Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 300 is sensational!

Everyone in the whole city is stunned.

After three days, with Tianbufu, who is finally dead outside of the world?

"Challenge the host!"

"Sword guild protection, to challenge Tianbao Premium!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

There was a bug of hill collapse in the no heart of the city.

Tianbo Premium, the bloody list ranked twenty-first, strong synonymous.

Although it is only a half-hierarchy, but it is absolutely the battle of the Shengdee.

These top power, the average person is eligible for the challenge, but the sword is unparalleled ... Maybe he is not qualified, but just after it is easy to kill the emperor, no one dares to question his strength.

After the black old man heard the sword, the words were too sharp, "I will convey."

After that, the old man in black is straight to Tianbu's strong.

And no heart, but it is already a sensation.

In the voids not far from the heart, the two movements stand in that, it is cold as the cream and the two people.

"After three days, I have to challenge Tianbao Premium. The power is not small." Cold as frost is cold, and there is no mood in the eyes.

"My sister, after three days, he told that day in the main battle, if it was an enemy, you can take your hand to save him." Dirty girl.

"He is looking for death, what is he doing?" Cold as a frost low.

"Sister ..." Dirty girl is not satisfied.

Not long after, no heart city is still calming, but many of the unintentional strong people are very hot in their hearts.

And very fast swords are easy to kill the emperor, and challenge Tianbo Prefecture, after three days, the news that lives in the world is also transmitted to the corner of Tianbu, for a while, the whole day, the whole day.

In the huge house of Tianbufu, there is a hands with the burly middle age of the beast, and there is a strange thing.

"The sword can kill Huangfu, and have not used the whole force?" Tianbao host is also a little surprised, you must know that he ordered the emperor to kill the sword, but the result is like this.

"It's herself that he still has eight-style, but if it is true, then I don't know." The old man watched.

"Interesting." Tianbu's main mouth is slightly tight, revealing a moving smile, "I didn't expect that there was a strong person in my Tianbu, and there was a quiet thing. I can't give him sin. I am in the sky. "

"Do you want to live with me after three days?"

"Very good! I have no one for a long time to challenge me!"

"Ball out, after three days, no heart, I will pick up the people of the swordsman, hanging in front of my Tianbufu."


A lot of tangible, the black old man immediately went to the message.

Not long after the entire Tianbufu knows that Tianbo Prefecture will fight.

"We must pick up the skull of the swordsman in front of the Tianbufu Gate? It's a domineering!"

"Tianbao host, it seems that it is an anger."

"Tianbu Households with swordsman, this battle, it is really looking forward to."

The news spread, Tianbufu is a sensation, and countless strong people are full of curiosity to this battle. When there is a lot of strong people, they have come to the heart of the city, they want to watch the ultimate of the Swordsman in Tianbo Prefecture after three days. war!

And in this three days, there is no hot and hot.

Inside the hall.

"Swordsman, you have to challenge, but Tianbao Premium, that is, you have a strategy, do you have a grasp?"

"Sword Protection Law."

Unintentional, north Mu, Coldyang and other people look at the sword.

When they know that the sword is unparalleled to challenge Tianbu House, although they are all excited, but more is worried.

After all, Tianbo Prefecture, has been famous!

As early as a few years ago, Tianbufu is the same as the Tang Dynasty, and the sword is unparalleled. It's too young. The spirit is also too low. If it is a few years, they believe that the sword is unparalleled to defeat Tianbo Prefecture, but now ...

"Reassure, I dare to challenge, there is a lot of grasps." The sword was unparalleled.

He is not comforting yourself, but is indeed some grasp.

This year, he has made great progress. It was originally necessary that Tianbu Prefecture did not find him. After another time, he intended to take the initiative to challenge Tianbao Prefecture, and now he is just a little in advance of this challenge. A period of time.

During this time, it is not too big.

Time passed, three days quickly passed.

On the night of the battle, the sword was unparalleled in the huge courtyard of the sword. He sat alone in the center of the courtyard, and the whole courtyard was covered in the field of swords and swords around him.

The sword is like tide, is frightening.

However, the sword is unparalleled. When you look up, look forward to a dark void, and a smile is revealed.


The sword is unparalleled, but! A shape is abrupt in front of the sword.

A feast robe, with a bloody monster mask, behind him, a sword, is a sword unparalleled killing Fragrance 'South'.

In this year, his book stayed in the heart of the world, and the killing of Fragrance 'South' is a strong challenge between the Datang Dynasty.

One year, his killing is "South". In the Datang Dynasty, it also broke out great famous.

"South, the blood month list, the spiritual power is suspected of half-holy, sentimental killing this source, once played with ten half of the holy strong, this ten semi-holy, nine people die, only one person is lucky Life, fighting! "

This is an introduction to the south of the killing in the bloody list.

The reason why the spirit of killing is suspected of being suspected, that is because of the relationship between the killing is only the relationship between the borders, the spiritual feelings are very perfect, others see that he can only see a terrible killing, but no one is I saw that his true spiritual force was cultivated, but according to his strength, this felt that he was suspected of half.

In fact, the spiritual force of his killing fits is based on the present, and there is only a level of yang deficiency.

"It is necessary to fight with the main battle in the day, just enough, it is not enough, so I can only call you back." The sword was laughing.

Killing "South" is slightly nod, followed by directly in the sword, no double, only a moment, killing is completely integrated with his this festival.

The three kills also returned to the hands of the sword.

"Three kills ..."

The sword is unparalleled in the hand, the shank is obviously increasing than one year ago, and the right hand finger strokes the sword, and the three kill swords are like a slight shock, and the sword is unparalleled. Out of a smile.

"Everything will look tomorrow!"

On the evening, the sword was unparalleled in this yard.


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