

"In the assessment, he has already kills the top fake stagnation? Why don't you say it early? You have given me the newspaper, and I have not mentioned him." Qiancheng Temple low.

"His Royal Highness, we also carefully asked the survey, and then, when the Jian Tianhou was under the assessment, he did kill a top fake star in front of the premium, and its combat is generally true. The same from the Tiandi Palace. The Longyun Temple is also seen in the Bloody Hall. "Triangle Helmet man.

"Long Yun is two blood jade, two of them?" Qiancheng Temple is moving.

The genius from the Tiandi Palace, he certainly knows Long Yun with blood jade.

"At that time, Long Yun Hall also shocked the talents of this sword to the Sword of the Temple. This sword is absolutely able to enter the original palace, and even have the opportunity to enter the chaotic palace, so they do two people to invite this sword. Tianhou, the result was refused by Jian Tianhou. "

"Long Yun Hall is helpless under the Bloody Hall, you can only tell this matter to the high-level high-rise, and the high level of the does not know why it is now, but some messages about this sword It is a lot of hidden, I will wait for this task to get to Qianchen Temple, this knows this. "Triangle Helmet man.

"Is this?" Qiancheng Hall of the brow, it is asked: "Jian Tianhou last assessment is now, how long is it?"

"80 years." Triangle Helmet man.

When I heard this, I was a shrinkage, "That is to say, in this eighty-year time, this sword is still not broke through the neutral saints, but his war has skyrocketed again. He is just a first-orderly war, but now it has two truth, enough to fight with me is quite? "

"It's true, but I don't exclude 80 years ago, he has hidden strength." Triangle warmers.

"Hey, no matter what, this sword is a uncomproved super genius. Long Yun is right with blood jade. If he is just a god, then he is now showing the battle now Force, you can easily join the original palace, even adding the chaos palace, I just didn't think that my luck would be so good. "

"The whole of the gods of the gods, hundreds of millions of days, qualified to join the Chaos Palace, just more than ten, can I encounter a one?" Qiancheng Temple darker.

The Tiandi Palace and the Chaotic Palace are all genius concentration battles, but both are the gap between the sky.

The super genius of the Chaos Palace, that talent is definitely more than he is strong, and it is even more than far.

Such a genius, the whole of the gods, the gods of the gods, they will be encountered by him, and he is indeed a big event.

"Qiancheng Temple, about this sword day, we have detailed detailed newspaper, I believe that the highest level of will definitely know how to properly handle it." Triangle warmers.

"How can I come out? Such a super genius, look at any great forces of the first gods are coveted three feet, I will not excerades, if I have not guess, I am a three-palace Those old guys, now I have a total of how to think about this sword. "The monk laughed.

"For, my mission has been completed, the next thing is nothing to do with me, let those old guys go to handle it, as for this sword, although I admire his talent, the competition in the three palace is already very Intenth, the quota of the mixed chaotic palace is more limited. If he let him account for one, our competition will be even more, so he is best not to join. "

After talking about it, this Qianchen has left directly.


It is too early to be a goddess.

There are many places in the gear world, still in a chaos.

At this moment, in a chaotic void, the three ancient and powerful presence gathered together.

There is any one of these three, it is enough to shock one, any super existence that is enough to make the saints.

"This is just from the endless territorial domain. Let's take a look." A three-eyed man with a height of more than three meters, the whole body bronze skin throws an enormous.

When the symbol is throwing out, there is a huge mirror screen appearance.

Among the pictures, it is a fierce battle between the swords and the two people in the Dragon Temple.

Three super existence, all are interested in the scenes of the mirror screen.

"This little guy, I know that he is a thousand and earth, from the Tiandi Palace of the Arab Express, although it is not the top, but it is not very good, and he just broke through the saint. It is necessary to complete the experience of experience. "A brunette woman said that her voice was soft, and it felt refreshing.

"He is indeed in progress, this task is also simple ..." The three-eye man said that the task content of Qianchen Temple said it was said. Then, then said: "The original experience has nothing to do with him. As long as you can't care, you can complete the tenortship mission, but obviously his luck is not good. "

"Oh, I have seen it." A long-haired vicissitudes smiled, "Twelve squad, originally a few top pseudo-Salad plus two or three first-order holy, but now he encountered Among this squad, there is a small guy that is very powerful. "

This vicissitudes have seen the swords in the picture and the binding of the swords and self-swordsmanship, and the positive killing of the Qianchen Temple and faintly occupy a little superior.

"This little guy with swords, at the same time, the reincarnation rules and time and space rules, and he uses his own sword with the sword array, and combines these two rules." The woman is surprised.

"You have to pay attention to the breath of the little guy," three eyes men. "

"This breath ... God respects?" The woman with the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes.

"No, I'm fierce with Qianchen, but I don't fall in the wind." The result is just a god. "The woman immediately saw the three-eye man," This little guy is definitely? "

"It is definitely before, but now, there is some uncertain." Three eyes men shook their heads, "the little guy's participation in the assessment of the Amei, showed a good talent, with the front of the gods I killed a top pseudo-Saint, when we still felt that he should be a top genius. "

"Can now ..."

PS: Fifth, there will be sixth, slightly!

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