Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 294 a year

One of the Datang Dynasties, the 21st, nine days.

There is a strong power in the Nine-Tianfu, and the palace of the Qianlong Palace is a half-holy strong, named after the fire.

This fire ranks a hundred and thirty-eight in the blood month list, which is much lower than the bloody eagle that once died in the sword.

This fire should be a relatively unpredictry in the half-holy.

The Millennium Palace is nest, a purple hazelnown is unpaired and comfortable to lying on a bed, and there are two beautiful siki in the surrounding servant, and there is a beautiful wine in front of him.

Suddenly ... Boom!

A dramatic roaring ruthlessly sounded in the entire monatic palace, followed by a low voice, also resounded in the world.

"Refurbious, very pleasant."

The fire has changed, and the body shape appears above the empty, seeing people.

Come on a bloody roban, with a bloody monster mask, holding a long sword, killing the sky.

This killing of the sky has caused the whole monted palace into a cold cold.

"Who are you?" The fire frowning looked at the blood and rude men in front of him, and the killing of the latter made him feel a bit.

"My name!" The sword is unparalleled, "I will come to you today, just for the battle with you, do it!"

"Haha, ridiculous, there is no nameless generation included in a two-blooded moon, and dare to challenge me?" The fire smiled coldly.

"Killing you, my name will appear on the bloody list." Killing is not too much nonsense, and it is directly.

"Looking for death!" The fire is furious, then kills directly with the sword unparalleled killings.

This battle, only the momentum of the moment is taken over.

The half-holy strong fire was killed on the spot.

The next day, the updated blood monthly list, "South" name and the record of him killing the fire.


The sword is unparalleled, "South", in the Datang Dynasty, and challenge the strong people.

On the strength, although the killing is divided into a slight difference, it is not a lot of difference, and the sword is unparalleled. It is like the sword, and the killing is also known, plus three kill swords. In the hands of killing, this leads to the strength of killing the general semi-stronger.

And the most important thing, killing is aware of the source of killing, this needs to be improved in the constant killing, but the world's origin is different, the world's source does not need crazy killing, the sword is unparalleled, you can rely on your own. .

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to let this respect the killing.

Killing this is a big killing, self-inductance of killing.

The present is left in the heart of the world, and you will be intimate to the world.

This is in the face of each other, and both of them are in two origins.

Time is in a hurry, spring go to winter, a year in the past.

In this year, Tianbufu is not peaceful, and several big things have taken place.

The first thing, Wan Shi is is destroyed, and there is no heart to swallow with other two parties. It is the most beneficial to teach the benefits, plus the unhappy, and the sword is unparalleled. Rank ninety-nine topballs in the list, no tricks in the Tianbufu, there is no two.

The second thing, a half-holy, a half-famous strong, established "Liu Yemen" and rapidly rising, soon replaced the Wan Shikao, which became one of the four major power of Tianbu, more It has been covered with other two major forces, and it has a situation with unintentional chambers.

Third things, "Liu Yemen" is destroyed, the door is willing to kill, and there is no intention to teach all the sites of "Liu Yemen" in an instant moment, and then take the other large forces, and finally It is recognized as the first forces of Tianbufu.

These three things have caused great movement in Tianbufu.

And especially the last three things caused by larger.

That Liu Yemen's main willow leaf, the strength is indeed strong, and it is also enough to discharge the top 100 places.

He established the rapid rise of Liu Yemen, and there was a lot of confrontation, and even Liu Ye also made a long time to fight against the heart of the heart. As a result, there is no heart to defend, and it is dangerous. A life.

After coming back, there is no heart to teach the main, please ask the sword and unparalleled, please no double shot.

The unintentional teacher is originally intended to fight with the sword without two people. The result can be the night, the sword, the sword, the sword killed one person, after a night, after the fight, the whole willow Ye Gate, a large number of strong people were directly killed, and they were also in the hands of the sword unparalleled with Liu Yemen.

It is vibrating throughout the sky.

The next day, the row of swords is unparalleled on the bloody list again, and it has already been ranked as 86!

After that, after the war, the entire Tianpai, there was anything, there was anything, dare to provoke no heart.


There is a lake outside of the city. This lake is located in a remote week. It can be seen in half a year ago, the sword is unparalleled. He will see him in the lake, and hold the fish rod fish. Fishing.

At the same time, after his body, he still followed two strong people.

At this time, the positive is dusk, the sun, the world is quiet.

The sword is unparalleled and closed, and this serene is surrounded.

He likes this quiet, in this quiet, he will feel that the speed of the world is a lot more than usual.

This is half a year, he will come here to fish almost every day, a day is a day, in fact, his mind is not on the fishing, but placed on the source of the world.

In this sentiment, his progress is also huge, although the sentiment of the world's origin is still in the "potential" level, the same level gap is also very large.


The potential of the heavens and the earth, driving the native origin, the number of supplies, but is determined by the extent of this source.

Although the sword is unparalleled, although it has reached the "potential", it can also push the heavens and the earth. It may be more than one or two of the heaven or earth from the top of the heaven and earth, and he is a year, and he is now greatly improved. He, the main source of the heavens and the earth, and a few are also eight or nine.

Eighth-nine-year-old native origins, it is much stronger than one or two of the heavens and the earth.

In addition, in the past year, his spiritual force has also been refined, from the original yang deficiency, a breakthrough has reached the yang deficiency.

Yang deficiency, every small level gap is not small, the sword is unparalleled from Yang, and it has also improved a large truncation, and the promotion of this source is also improved.

In just a year, he has a lot more than before.


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