Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2950 refuses



After listening to Longyun, the sword has a certain understanding of this three palace.

This three palace is white, that is, the Tianzhi specializes in cultivating genius enchanting places.

The 's power is spread all over the gods, and the strong people who join the Tianmeng are also countless, but these strong people are quite loose, there will be no constraints, and there will be, and it is inevitable to join the Arab Express. There are some very good geniuses that are the existence of the monster level.

For these top genius with monsters, the Nianmei will make an invitation, let them join the three palace.

Once you enter this three palace, you can get the most cultivated cultivation throughout the gear, all kinds of endless resources, can make this genius enchanting to improve the fastest speed, but any Everything has two sides.

Want to enter this three palace, get the maximum cultivation of this three palace, then since now, this genius is really a .

Although there is no need to be absolutely loyal, it is always necessary to have some strength.

Tianhou brother, before you have a ten-day time in Heilong Mountain, your performance is clear and clear, including you, including the top of Heilong Mountain, and killing the top of Heilong Mountain! " Long Yun solemnly looked at the sword.

"You just have a goddess, but you have no more than the truth, and you are too high for the sensation of Kejian, which has long surpassed a lot of true holy, so talent, I and blood jade They found that you can definitely enter the original palace in the Three palace, even if you fight, it will improve some words in rules, and even enter the highest level of chaotic palace! "

"That is a chaotic palace, even if I gather the entire genius of the gods, every era can enter the chaotic palace, but only ten people, these people, if it is from the chaotic palace Come out, as long as the middle is not falling, the nine-nine nine can become the Lord of the rules !! "

"This place, even I have long been with blood jade,"

Long Yun is amazed, and the bloody jade next to it also reveals the color of the fanaticism.

Half-rang, Long Yunfang converges some emotions and asks: "Tianhou brother, how, may I want to go to me to go to me, I am going to take a trip?"

Long Yun looked at the sword unparalleled eyes with a few points.

If you can hear him, the sword is only slightly sinking, and he shakes his head. "Sorry, I refused."

"What?" Longyun has changed.

The blood jade next to him is also very horrified.

The three palaces of the , or the second original palace, and even the highest level of chaotic palace.

This is the cultivation of the cultivation of the top genius dreams, countless strong people compete in this three palace, changing the head, the result can not go in, but now, a good chance is here As long as the sword is unparalleled to go with them, they guarantee that the sword is unparalleled to enter the original palace.

The sword is unparalleled, but it refused?

"Tianhou brother, you have to clearly, I am a well-known first alliance, the first alliance of the Taijie Shen, have a heavenly strength and means, and that three palaces, any one palace is countless day, especially the original Palace with Chaotic Palace. "

"Like I follow the blood jade, I am also a top genius. I will take the blood jade. She is just a first-order holy, and I just broke through the first-order true holy, and it didn't have long time. But her strength is strong, but it is so powerful, but it can only stay in the Tiandi Palace, and you can join the original palace, this is a chance to be a chance. "Dragon Yunxo emergency.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He is surprised is the strength of blood jade.

Before he knew that bloody jade is a heavenly member of the , the strength is extremely strong, and this is easy to kill the old ancestors of Heilong Mountain.

When the sword is unlocuous, this blood jade is just just the first-order holy who just mastered the dead.

Obviously, the first-order holy, the war, but the enemy's third-order truth, such talent is not uncomfortable.

But the blood jade is just a minimum Tiandi Palace in the three hometown.

It can be seen that what is the genius level of the original palace and the chaotic palace.

This has given a gathering of many of the most popular genius cultivation, and the sword is unparalleled if there is no one, it is impossible.

But unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled with his own concerns.

First, he doesn't want to have too many constraints.

Join the three palace of the , you can't get the maximum amount of cultivation, but at the same time, he will also become a member of the Ansioneng, and it will be sold for the day of the year.

Second, it is also the most important, he does not know the position and nature of the .

Specifically, he doesn't know where the is standing.

To know, his identity is very sensitive.

The heavens will not want him to survive in this world.

Within the three days, the three major sanctuary, the four gods, and the eight parties want him to die.

And the Tianzheng, as the first alliance, the first alliance of the gods, he is standing in what position is to stand with the will of Heaven, the three major sanctuary, the four gods, and the eight parties stand together, or stand in the heaven will On the opposite side, it is similar to the original seven-star Xuanzong, or both of its two positions is not, but maintained neutral.

For these, the sword is unhealthy.

In this case, how he will be willing to go to the core layer of the Amei.

Although I've been in the sky, I will stand from the name, it should be that it is in one piece with the heavens, but if it is?

In the event of the heavens and the heavens, the heavens will stand together, then he now goes to the core layer of Tianmeng, then don't you send it?

In summary, even if he is a little desire to the cultivation of the three palace, it is not hesitant to reject directly.

"Long Yunner, blood jade adult, sorry, I am not interested in the three palace you said." The sword is unparalleled again, and it has been standing up. "If the two adults are there, if there is no other thing, then I will leave first. "

Long Yun's brow wrinkled, but soon, she came again. "Since Tianhou brother is not willing to join, then I naturally will not be difficult, but there is an enumeration, I hope that Tianhou brother can be returned, In the future, if you want to pass, or if you have trouble, you can contact me through this. "

Looking at Long Yun took out the maker, the sword was unparalleled, and it was also received.

Then he turned and left.

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