(The first to come!)


The gods, the vastness.

Let's not say the most central three days, single three days outside the endless land, one of the boundaries, the unsuccessful, the domain that occupies has exceeded imagination.

After the sword is unparalleled from Jinculan, the Sword is deployed, and the space channel is convenient.

To know, it is unclear from a domain from a domain to the connected domain, and the cost of spending is not small, and the middle space is transmitted in terms of ten domains and even ten domains. It is even more, this nearly 100 times shuttle is transmitted, and the sword is not paid. The transfer fee is paid, and it will not drop hundreds of thousands of Santa Dan.

And these nearly 100 times, the sword is unfair, only to be able to be a little more far from Jinwu, let the heavens willwide, let the strongest of the three holy regions can't find him, after the transfer, the sword is unparalleled Now I don't know where I'm now in terms of territory, how far is Jinwu Jiujie.

"Let's ask for people."

The sword is unparalleled smiles, and the front is plundering.


The sky, the black-pressed dark clouds covered the earth, the clouds, when there is a electric snake, as if a dragon is rolling in it.

This is a ridiculous plain, on the plain, is carrying a killing.

This killing is a killing.

A strong team of more than ten people, I don't know why I am staring at a group of pirates, and a hundred strong people have laid around them.

Among the strong strokes of more than ten people, the strength is the strongest, but the two peaks are awkward, facing hundreds of strong people, soon being killed.

Those pirates also chased these two people crazy.

"This death, here is not a grateful place, how did this group of pirates come?" A middle-aged man wearing a triangular helmet and a strong body, while fled, while smashing.

"What a thief, this is a trap of deliberately settled, specifically in order to deal with us, there is no accident, it should be the people within our family, if there is a ventilation to report, these people will know our whereabouts?" The purple hair old worked quietly.

"The family of the family is ..." The strong middle-aged man was shocked.

"Hey, in addition to your good brother, who will use the big battle to deal with us?" Purple hair old man.

The face of a strong middle-aged man is also a little ugly.

"Escape, see if we can have the whole luck to escape." The purple hair is sighful.

After the body, hundreds of strong people were chasing, and one killed.

But at this time ...


A void appeared above, this figure appeared, and immediately oppressed the horrible pressure directly oppressed.

The strong middle-aged man has the purple hair old, two people, the shape of the body, the hundred strong people who have chased it will also stop.

Everyone is shocked, looking at the empty young figure above the empty.

"This is more powerful, too strong, more powerful than the father of my father, strong, countless!"

"Father is also a high god. It can be compared to the people in front of him, and this person is generally, this person is likely to be a super power of the unstead of sacred people. Even if it is not, it is also the legendary invincible God. Respect !! "" Strong middle-aged man shammuses.

"Opportunity, our chance is coming." The purple hair old man is showing the color of the surprise, and the spin is immediately greeted.

"Ask you something, I hope you can answer me." The sword is unbolded, overlooking everything below.

"Adults, please ask." The purple hair is a respectable person.

"Which interface is here?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Go back to adults, here is the stone field." The purple hair is connected, and he immediately understands that people should be the strong from the outside world.

"Mo-Stone Domain?" The sword was unparalleled.

At the beginning of the Jiujiu, he also saw the star field map of the surrounding territory, the map of the star field is also vast, but there is no mention of the inqui domain.

Obviously, the location of him is now, it is very far away from Jinwu Jiujie.

"I ask you again, who is your landlord of this ink?" .

"Adults, there are four main owners in the Martite field, each is a powerful unstead of sacred people, I don't know which one is?" Purple hair old man.

"Four Dynasties?" Gold is unparalleled, and it is a little surprised.

In general, there is only one dominion in one field, but this ink is four in the field.

The sword is unparalleled, and the four mains will be afraid to be arrested for their respective benefits.

"These four dominates, which one is the nearest here?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I know, it is the elderly, he lives in Chang Qingdao, just within the 10th road." The purple hair said.

"Give me the star map." The sword is unparalleled.

The purple hair is not half a little, immediately handed the most comprehensive star map in his hands to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately knows the position of the elderly world. I nodded. I immediately saw the hundred strong people who have been chasing purple hair before the past. "This sale So, you ... scattered. "

Chasing the purple hair old man is extremely unhappy with the top of the strong middle-aged man.

But I looked at the sword of the top, and one of the hundreds of strong people was finally selected.


This hundred strong people turned and left.

And the shape of the sword is then dissipated.

As for the purple hair old man with a strong middle-aged man, two people are big.

The two did not hesitate to immediately flee it immediately with the fastest speed.


Chang Qingdao, the land of the elderly, the land of the elderly.

The inquiry domain domain has a vast area, it is three to four times that of the general domain, and the strong is naturally more.

However, after these strong people have become a battle, the four great power, which have each of the four great powers, which is the four mains of the ink domain.

The elderly, in the four major people, only a normal one, its strength is not strong, but also the level of the saints, he is far away from the truth.

The sword is unparalleled. It has come to Changqing Island.

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