Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 298, swordsman, rolling out of death!

Huge urban, huge house, here is the Tianbu's house.

A strong eye-catching middle-aged man is sitting on the seat, and the right hand is tapped with the armchair. There is also a very clear knife mark on the forehead, spreading the breath of violent violent violent And live a beast.

This middle-aged man is the Heavenly Hall of the Heaven!

At this moment, I stand in front of the premature face, and it is the old black old man who was cooled as frost.

"That thing, can you take back?" The big eyes with copper bells, staring at the old man.

"It is incompetent." The old man has a little horizon: "It was originally chasing that girl, who thought that the girl was even cold, the frost, the cream personally shot, and the next front, At all, there is no room for struggling. She has to go to the host of the host, saying that you are not convinced, you can go to her. "

"Cold as frost?" A lot of ..

Even if he, there is an unprecedented jealous of the cold.

Go to see the trouble of cold as frost? I don't dare to borrow two courage.


It's pretty, I'm a premium, and the whole chair is immediately turned into a powder. "I carefully cultivate the three-color Ling vine for decades. When I got this three-color Ling Teng, I paid a great price. Not to say that decades have been cultivated, you can result ... "

There are fewer anger, and the bottom is full of not sweet.

The three-color Ling vine is not only precious, but the most important thing is that it is too significant to him.

Because Sany-color Lingno is one of the main materials of refining to break Santa.

Breaking Santa Dan, it can be said that he is the only hope that he has become a sacredness. I have been collecting the material of Santa's material, and I have a collection of seven or eight eight, only the three-color Linger is completely mature. However, I didn't expect this three-color Ling vine mature, and I don't know what method used to use the girl. I actually steal the three-color Linger.

How does he not irritated? How can you be willing?

It is no longer gone, he also helpless, after all, the three color Lingno has fallen into the hands of the frost sister, and it seems that it seems to have been eaten by her sister. What can he?

The old man in the side is dark, he knows the importance of the three-color Lingzi to this owner of the host, so it is afraid of pretty talents to be angry.

Suddenly, the black old look moved, the opening: "The House owner, in fact, I have just started to have the opportunity to take the three-color Linger."

"What do you mean?" Pretty honest came over.

"I have been chasing the girl before, I am ready to hold her, and I have encountered the first guilty privalec who has encountered my heart in the middle. It is being blocked by the swordsman. We don't have the first time to hold the girl." Black Clothing old man.

"Swordac? You said that this time is boiling in my Tianbufu, and the swordsman who succeeded two and a half of the holy strong people." The quite sound is sinking. He is the Heavenly House owner, for this year Some things happened in Niang Tianbu also heard, so he heard that the name of the sword was unparalleled.

"It is him." The old man nodded. "It is the next time you can take the girl, take the three-color Lingqi. When you are as cold, we will return the girl again, and more It is okay to give them sins, whoever wants to stop being attached by the sword. "

"Does he dare to block you?" The squat was suffocating.

"He stop?" Black old man adds a vinegar to the vinegar: "When he encounters him, the name of the host owner has been reported to this swordsman seem to be at all."

"Hey, a big courage." There is no angry and angry in the eyes, "I screaming in that cold," that is cold, I really dare to provoke, can be a swordsman in the area, and I don't dare to put me on the eye. Looking for death! "

It's been irritated because of the loss of three-color Lingzi, this has no angry, I can't find a place, I can only vent it to the sword.

"Huangfu." A lot of .

I immediately stood in front of a premature, respectfully, "the house owner."

"You immediately go to the heartless city, bring me the people of the swordsman to me back." A lot of told me.

"Yes." Huangfu nodded.

"I will go with you." The old man also followed.



A large number of people from Tianbufu, the head is the first, the two people who have followed the old man.

"Hu Huang brother, if you are going to make your hands with the swordsman, you must be careful, the kid is very low, it can be strong, it is true that I will join in the peak of the Yanguo, and I have been a sword. Returned. "The old man said.

"Hey, do you think I am a waste like you?" Huang Fu glanced at the old man.

The old man is hysteresis, and the face is also a little ugly. The cold channel: "I wish you a winning."

Huang Fu's mouth is slightly tight, but the bottom is uncomfortable.

"Swordsman, although I once killed two half of the holy strong, but the two half-holy strength is just a normal and normal, and he can kill the two half-holy, because he has a kind of weakening each other The speed of the speed, as for him really strength, but this. "

Huangfu is a little disdainful to the sword.

In this year, the sword is unparalleled, in the Tianbufu in the day, there are many people who think that the sword is unparalleled is the most powerful half of the Tianbu Prefecture, and he is even more sideways.

"Tianbufu, the most powerful half of the owner is me, what is the swordsman? Today, I have to take him on his head." Huang Fu snorted, didn't have long, I came to the heart city. Also on the sky.

As soon as this, Huang Fu Ming sent a dry to drink, and the echoing of the whole city is rumored.

"Swordsman, roll out, die!"

"Rolling out of death!" "Rolling out of death!" "Rolling out of death!"

Sound like thunder, constantly echoing in the world.

For a time, the whole city is shaking, and a large number of unintentional strong people have risen.

"Who, dare to come to find the trouble of sword guild?"

"Some people dare to challenge the swords and guide, really find dead!"

"Well, these people ..."

Many strong people who are unintentional are extremely angry.

Swordsman now is now no longer under the world, and even more high, many strong people in teaching are unparalleled to swords. In this case, some people directly kill the door, namely the name, saying that the sword is unparalleled Death, they are of course anger.

In addition to anger, they quickly seen the identity of the people.

"Tianbufu, is it a humanity of Tianbu?" The unintentional strong is shocked.

And there is no heart, the main point of the moment, there is still in front of the Huangfu.


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