Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 297, the first, cold as frost!

"Domain?" The sword is unparalleled. The surrounding time and space seems to be fixed. He is exhausted and unable to make his body shape, and it is also horrified.

This means, it is terrible!

It is also too incredible!

"Maybe it is more than the domain." The sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, the pace of the white woman who attracted all people's dependence and finally stopped, such as nine days of gods standing there.

"Sister." Dirty girl came to this white woman.

"It's a matter of trouble?" The white girl watched the past.

The dirty girl spitted the tongue, then pointed to the many strong people of Tianbu: "I only blame them, I just steal their things, and I have to apologize, but they still don't indiolent Chasing me. "

The white woman's scorpion is cold, and the people in Tianbu have seen it.

At this point, the many strong people of Tianbu include the head of the holy hierarchy of the head, and there is no heart to shave. The old man is even more connected: "You, I am waiting from Tianbu, your sister steals It is a treasure that my household is carefully cultivated for decades. My house owner is very angry ... "

The old man of the black dress has not been completely finished, but the chill is paved, followed by the old man who is frightened by the old man, the Tianbufu, the heavens, the heavenly fence, is swept by this chill After a directization, it is directly for ice sculpture.

Yes, the ice sculpture, the next moment is ~~~ These ice sculptures are as crumbs like glass.

This scene, making the black old man's scalp want to fry.

The sword is unparalleled, Taishan, and the three people are also horrified.

Never shot, just just look at it, the strongest of ten yang is immediately turned into ice sculptures, then broken.

What is this means?

"What did you just say? Let's say it again." The eyes of the white woman overlook, and there is no mood in the eyes.

"No, no." The old man shook his head and shook his head. "It's my fault, I now give two compensation, ask for two high-pronged hands, spare me."

"Hey." White woman snorted, "Go back and tell your house owner, my little girl steals his things, is not right, but you also chased her, it is enough, this matter If he is not convinced, he will let him come to me, tell him, my name is cold as frost. "

"Cold as frost?" The sword is unparalleled, and it is a face.

Cold as frost, the plans are ranked first!

In the top of the Datang Dynasty, there were twenty-six, and the twenty-six Shengjing strength was strong, and the ranking often changed, but several years ago, A name mounted on the bloody list and also slammed the first place. After that, the position of the first placed list has never changed.

This person is cold as frost!

She once killed the strong, and more than one, the most important thing is that she kills the holy strongman, which is too incredible.

She didn't have fun at all, just the idea of ​​it, so that the strong people of the Shengbang were directly used for crocink, they were exactly the same as those who had just those Tianbu.

Her strength has more, no one knows!

Her origin, no one knows.

Even her age, her spiritual force has reached which step, no one knows.

In short, she is definitely one of the most mysterious people of the Datang Dynasty.

One of the words, that is because the Datang Dynasty also has another horrible to extremely horrible, mysteriously, and it is to create the Dynasty dynasty, the development of the Datang Dynasty into the mysterious national land of this scale.

The sword is unparalleled, and the beauty of this beauty is even in front of him. It is the first mysterious power of the first mystery, and the girl is her sister?

And I heard the name of cold as frost, the sword is unparalleled just to be shocking, but the black old man in Tianbu is a shudder from the heart.

Black old legs are somewhat, watching cold as frost, brain shakes with roller drums: "No, if my family knows that the treasure you have cultivated is to let your little girl take away, will definitely feel very honored of."

"Hey." Cold like this black dress, "You can go."

The time and space that is completely solidified, and the sword has recovered in action.

The old man is also likelihood, respectfully, and the frost is rushing, then turned and rush, he has been scared.

"We are also walking."

The sword is unparalleled, and then she has to take a Taishan, the magic shadow is turned to go.

But the girl, the girl, but suddenly in front of them.

"My sister is just let the old guy go, what are you going to take a role?" Dirty girl is unparalleled.

"Little girl, these three people also bully you? Do you want me to kill them to help you vent?" Cold as cream did not have a sigh of swords, and three people saw it.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, with his own strength, even if it is desperate, it is impossible to be the opponent of this cold, the final result, I am afraid he will also be the same as Tianbufu, in an instant Chemical is frozen.

"No, no." Dirty girls quickly shook their heads, "These three did not bully me, but it helped me a lot, especially him, just he just gave the group of guys."

Dirty girl, big eyes, sword, swing, then look at the cold as frost: "Sister, this person helped me busy, you can help me thank you."

Cold as the heart of the cream, glanced at the sword and unparalleled, "a yang deficiency, one person can block a half-holy and one group of yang deficiency peaks, and it is not bad."

"Big Brother." Dirty girls have seen it in the sword. "Do you want it? My sister is very powerful, no matter what you want, my sister will definitely give you."

The sword is not a double brow, and looks up, look at the cold as a frost, light: "Sorry, I don't need anything."

After finishing, he asked Taishan, magic shadow waved.

"let's go."

Three people immediately left straight.

Waiting for swords without two.

"Sister, why don't you stop them, let them gone?" Dirty girl said.

"The person just didn't want to be with us. In this case, what can I stop them?" Cold as cream.

"But he just finished helping me, knowing the map, this can be a father who has been taught me." Dirty girl said.

"You are still very embarrassed to give your father, you are sneaked out when you have a father who have closed the customs. When the father adults go back, see how he packs you." Cold as a frost.


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