Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2930 inquiry



Chang Qingdao, Huang Boda, and the endless and the courtyard.

Before the main entrance of the island, there are many practitioners gathered there. Most of these practitioners have reached the level of the gods, and they all waiting, obviously comes to see the long blue.

"I was born, I said that the sword was coming to meet." The sword is uninterested.

"Sword 19?" Guarding the escort in front of the island door, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. Slightly exposes his own power.

His realm has reached the hierarchy of the high-level gods. Under the cover of Blackstone, the power of the power has reached the most limit of God, but it can't climb the hierarchy of the unstead of sacred.

At the beginning, Xuanzao said that when he gave him the blackstone, this black stone could only cover the breath of the next thing below the saints.

As for the name of 'Sword 19', the sword is not double temporary.

Even now, this stone domain is very far away from Jinwujiu, but the sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't dare to have a big idea. He does not dare to use his true name, and even his' sword one '' 'Su Han' used by Jinculan. He didn't dare to use these two positives.

Therefore, he can only retest one.

This guard also aware of the breath of the sword, and immediately, "Sitle, I will go to the news."

This escort is about this to tell the housekeeper in Changqing Island, and is also a peak.

"Sword 19? This name, I have never heard of it, I don't know where to come out."

"The owner of the world is busy, how can I see this, go, let him wait outside, first wait for a few decades." The butler told him.

This guard immediately came back, and also conveyed the meaning of the housekeeper.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, can't help but laugh, you can follow him.

boom! !

A horrible moon, covered directly towards the entire Changqing Island.

This gods shocked, oppressed everything, and the time made the countless cultivator in Qingdao shiverped.

At the entrance of the island, those who are waiting quietly, are full of horror, watching the sword.

Including that guard, there is also the housekeeper that has come out from the island, and it is also very horrible.

The sword is unparalleled but it's too lazy to pay so much, he is just a calm look.

There, a breath is also slow up.

"I don't know which friend, falling to me?" The mild voice slowly spread, a middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged year of the wagon.

See the middle age of this green shirt, many strong people in Changqing, immediately exposed the color.

In this green shirt, it is the mainland of Changqing Island, and is also one of the four major hegens in this ink, and the elderly.

"Sword 19, have seen the long blue world." The sword is quite polite.

"Well, God is respectful?" The ever-younger world is a little wrong with the sword.

He felt the might, this was alarmed.

But did he think of it, emitting this unstead, just just a goddess?

However, although the sword is unparalleled, he will stand in that, but it has brought a great pressure to this Changqing, who does not dare to have a little bit of the world.

"This God is not simple." This is the idea of ​​the first time in the end of the elderly.

"Little Friends, with our island." The Empty Dynasty was invited.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, when you go to the center of the eldest over the island center.

In a Hongxian Temple, the elderly, the elderly, some of the cuisine and the wine, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Xiaoyou should not be a person in the martyrdom of me?" The Erqing True is asking.

"The owner of the world saw it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, I have some powerful gods in my marty world. I have not known, and there are still many people who have already income my account. You have so powerful, but I have never heard of it, nature It will not be a self-plain stone area. "The elderly laughed.

"Indeed, I am from other domains. As for the time to go to the Moite field today, come to find the long blue world, there is something to ask." There is no double.

"Small friends but say anything." The ever-blue industry looked over.

"The owner of the world is famous for so many years, there is no comprehensive, but I don't know if you have heard of the ?" The sword has no double.

" ?" The evernast of the main, but the look is immediately gaining. "The gods of the gods Herfici, I naturally heard, even I am still a yearning, stay It is not easy to add the gap. "

"That's it, then I don't know the world, I can know that there is the neighborhood of this area, where is the nest of the Arab Express?" The sword is unparalleled.

is the recognized first alliance, which is the first union of the Taijie.

Its power is spread throughout the territory of the Taijie Shennian, and all corners.

I have to do this, and the does not just have a space channel that links the corners of all territories. At the same time, there must be a secret base in those territories.

These strongholds are called the nest in the ! !

There is a secret nest, Jinwujin, and a member of all

Of course, these are all bones tell him.

He has a clear order, strength is enough, definitely wants to join the , Through the summary to participate in the assessment of the Tianmeng, it officially became a member of the .

I have suffered a change in the middle of the way. He has to escape from the territory of Jinwujie, and it is coming to this.

When I arrive here, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know where there is a secret nest of the , so he can only recruit people.

He is also looking for a long blue world, mainly because of this.

"The nest of the ..." The elderly main brow slightly wrinkled, "Xiaoyou, according to I know, there is no in the Niki area, but I am in the Niki area, I I have heard that there is one, but the specific location of this nest, I am not clear, after all, I didn't have a truly hand in the sky. "

"Don't you know?" The sword didn't have a little bit, but it didn't feel unexpected.

"However, although I don't know the secret nest of the , I have someone in my martyrdom." The big palace's main front suddenly turned.

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