Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 295 flying over

call out!

Sitting quietly in the lake, the sword is unparalleled, the wrist is said, picking the fish rod, there is a big squid with a blue white, the sword is unparalleled from the fish hook, put it into the fish.

After the sword, there is no two, the two people with magic shadow. These two people have a good relationship with swords when they have the ninth squad. After the sword is unparalleled, the two people have been following him. .

"Protecting the law, you are really not small today." Taishan laughed.

"OK." The sword has no double nodded, looked up and looked at the sky, "Not too early, go back."

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and the bamboo pole is resistant to the shoulders, and the city is slowly moved, and the Taishan followed the magic shadows.

I have just been going long, but the sword is not a double look, but I looked up and looked at a void. There was a body shape that was rushing. That figure is relatively small, it should be a woman, and the age does not seem to Big.

"Was mess, I will have to catch up with them. My sister will still have to arrive. What should I do?" This petoid shadow hurried, it seems to be escaping, and she also pays attention to it. The sword in the ground is unparalleled.

This petite figure is bright, and the body shape is also touched immediately.

"Triple, help, help me." The petite figure shouted in the sword.

"Stand!" Taishan appeared in the first time in the sword in the first time, stop this petoid shadow.

"Where is the small calling flower, roll away." Taishan sound is cold, low.

The sword is unparalleled, and people have seen it.

This petite figure said that she is a flower, and it is really not too.

I saw her wearing a broken clothes, the hair is messy, and it is also dirty, it looks only to fifteen or six years old, like it is awkward.

No matter whether the sword is unparalleled, the two people in Taishan Mount are clear, this is the Datang Dynasty, the kingdom of death!

Here, even if it is really called a flower, it will never be simple, let alone this is in front of it, but it has just been embrace, and it can show that her strength is not general.

"Tany, some people are chasing me, please also ask three to help me to resist a while, I have a Qiankun ring, it is from a half of the holy strong, and the three only promises, I will be this Qiankun. True to you. "This is a dirty girl.

The sword is unpaired, and the next consciousness, the Qiankun ring, conscious, seeing a large amount of treasures in Qiankun and the purple crystalline fluid.

"It's true." The sword has a little quirky.

The treasure of the Qiankun and the amount of the purple crystalline liquid are very much more than the full house of half the Holy Strong.

The sword is unparalleled. How is this girl who seems to be only a fifteen or older girl in front of you?

The sword is unparalleled, but he looks up to the front square sky. He has seen there in ten things in the face.

"They are here." Dirty girls have changed.

Ten gods, every breath is unparalleled, so that it appears above the empty space, which is a black old man.

"Half Holy." The sword was unparalleled to see this black old man, and the look could not help but move.

The old black old man is half-holy, and others will actually be all the peaks of yang.

These lineups, in the territory of Tianbu, there is not much power to take it.

The old man is eyeking down, and it is instantly solidified on the dirty girl.

"Kid, handed out the girl." The old man is low.

The sword is unparalleled with black clothes, low Shen said: "She is there, you have to catch her, although it is, what do you do with us?"

"Oh?" Black old brow picks.

"We are walking." The sword is unparalleled, and then the old man is in the dark, and a bamboo pole turned to leave.

Taishan and magic shadow are naturally old and old, followed by swords.

"You ..." The dirty girl is a little anxious, and it is suddenly a turn, and even shouted: "You, how this is like this, lie to me to give you the thing, you will drop it now I do not care?"

This will sink the sword.

Sure enough, the black dress above the empty heard the shape immediately and immediately push it down, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Kid, she handed it to you?" The old man is cold.

"No." The sword is unparalleled is just the word cold.

"Yes, you can clearly promise, as long as I hand over the things, you will stop them, but now I see their strength, when the turning turtle is coming?" Dirty girl Then be anger.

"Kid, put things out." The old man is low.

"I finally said, she didn't give me anything." The sword has become a bit cold.

"Didn't you give it?" The old man smiled. "In this case, then give me three Qiankun Rings, let me find it again, if there is anything, I will leave you?"

"Try to find my Qiankun ring?" The sword is unparalleled, but the smile is like a blade, "I will be qualified to be qualified?"

"court death!"

The old man is angry, the body is moving, and the distance of dozens of feet is spanning. The voids in front of the sword have been broken, and the amazing angry explosion sounds, and the palm of the terrible power is directly parallel. The head took over.

The anger in the sword is also finally challenged.


The sword is unparalleled, even too lazy, just just five fingers, together with a fist, a terrible force aggregated in the hand, then the direction of the old man is in the direction of the black.

A boxing, the vast world of this source broke out, and the world was introduced.


A loud noise, then the shape of the black old man was directly slammed out, the wolf's arms retired enough to stop the body.

"How can it be?"

The old man is a strong horror.

"Just just yang deficiency is ..." The old man thought of this, but immediately turned out a name.

"Yang deficiency is big, carrying the long sword, and still young, are you a swordsman?" The old man shouted.

The sword is now ranked eighty-sixth place in the bloody list, and it is still ranked into the rankings of Yangui Dacheng. The famous arrogance is very large. This black dress can't recognize the sword. You can see it. The strength of the sword is unparalleled, immediately recognize it.

"I know is the name of my adult, and I don't hurry with you." The magic shadings on the side drink.

"Hey, swordsman." The old black old man is somewhat gloomy, looking to the sword is unparalleled, "I know you, you are now very famous throughout the Tianbufu, but your gut is really unsained, even my house owner You dare to intervene! "

When I heard this, the sword was unbentered.


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