your hands ..." Blood eagle stared at the sword and unparalleled, exactly, staring at the three killer swords in the sword.

He is also seen now, the sword is unparalleled, the long sword is not true.

"Don't struggle, you are dead, it is, it can't wait to drink your blood." The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is in front of the bloody eagle. I can't escape, I can only struggle.

But this struggle only continues to work hard, hey! laugh! As the sound of the Sword Holder in the Sword, the breath of this bloody eagle began to dissipate, and before the death, he sent an anger in the bloody eagle, echoing throughout the world.

"Wan Shi Island, you harm me!"

The sound is shocked, rumbled over the entire battlefield.

The whole battlefield is quiet, everyone looked at the blood of the bloody eagle to fall down.

Everyone is very exciting.

The price of a genuine half-holy, is it so dead? It's a young power that is just a yang yang, it is.

"Withdraw, fast!"

The uppermost tens of voids made a scream, at this moment, he is also anxious, his ear is now echoing the blood of the blood eagle.

Bloody eagle, Wan Shikao a mash is understood to fall in the bottom of the eye, the most important thing is that the sword is unparalleled to make a hand, with his strength, you can easily gently kill all the magic of Wan Shijo.

This battle is undoubted, and Wan Shi is is already defeated.

It is very miserable.

And they also deliberately invited the helper, but the result, or defeated.

And everything is because of a person, this person is a sword!

"There is no heart, there is still such a young power, and is only the ?" Wan Shi Island is dark, and a face is helpless.

Tanowen is the one who begins to retreat. This retreat has become a defeat, and there is no heart to teach one party nature to be chasing.

"Haha, kill them, kill them!"

A large number of unintentional strong people are exciting, and they are in the big magic of Ten Island.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled eagle, he did not take those people who chased Wan Shijo, and even the devils of Wan Shijo, he didn't put it in your heart, his eyes saw the sky, In the end, it is solidified in the owner of the island.


The sword has no double shape, and the time appeared on the side of the Wan Shi Island.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the main color of Wan Shijo is now changed.

"Haha, swordsman little brother, we join hands, will kill this 10,000 Zighize Island, how?" No heart is smiling and looking at the sword, the words are very polite.

"I also have this point." The sword was unparalleled.

"Worse." The main eyes of Wan Shiko, but the next moment is not hesitant to turn it directly.

"You can't escape." The sword has always stared at the owner of Wan Shijo, and seeing his body shape, knowing his intention, immediately shot immediately, just see the moment of swords like the tide, go.

Wan Shijo is falling into it, and the impact of swords is suddenly reduced.

And the sword is unparalleled with the unintentional leader does not give this opportunity to struggle for this Ten Island, and kill the past.


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