Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2984 is really a god?



Outside the dragon, the Dark Temple.

"After retreating, I will choose to retreat in Qiancheng!"

"There is no way, the strength of the sword is not weak than him, the Qiancheng Temple has already made his strongest joins, and the results can not hurt the swords of the swords, and there is such a strong. In the Qiancheng Temple, there is a chance to kill the strong people of the squad, get to the bodies of the dragon beast? "

"It's right."

That six black people talk about the models, they all know that Qiancheng has been trying to do, it is not strange that he is not good, but because the sword is unparalleled.

"This sword is full of except for our expectations, there is no need to complete the completion of the ten-cental task under the Qiancheng Temple, and it is normal. After the incident, we must report it up, let the high-rise of the Treatment to determine this matter. "Triangle wave man secretly.

"In addition, there is this Jian Tian Hou ..."


During the Dragon Dynasty, the ninth team found under the Tenchen Temple, but he ended in failure, but he did not discourage, but continued to find the tenth team.

The other brigions were obviously not a strong in the sword. In the face of the rest of the Qiancheng Temple, there is no room to compete in the Qianchen Temple. The squad is all defeated directly. Hands.

A shook, a month has passed.

The Dragon Trend is in a remote plain.

"The Jietiao has already sent me, a month period has arrived, our mission has been completed, can leave." The stretch is said, but his face is a smile with a surprise.

Everyone in the quite the king, also a surprise.

You must know that this second phase of the task compensation, but it is full of 200 million Santanes! !

Now the task is completed, this two-billion Santan is home, which is definitely an astronomical figure for them. They are naturally surprised.

"Of course, the reason why I can complete this second phase this time this time, mainly there is the existence of Tianhou brothers." Amazing said.

"Yes, thanks to Tianhou Brothers."

Others also looked at the swords, and they were awe.

They are very clear, this task, if there is no sword, they must complete the second phase of the task, and even when killing under the Qianchen Temple, the squad will definitely have a lot of people, and the strength is the strongest. Their captain is quite estimated to die on the spot.

"All, I propose, this task is 20 million Santan pay, half of which is directly given to the sky brothers," Hazao opened.

"no problem."

"I agree."

"This second phase of the task is full of Tianhou brothers to complete, he gets half of the task compensation, and it should be."

Everyone of the Queen's Small team nodded.

"Tianhou brothers, what do you think?" The excitement of the sword watched.

The sword is unparalleled, "" Since you are so polite, this 100 billion Sheng Dan, I will accept it. "

See this, all the people who are all showed.

"Walk, let's go to handover the task."

The eight people of the barbarium were directly in the Dragon Dynasty under a smile.


The void outside the dragon, the darkness of the Dark God.


A black robe has appeared in the temple.

"Gong Welcome to Qianchen Temple !!"

The triangle warmers also have the six black people him have already waited here.

The shackles of the black robes were naturally just from the Qianshen Temple returned from the Dragon.

"Get up." Qiancheng Temple waved, everyone got up immediately.

"The process of this task, have you seen it?" Ten Temple looked at the triangle warmers.

"See it." Triangle warmers immediately: "This task is because our negligence, this has had some changes, and therefore, you can't complete the task quota, but I, etc. Things that have happened here, as far as in real, believe in those people in the three palaces, will be based on the actual situation here reasonably to determine your task quota under the Qiancheng Temple. "

"Well." I nodded in Qiancheng, "I am not worried about the task quota, less, I want to say, the Sword is really good, and the means of hiding the breath is really high, I So long to fight with him, did not see his specific realm, do you know what is the realm of him? Is it a first-order holy or second-order holy, or he is the same as me, is it a top fake? "

The heart of the Qianchen Temple is indeed curious.

He has always thought that the sword is unparalleled, and he has been hidden, and he also has his own guess.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled should be a true sanctuary. Maybe just a first-order holy, the second-order peers is not big, because he can see the sword unparalleled power intensity far and not the second level. True holy.

But there is also the possibility of swords just like him just the top fake. If so, the sword is unparalleled, but he can enter the genius of the Tianzhi Tiandi Palace at all. How is it rare, the whole of the Taijie gods is very pitiful, and there is a genius that can be comparable to him in this no-stricken area. This probability should be extremely low.

So he doesn't think the sword is also a top fake.

I heard the Trinity Temple, the triangle warmers face the six black people behind him, and their look is very quirky.

"How, talk, is the sword horse really just a top fumes?" The Trinity of the Temple wore slightly, he saw the look of a few people in front of the triangle warmers.

"That, Qianchen Temple." The triangle warmers hesitated for a moment, finally opened, "According to the information I got from the Answeess, the sword is not accidentally, it should be just a god! ! "

"What are you talking about?" Qianchen Temple immediately saw the triangle warmers, and his eyes took a strange ray.

"God 1. You said that the sword is just a sacred? Oh, it is necessary to fight with me, let me have a strong man, just a god. What are you playing me?" Qiancheng Temple Icy, I also appeared in a hint of anger.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

The triangle warmers are shaking their heads. At that assessment, he once killed a top pseudo star with the front of the gods. At that time, his war has reached the hallow level !! "


PS: There is also a fifth, wait a moment!

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