Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 296 Sister?

House owner?

It is important to know that in the Datang Dynasty, although the gang is much more, these gangs will intend to avoid the name of the government.

Only because the Datang Dynasty is divided into the twenty-one government, this twenty-one government has a house owner, which is carried out by the true top power of the Datang Dynasty, and in general, serving as the owner It is all strong.

In the territory of Tianbu, it is qualified to be called the host, and it is natural!

"Tianbufu people?" The sword was unparalleled with the old black old man, and the face was slightly sinking.

Unintentional is recognized as the first forces in Tianbu, but this is not included in Tianbu itself.

The Heavenly House of Tianbu, although the old man in front of him is just a half-holy, but its strength is far from the Holy Saint.

Among the rankings of the blood month list, the Heavenly Hall is just half, but it is ranked twenty-first.

It is necessary to know the twenty-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-life, but they are low, what is the meaning of the Tianbao host?

Describe the true strength of the Tianbao Premium, compared to the unusual context, strong, so he can become the Lord of a family, become a hegemon of the Datang Dynasty.

The sword is unparalleled to catch this, and the girl is actually the Tianbufu. It is nothing wrong with him. It is nothing to do with him. It can be biased, but the girl is hard, but there is a thing to say that there is something to make him. In the hands, and the people of this day also believe it.

"Kid, since you have already known our origin, then you will have to make that things, otherwise my householder is anger, once, don't say you, even if you teach, just in an instant, you will be asze." Black old people cold Channel.

The sword is unparalleled, "Tianbufu people are idiographs like you don't have a brain, I said that she didn't give me anything, I don't believe it, if you want to do it, I will accompany it. "

The sword is unparalleled.

What is Tianbufu?

He doesn't want to provoke Tianbufu, but he does not mean that he is afraid of the Tianbo Prefecture.

The black older is gloomy, and the body is killing. "No matter what, you can never let you leave, do it, three, kill them!"

When Tianbu's strongman is headed by the old man, it is directly in the sword.

"You are two, you will be careful." The sword watched the Mount Taishan and the magic shadow.

Taishan and the magic shadow look, it is tuned, as for the dirty girl hiding in the end, while the sound of the sound is unparalleled to the sword: "As soon as you help me block them, I will be enough, I will immediately It's coming, my sister arrived, they didn't you. "

"Hey, you do this, your sister will not be a good color." The sword did not give this girl good face.

Today, this is not the relationship with him, and it is involved in it without any reason.

It can be said that it is a disaster, causing all this, it is this dirty girl, and the sword is unparalleled to her, and she will not have any good face.

The old man with the sky is directly killed by the Yangxiao peaks of Tianbufu.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the long sword behind, although it is just an ordinary long sword, but with the sword without a pair of hands, the long sword also burst into a strong power, a sword anger, rumble ~ ~~ The whole world is stirred up, this sword seems to drive the strength of the world.

A sword is swept in the moment of being ruined.

In the moment of sword light, the old black dress couldn't help but show the color, but immediately sent a burst of explosion, "Fast, shot together!"

Immediately, the old man with the ten, Tianbu, Yangyu peak, the strong, but even if it is just that the sword is unparalleled, but their body shape is directly separated by this sword. Go out.

"How can it be?"

"Is it so strong?"


The old man with the old man with Tianbufu is shocked.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled. It is much stronger than too much than the general half.

"I just had that sword, I didn't do it." The sword was unparalleled, echoed in the world.

He is telling the truth, just that sword, he just broke out the power to use the origin. You can use only the fifth style of the sword, and the sword is not exhibited, and it is natural. Shot.

When I heard this, the black old man stood there was that.

It is at this time ...

The whole world is suddenly solidified.

The wind in the void is stopped, and the rain, the rain drops, the raindrops are suddenly solidified in the void.

At this moment, the sword in this void is unparalleled, the black elderly, and the many strong people of Tianbu are only feeling that their breathing is completely paused, and it is barely able to keep a consciousness, but their figure is This moment I wanted to move the slightest.

Time seems to be completely paused.

"This, what is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

At the Taishan, the magic shadow behind him, there is still a black old man in front, and the many of the people in Tianbu is full of eyes, and it is very horrified.


This is probably the most amazing time since these people since cultivation.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but rise in my heart.

Only the dirty girl saw this scene, but I laughed, "My sister is coming."

After saying this, the girl was jumping, and the time and space, surrounded by it, and the girl did not seem to have any constraints.

Although the sword is unparalleled and the old man is not able to move, but can still be reluctant to lick the eyes in that direction.

Among their sights, a faceless cannot be described in the language, the woman in cold frost is in a white dress, slowly stepped.

Her skin wins snow, both eyes are like a clear water, have a temperament of Elegant and Gao Hua, let people take it, self-defeating, do not dare, but the cold proud of the spirit is quite a huge soul, but people can't The soul of the soul.

"She, is she a god?"

A strong man in Tianbu blocked his throat, muttered.

The goddess is indeed undoubtedly with the god.

Even the sword is unparalleled and the beauty of this woman is also shocked.

This woman is only in the sky, and the world is rare! This sentence is undoubted to be used to describe this woman in front of him.

It's so beautiful, there are many in the field, many of them have seen a wide range of knowledge, and the old people are alive for hundreds of years, but they have never seen the women who have achieved such levels.

And the most important thing is that this woman has a horrible, making everyone feels a sturdy strength!


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