Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2949 Long Yunner

(The first to come!)


"There are fewer people."

There is no double ring around the sword.

This assessment, the original two seven gods participated, this twenty-seven gods are almost invincible.

But after ten days later, I still gathered here, countless swords, there is only twelve, less than half.

Even the five people who did not die, only three were live, and two were still dead in such an assessment. Of course, the two unstead of sacred people were killed by swords.

"This is the assessment of the alliance, although there is not much pressure to me, but it is indeed very dangerous to the ordinary invincible God." The sword is unparalleled.

He can imagine.

Although the old ancestors of Heilong Mountain were killed, there is still eleven unstead of sacred people to spread on this land.

These gods who participate in the assessment must do the way to kill the gods of the Black Longshan, and have enough points, but they have to be careful to be stared at the 11th of Heilong Mountain. This is indeed very difficult.

It is a good time to live in this ten days, and get enough points to complete any gods.

"I will take it out, I will take it out." The goat beard said.

The many strong people present immediately took out these ten days, and the sword had a few identity characters, but he had an inch, just took a small part, enough to let himself pass the assessment, remain The identity character, he put it in your own Qiankun.

And the final result ... The three unscrupulous saints, only one 50,000 points, passed the assessment, the remaining two, points are almost.

As for the twelve gods of the living, there is a unparalleled in the sword, and there are ten people who have been sufficient, and only two have a poor luck, and the points got are still.

It can be seen that the probability of God is still more than the chance of assessment compared to the death of the sacred people.

"Through the assessment, from today, you are the ordinary members of the , you can enjoy the treatment of ordinary members of the Ansites, this is your identity symbol, you can get it one by one." Goat beard old Tao.

Through the assessment, the unscrupulous saints followed ten gods, all took a piece of identity and a set of buildings from the goat beard old.

"Well, the assessment is over, except for you, others can leave directly through the space channel." Goat beard old man pointed to one person.

It is pointed to, and it is a sword.

The people around them quickly leaving the space channel, only the sword is unparalleled, there is still a place.

The face of the sword is quite quite weird. He doesn't know that the goat beard old will leave him alone, and what you want to do.

"Jian Tianhou, I have an adult in the Jianlei, I want to see you." Goat beard old people looked at the sword unparalleled, with a mild smile on his face.

"Do you want to see me?" The sword didn't pick it up.

"Come with me." Goat beard said with a sentence, and it is gone in front.

Although the sword is quite strange, it is still following the elders of goats.

Because the assessment has ended, that has always been dissipated in Heilong Mountain, and the goat bearded with swords and unparalleled leaves of Heilong Mountain. I came to a tall tall tower.

Goat beard old people led the sword unparalleled into the tower, and it quickly came to the top.

Among the top layers, there are two people waiting for him.

When you see the sword, these two people will always welcome them.

"Jian Tianhou, I will introduce you, this is the blood jade, you have seen it before." Goat beard refers to the beautiful young woman.

"Blood jade." The sword is unparalleled, with respect to respect.

He did before he had seen blood jade, and he also saw that blood jade killed the old ancestors in Heilong Mountain with Thunder, but the blood jade was wearing mask, but it didn't now.

"When Jian Tian Hou passed, when I met, I didn't expect your strength as so." Blood jade smiled slightly.

"This, it is Long Yunner." Goat beard old people refer to the purple hair youth, "Long Yunner with blood jade is the top genius in the sky, the real genius !!"

"Long Yunner." The sword is unparalleled to this dragon.

"Haha, in front of you, I don't dare to call me, you don't need to call me adults, I just call my name." Long Yun is very enthusiastic, and he looked at the mountain sheep beard old, "you first Let's go, let us talk separately. "

"Yes." The goat beard nodded and immediately turned away.

Within the top floor of the attic, there is only the sword unparalleled, Long Yun, and the demon jade stay here.

"Tianhou brother, sitting." Long Yun waved, the sword is unparalleled, it is directly next to a case.

"I don't think about it. I specially invited you to come here, just for a matter." Long Yun did not turn his mouth, but directly That's own intention, "I want to invite Tianhou brother, really join me. , becoming the people of the three palace. "

"True to join the Amei?" The sword is unparalleled is doubtful. "I have passed the assessment of the , is it a common member of the Ansites?"

"Different." Long Yun is shook his head. "The Jade is a unregistered alliance, there is almost no constraint, and many members in the league, join the Jianlei is also for their respective interests, Tianhou brother you The same is true for ordinary members. "

"And what I said, is the core layer that truly joins me, becoming the core member of my Arab Express!"

"Core layer?" The sword is unparalleled, "It is said that the original level of the royal member is the core layer of the ?"

"Haha, Tianhou brother, the so-called original member is the core of the , this is just the rumors of the outside world, but in fact, the core of the Arab Expatision is not to be hierarchical, but to see his talent and strength. An unstead of sacred people and even a god, as long as they were determined by my , then he can become the core of me. "

"Therefore, I have the existence of three palaces in the sky." Long Yun Road.

"Three palace? Which three palaces?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tiandi Palace, the original palace, and the chaotic palace." Long Yun began to say to the sword.

Some basic situations of the Three palace, including significance, and genius levels, have been said with the sword.

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