Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 299 After three days, I will die!

"It turned out to be Mr. Huangfang, Tianbu, I didn't know what I didn't want to teach." There was a little low.

"Unintentional teacher?" Huang Fu glanced at the heart of the worship, cold voice: "Nothing, if you are looking for it, you will be in the same side, if you dare to shoot, you don't have anything that you have no existence. "

"Huangfu Ming." There is no heart to teach the main color.

Cute Huangfu is too lazy to take care of the heart, the cold eyes continue to face down.

Inside the courtyard, there is no double eyeliner, just returning to the heart, and then there is a slightly smashing, then the body is also moving in the upper space, one appears, the sword is unparalleled to see the Huangfu Ming in front of him. The black old man next to it.

"Sure enough, it is a Tianbu."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also known that they are looking for their own purpose.

"I dare not look for the trouble of frost, so I am in me? Hey, the air in the sky is really a lot." The sword laughed.

"You are a swordsman?" Huangfu Ming Dynasty sword watched.

"Huangfu Ming." The sword has recognized this emperor.

Huangfu, ranked forty-first half-holy strongholds in the blood month list.

It is insiscuous that the top 27 of the bloody list is a strong, the only half of the Holy Tianshu, which also has the strange war.

And this Huang Ming can be ranked forty-first, which is enough to explain that he is absolutely standing in the top.

"This emperor is better than the blood eagle, Liu Ye is strong." The sword is unparalleled.

"Swordsman, I should understand today, I have to sin, my householder, I am ordered to take your head." Huangfu Ming cold.

"If you want to take someone in my top, you will go, your household is a few a few years old?" The sword didn't smile.

Even the Nanyang Overlord Holy Palace, at all, is not afraid, there is a Tianbo Prefecture in the district, will he be in the heart?

"court death!"

Huangfu made a clear drink, no more nonsense, wrist movement, a double-edged giant ax appeared in his hand, stepped away, the feet stepped on the void, and suddenly there was an invisible corrugated to spread.

It's just anger with his highly raised giant ax directly to the sword.

Overbearing is incomparable, as if it can be a ax in the mountains.

The sword has no double eyes, there is a blue sword in his hand. This blue long sword is just a very ordinary weapon. It is a sharp sharpness, but with the sword unparalleled, this cyan sword is also Outbreak out of a stunner.

"None of my sword" fifth style! "

"Blood"! "

The world's origin suddenly broke out, pilot the world, and suddenly it seems to be oppressed in front of the world.

Hard hard! Both people handed over, there is no flower, it is purely hard to hit hard force collision.


The sword is unparalleled, but it is directly to fill out, and it is a long to fall nearly 100 meters away.

"I am almost full of blood, turned out to be rolled by the front?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, the boiling swordsman passing through the Tianbufu, but the emperor is cold and cold.

"It's too little to you, then you will try again." The sword is unpaired.

"Sixth style, you will be crushed."

Huang Fu's eyes, the scenery, the double-edged giant ax in his hand raised his head, and his body became tall than before this moment, a shocking and terrible breath from him. Out.

The giant ax is split.

"Nothing, , sixth style!"

The sword is unparalleled and cold, and the long sword in hand is directly angry.


This time, the sword is unparalleled with Huangfu, the two are all burst, and the two people will fall back to thousands of meters, and the Huangfu will retreat to the edge of the heartless city.

This collision, the two actually fight for the enemy.

"Yes, it is worthy of the top of the top, the top of the top, the sixth style, I still don't have you, if you pick my seventh style, then you will pick up my seventh style." Sword is unparalleled Laughing, the cyan sword in your hands is already lifted.

"Is there a seventh style?" Huangfu has changed.

It is necessary to know the ax, he has made his best to show the strongest recruitment, and it is just the feature of the squadron of the Sword Musou, and now there is a seventh style.


The sword is unparalleled. The cold echo is in this world, and the high-ranked cyan sword in the hands is not in love.

Suddenly the whole world is dark.

In this dark, there is only a dazzling sword light, replacing all the brightness of the world.

Seeing this Sword of the swordsman, the emperor, the Lian Huang once again showed the strongest ax.

The giant ax is angry, and it has collided with the sword light, but the result ... Just one moment, the giant ax was thrown out. The sword is not reduced, and the unrecorded from Huangfu Made in it.

Huang Fu's eyes closed his eyes, but the body was directly smashed by two halves.

Shock! sluggish!

The whole creature is falling into a dead.

Countless eyes are condensed on the sword unparalleled body, and the sword is unparalleled to return the cyan long sword in his hand. Look at the corpse of the emperor, but he can't help but shake his head.

"The ranked forty-year in the blood month list, the strength is really good, change for a year ago, I have to defeat him is not simple, but now he even makes me to show the eighth qualification."

The sword has no obscure, hear this, surrounding everyone stunned.

"Eighth style?"

"Does he still have eight-style?"

"He, did he still use full?"

A suffocation!

A sigh!

It is necessary to know that the sword is unparalleled, it is the forty-first Huangfu, and it is absolutely the top in the half-Hantun, but the sword is unparalleled, and it doesn't need to go all out. He, what strength is this?

I am afraid it's not far from the real context.

In fact, the end of the year, the strength of the sword is much stronger than a year ago, he can kill half a year ago, and today, his strength naturally More horrible.

Just because of this year, he rarely shot.

"Tianbu" ... I originally want to continue the end of the thing, but now there is now that Tianbu is proactive to find the door, then I will be in advance. "The sword didn't want to think, his scorpion It was in vain that the old man saw the past.

"You listen, go back to tell that day the wave host, just three days, just outside the city, my swordsman, life and death with him!"


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