Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2991 No Sea

(The first to come!)


The sky is dark.

The lower side is a vast sea area, which is not only huge, but also unusually quiet.

! !

An appearance in this sea area, looking at the front.

"This is the no sea area?" The sword was muffy.

There is no sediment, which is also in the endless territor, but it is a relatively bustling territory.

In this territory, there are many strong people, like this no-sea, it is said to have a lot of thief, which has a high level of robbers, and there are many people who do not die.

"For a year." The sword is unparalleled, "" In order to complete the two level Samsung mission, I used the time, now this no-god sea is the last level of Samsung mission, I hope to be able to work "

He has received three just three-star tasks in the Jianregation, with the first two tasks, although there have been some changes in the middle, but also brought some trouble, but he only spent some time a little more. The hands and feet, or the two tasks are completed, and the two tasks add up to 80 million Santan, and now they have reached his hands.

And now he is doing, it is the last task of previously received.

It is also the biggest difficulty, the highest pay, has a task that is 100 million Santan.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled with the depths of the front sea area.


There is a central part of the sea, there is an unmanned island.

This island looks incomparably calm, but actually because this island is placed in a misplaced array.

In the island, a team is hidden.

This team has more than ten people, and all of them are strong, and they are not dead. Of course they are just pseudo.

There are two people headed by this team, one is the old head of the white robe, and the other is a teenager that is slightly strange.

"Uncle, we have been hiding more than a year, and how long is it to hide?" That is slightly fative teenager.

"Waiting for how long, you have to wait."

The white robe's head old, 'Lei Shu', said: "The no-sea area is a very vast waters, there is no space channel here, we want to leave the most central coast, But you don't know, this four major overlords in the sea are now looking for our traces. Once our whereabouts are discovered, these four big domines are directly killed, we can't resist it. "

"It is not a way to hide here." Sketchy boy said: "Although the no-sea area is huge, there are many islands, but there are many strong people under the four major hegens, they scattered a seat island. Take carefully, I will find our island sooner. "

"Before, there were two people to have arrived in this island, but the two were only a god, and the illusion of the Lei Shu, you were confused. He didn't see it, but it was a next time. Don't die, Lei Shu, your illusion is there? "

Lei Shu god is not a sink.

Indeed, he was confused in this island to confuse the general gods, but it was too reluctant to confuse the saint.

Once there is a non-dead saint to come to this island, it is absolutely easy to find them, as long as their whereabouts expose, it is complete.

"Don't worry, the owner knows that you are here, so the arrangements made in the old morning, and even spend great costs, please call the sky, we have been waiting for a year, no accident The strong people of the alliance should be coming soon. When the strong people of the , we can leave this unspeakable sea area. "Uncle Lei said.

" ?" The slightly fat teenager was lined up, and the eyes were also flashing with a variety of light.

Just then ... ! !

A shape is galloping from the distance, but it has appeared above the island in an instant.

"somebody is coming!!"

"Be careful, hide your own breath."

"Look at the breath of this person, it is just the level of God, and should see the magic of the launch of Thunder."

The strong people of this team are discussing.

Although they can't see the specific appearance of the figure above, but can feel the athletics.

Just just a god, they are not worried.

Suddenly ... That pause is a void in the island, but a fierce acceleration, directly falling directly.


"It turned out to be? Is it to see the slide of the thunder?"

The strong people of this team are shocked.

That Lei Shu also immediately transferred the magic, I want to stop the opponent.

Results ... The stacious figure has not been affected by a half point in the illusion, but continues to go down, only instantly passing from the magic, and appears in front of this team.

The strong people of this team have come up with their own gods and intend to attack.

"Stop, don't impress." Uncle Lei sent a low drink and blocked everyone.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.


Surnse on Uncle Lei, he knew that he had a member of the Amei Member, like a sword in front of him, a rhythm, gray mask, which is obviously a standard equipped with a member of the Astro.

"Do you should pick it to pick up the task of the ?" Lei Shu asked again.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled again. "I have a gaze," I received the task, I am protecting a young master named Qin Dong, I will leave this unspeakable sea area, you are, who is Qindong? "

"I, I am." The boss of the body immediately stood up.

"Is you?" The sword was unparalphed at this Qindong Young Master. "From today, you follow me, I will take you to leave the no sea."

The sword is unparalleled, just finished, the strong people around the team have revealed the color of the quirky.

"This little brother." The Lei Shu also looked over, "Dare to ask?"

"Jian Tian Hou." The sword has no double.

"Jian Tian Hou Xiaoyou, I don't know where your teammates, where is it now?" Lei Shu asked.

"Teammates? There is no teammate." The sword did not shook his head without double.

"There is no teammate? That is a companion?" Uncle Lei asked again.

"Nor did it, this task is that I will take it alone. Naturally, I am responsible for me." The sword is unparalleled.


Uncle Lei Shu still has the strong people around the team, it is shocked.

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