Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2990, unfortunately!

(Today's four more!)


Although the words of Mo Mountain did not finish, he means very clear.

For the same genius, the normal situation will only be invited once, only the very very enchanting super genius will have the opportunity to invite the second time.

Like the sword is unparalleled, the gods have a second-order real force, and it is a genius that can be invited by the second invitation.

However, if the sword refuses to refuse, the is absolutely impossible to have a third time.

In history, I have never been invited to invite the same genius three times.

When I heard the words of Mo Mountain, the sword was unparalleled but sighed.

It is not that he is not interested in the sky, he also knows that it will be cultivated in the three palaces of the Tiantian, which is much faster than yourself, and the space of growth will be even greater. The future achievements may be even greater.

But it is really his concern, so that he does not dare to appear in the eyes of some big forces.

"Moshan adult, sorry."

The sword is unparalleled, and after respecting the routine, he will turn directly to leave.

Mo Mountain looked at the back of the sword, the brow is still crumpled, but there is no retaining.

Until the sword was unparalleled, Mo Mountain began to sink.

"The old man has already guided him in a special way, and it looks like it. It has also been exhausted on the Chaos Palace. Can you refuse?" Mo Mountain is quite quite.

He has just been watching the sword unparalleled reaction. When he saw the sword unparalleled by him, he thought that this is necessary, but he didn't expect the sword unparalleled in the last, and even refused him, but also refused. This is thorough, so that some of the welfare privileges of some disciples of the chaotic palace have not been finished, this is obviously the room for not negotiating.

"It has been in the heart, but it is unwilling to join me, and it is difficult to make this little guy with a big man with me. Let him have numerous counseling?" Moshan muff.

What's another sword is not a double now is just a god, for a huge , just a little guy.

Such a small guy must not have any deep vessels with the , even if there is a certain hatred, look at his talented, the will not continue to blame, in this case, the sword is unparalleled There are so many scruples.

That is in his opinion, there is only one possibility, it is a strong private grievance in the sword where there is a strong person in the .

"The second invitation is rejected, and the Tianzheng is absolutely impossible to invite the third time. It seems that this super enchanting is destined to have a disciple of me, the disciple of the Tiantian, but unfortunately, it is a pity."

Mo Mountain secretly praised a few words, and immediately left.


Treasure Pavilion, the golden light shadow is condensed in front of the sword.

"Tissot adult, I want you to" crack secret "." The sword is unparalleled.

"Cracking secret?" Tissot's look moved.

"It is the master of the main cracking of a strong rule. It is the secret of time and space rules and swords. It is right, and it also contains the homogeneous owner's void sword." Sword is unparalleled .

"I know." Tissot's nodded, "You are quite possible," the "" is not only extraordinary, but it is indeed the most suitable for you, what person gives you? "

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled, but there is no answer.

Tissot adult shrugged, "Tell you that it is useless, there is a" "existence, and the four books have, but these four books" ", even the first floor It requires the permissions of the heaven-level member to be redeemed. "

"What?" The sword has no double.

The first volume is required to need the permission of the heaven-level member?

This is the hierarchy of this ""?

"With my current strength, the three-level Samsung mission should be nothing, how long can it become a member of the heaven." The sword is unmarkable, but it is asked: "Tissot adult, dare to ask this" crack How many Sundams do you need to redeem? "

"Not much, 800 billion!" Tissot adult directly,

The sword is unparalleled.

800 billion Shengdan?

Just one volume?

"This, this is too expensive?" The sword couldn't help but

He thought that he had just completed the special prefecture-level Samsung task, got 100 million Santan, it was already enough, it really didn't have to destroy the beast statue, then the destruction of the god statue was exchanged in Tissot. If you can exchange 500 billion Shengdan, it is 60 million.

But he didn't think of it, he had six billion Sheng Dan in his hand, and he could not redeem the first volume of the "Crack Secret".

"Looks like I have to think about some Sundami." The sword was unimaced.

For now, he wants to get adequate Shengdan with the fastest speed, you can only find a way to complete the task.

The sword is unparalleled to the Skyregor Hall, starting to see those prefecture-level Samsung tasks.

The endless territor, no vast, endless domain, single-owned secret nest also countless, and such a large territory, the prefecture-level Samsung mission released by the is natural.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the look.

"This task, the difficulty is not small, if I have one person in my strength, I can complete it, but I can finally get the rewards can be more than 20 million holy Dan, too little !!"


"This task, although the reward is very high, there is 5 million Santanes, but the place where you want to go is one of the real prohibitions. Don't say me, even if it is second order and even the third-order, go in, there are Maybe you die, or is getting lost! "

"I am not afraid, I don't want to kill, I am not so easy, but it is too difficult to lose, but it is too difficult, still countless."


"This task, the risk is too big, not suitable."


The sword is unparalleled, and three tasks are finally selected.

These three tasks are all prefecture-level Samsung tasks, and the difficulty is not small, especially the last task.

"Three tasks, the first one with the second task is four millions of Santanes, as for the final third task, the remuneration is 100 million, add up, it is more than 100 million Santan! "

"If it is possible to complete all these three tasks, plus the Sundam of my hand, then selling the statue of the destruction of the beast, I can make it more than eight million." The sword was unbeded.

I quickly took the task soon.


PS: Today's four is more!

Monday, ask the recommended ticket!

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