(The third is over!)


The sword is not a double look.

Indeed, he also felt that he had to create new swordsmanship, it is increasingly difficult.

Like time and space swords, starting from the seventh style, almost a huge threshold, he wants to create new swords every time, it is extremely difficult.

After the ninth style of storm, I want to create a tenth form, but it is difficult.

"Mount Mountain, I don't think about it. I really want to create a thought of sword surgery, but I have never gotten the guidance of the task sword strong, and there is no thing can be indirect. I want to create a sword surgery. It is too difficult. "The sword has no double silence.

"Learn?" Mo Mountain is a smile, "This is easy, I have a vocational cheats in the treasures of Jianlei, there are a variety of swords, there are many of them to rely on you. The old man knows that there is a secret, and the help to you should be very huge. "

"Which door is the secret?" The sword asked.

"This secret is" a fission secret ", which is a lot of peaks that have been named cracks in the early years ago." Mo Mountain smiled.

"Crack?" The sword has no double look, it is obviously not heard of it.

"Helping, the Lord of Crack, when he is in the world, the famous arrival of the gods can be a big amazing. He is not just a rule of the rules, or the top existence of the rules, second only to the legend The Lord of the Holy State. "Mo Mountain said.

"And the Lord of this crack is the Lord of the rules of time and space, the rules of achieving the rules, and he is good at just a sword. He has created the void sword, is one of the top swordsmanship of the Taijie. Although it is still cut, it is mainly, this sword is also involved in all aspects. "

"Crack secret" is the precious heritage left by the Lord of Hollers. It does not only contain his own void swords, and it also includes a lot of understanding of time and space rules and swords, and even he will Temporal and short rules, the swords have no error, and the detailed record is within the fission secret. "

"The first stage of time and space is the first stage of time and space, the second phase of time and space blade, he carefully anatched a thousand copies, each represents a blade with a time and space, is very detailed, the sword is true, even Including the time and space rules and the perfect combination of the swords, etc., there are careful explanations in this crack secret. "

After listening to the Mo Mountain, the sword has no double gaze has become fanatics.

He won the swordsman cheats in the treasure hall, but he didn't know what to find, there is a feeling of not working.

I can now hear the " secret" said by this Moon ...

The time and space rules are perfect with the swords, and even perfectly anatomy, including the void swords created by the Hualic Lord.

This secret, listening only, the sword is unparalleled to know that he is very big! !

Whether it is the trial of the time and space, the enforcement of the sword, even even the prototype of the sword can have a great role.

"Mo Mountain adult, this" "is so much, its value is also very amazing?" The sword didn't ask.

"Complete" Rifting Secret "is of course precious, but according to the old man, I will have more opportunities to exchange treasures in order to , I have to divide the" "into four If the volume, the value should be, the value should be high. As for the bottom value, you have to ask the Tissot. "Mo Mountain laughed.

The sword is unparallled, but the heart also pays attention to the name of Tissot adult.

The Lord of this Mo Mountain is also known as the Tissot, apparently that the status of Tissot is far higher than the general rule.

"In fact, it is easy, the most critical end is still guided!" Mo Mountain suddenly positively, "the strong person guided you, and I blindly explored it alone, to cultivate, it is completely two things."

The sword is unhousnating.

For this, he does not deny it.

Strong people personally pointed to, let people walk less and more detours, saving some unnecessary steps, and spending all time in the place where they grow up, it is naturally faster.

"Little guy, the old man has also been introduced, I am from the Tiantian three palace, and I am a three-palace genius like a cloud, but the strong is even more than a few, but all the genius disciples who join the Tiantian 3rd can get the maximum extent. Cultivation, naturally you can get the best guidance !! "

"Do you want to go to the sky with me?" Mo Mountain watched the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but his eyes are fierce, and the whole person is awakened.

"This Moon ..."

There is still no change in swords, but it is a sharp surprise.

He gave him the big man of the Headquarters to find him, it is very likely to value his talent, want to invite him to join the Tiantian three palace.

He has always left a heart.

Just see this ink mountain, the latter did not mention this matter, but very friendly and no half a shelf gave him some pointing to suggestions, these guidelines and suggestions were indeed helpful.

In particular, Mo Mountain told him this "lysery secret", so that he also made him feel excited to Mo Mountain.

Who knows that this Mo Mountain is turned, directly wants him to join the Tiantian 3rd, and it still has changed ... He just shattered, it will agree directly.

Deep sucking, the sword is unparalleled, "" Mo Mountain, I am sorry, I have not joined the Tiantian Three Palace temporarily. "

"Oh?" Mo Mountain eyes slightly, the face also revealed the color, "Little guy, the old man knows that there are two genius inviting you, but they are just disciples, but also the disciples of Tiandi, There are not many people knowing, not to mention that your talent is completely likely to enter the strongest chaotic palace, the various resources of the Chaos Palace, far from the Tiandi Palace, the original palace can be able to Comparison, the two little guys don't know, I naturally can't explain it to you. "

"But the old man can tell you one by one ..."

Mo Mountain is ready to talk to the sword without having some resource privileges.

However, he has not yet begun, the sword is unparalleled, but he has directly shaken his head and refuses to say: "Sorry Mo Mountain adult, I did not want to join the Tiantian three palace."

Mo Mountain brow could not be frowned, and there was no going to say it under the next words.

He watched the sword unparalleled, "Little guy, you can think clearly, according to the rules of the Arab Express, as long as you invite you to be rejected, it will not be invited for the second time. So from personally, because you are actually amazing, if you even reject the husband, then in the future ... "

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