Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 293 First Guard

On the strength, Wan Shijo is better than the bloody eagle. In the sword, there is no double with no heart, and the two people are not able to persist, they are directly killed.

"This bald is fighting for a few years. Nowadays, it is dead." No heart is standing in front of the corpse of Wan Shijima, then, then look at the sword unparalleled, smiled: "Swordsman Xiao brother, your sword It is also special in the field, if it is not that the sword is limited to his speed, we are not so simple if you want to kill him. "

"Some small means." The sword is unparalleled but only smiles.

Sword field!

This is a very unique and strong sword, it is just a three-grade sword sword, but the value is not less than those of the second products, and even more.

"You can not be small." There is no heart to teach, "Today, the swordsman brothers you have killed a half-hunt, this energy, even if I am, it is not as good, and so many people look When it comes, I believe that there will be your name soon, and the ranking must be very boring, at least it is high. "

There is no heart to mind, the strength, the sword is indeed better than him, this is unquestionable.

After all, he made his best to defeat a half of the holy, but it is impossible to kill a half.

Defeat and kill, completely two different concepts.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it kills a front.


The decisive battle between the two majors, with the blood eagle, Wan Shijo, finally, finally

I have no heart to get a great victory. As for the island, the island owner is dead, the tree is scattered, I am afraid how long it takes, this 10,000 magic island is afraid that there is no longer exist.

This battle, also sensational, especially the blood of the bloody eagle and the Lord of Wan Shijo, and there were countless strong people in Tianbo.

Similarly, a name also spreads.


With the spiritual force of Yang Shi, kill the blood eagle in front of him, and then join hands with the unintentional teacher to kill Wan Shi island, its horrible strength, make everyone amazed.

And on the second day, there was a huge change in the bloody list of the updated every day, including the name of the swordsman.

"Swordsman, rank ninety-nine!"

"Yang deficiency is small into the spiritual force, it is determined, he is alone, killing half of the holy and strong blood, and the blood eagle is in the peak state, in the planetary list, many holy strong people, although strength There is a strong weakness, but there are not many records, but there are not many records, so my blood moon restaurant recognizes the swordsman enough to rank the ninety-nine people in the bloody list! "

The blood moon restaurant is determined, and the anti-double record of the addition of the sword is indeed, and his strength is naturally recognized.

"Haha, the ninth place in the bloody list, ranking in the top one hundred, more than I have a lot more."

In the hall of the unintentional, there is no heart to sit on the law, and there are no heart to hold the latest blood month list. I saw the rankings. I couldn't help but laugh, I didn't have a breath.

The sword is indeed more than him, he also admits that the ranking is high, normal.

"Swordsman, you can be famous here." There is no heart to laugh.

"Rank ninety-nine?" The sword was unpaired and wiped his nose and smiled.

The few guards next to him also had no double trove with swords, and there is only five great wars. There is only five ways to protect the law. Among them, there is a familiar north Mu, the two people in Coldyang are live a good job.

"Listening." The unintentional teacher suddenly positively, solemnly: "From today, the swordsman is the first protector of my no heart, the status is not on me, said his order, it is your own protection. Have you listened, have you listened to it? "

When I heard this, several of the north Mu, the cold rugged, said, the radius, one, the sword, no double, respect, "I saw the first guidance."

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but dumb.

"Swordsman, before I have an eye, I don't know Taishan, and now the first care of the law, you don't want to spend." There is no heart to say.

"First Protective ..." The sword has no double sinks, nod, "Yes."

"Haha." There is no heart to teach, and then said: "There is also the blood front team, before, the blood front team has been in charge of it, but now he is dead, this blood front team returns to the sword, you, how? "

"Okay." The sword nodded, but he followed it: "But I will put it on the cultivation of the time on weekdays. If there is no very important thing, I will not come out or shoot."

"This is no problem." There is no heart to nod. "Although you are just a yang, there is a half-holy war, as a half-holy strong, some trivial things need you to shoot, unless it is very good, even I can't help but I will come to you. "

"That's okay." The sword nodded, and I directly agreed.

Soon the sword is unparalleled into the first method of protecting the law and the news of the blood front team is spread throughout the whole.

There are no accidents of many strong people who are unintentional, after all, they have clearly seen the strength of swords in the battlefield, and this first protective is true.

The blood front team is sensational.

The strong people of the ninth team are even more surprises, and the sword is unparalleled and returned to the manor and celebrates.

In the evening, a dark is dark.

The sword is sitting in the bed of your room, secretly sinking.

"The environment of the Datang Dynasty is basically familiar, then you can start my plan." There is a heavy light in the sword.

On the way to the Datang Dynasty, he thought of a plan, but he never implemented.

But now, the timing is almost.

I saw the sword where there was no double, and I immediately appeared a bloody figure in front of him.

This bloody shadow is in a bloody robes, and the face is also with a bloody monster, murderous, and the whole person stands like the Luo's death in hell.

And this figure, it is a sword unparalleled kill.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three killer swords will be given to their own killing.

"From tonight, your name is called 'south', go." The sword has no double.

The killing is slightly nodded, and immediately disappears immediately after leaving the room. I have disappeared in the moonlight.

"From tonight, my killing is divided into three killer swords in the Datang Dynasty, and challenges the strong people, and my own respect, then stay here, let go of the world of this source!" The sword is unparalleled .

Killing is aware of your own consciousness, self-knowledge, can be separated from the idea, naturally you can leave the killing.

Books and division of labor cooperation.

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