Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2992 Blood Knife



"You, are you not kidding? This task, can you complete?" Uncle Shu face becomes cold, "You know what is the place you are now? Here is an qi sea area, the strong is like a cloud, Even if you are not dead, you have some. "

"And I am adding the four major hegens who are in the unpopular area, and the four big swords will be more than ten, and their leaders are said to be a first-order peak. ..."

This Lei Shu's words have not been completely finished, and they have been unparalleled by the sword.

"What you said, I know that the task information I get is detailed. I know that the strength of the four big hegens, I know more clearly than you, but since I got the task information, I know the enemy. The strength still dares to take this task, naturally, it is necessary to grasp, this, no need to worry. "The sword is unparalleled.

And his words, also caused the disgusions of this team.

You know, this team has a lot of unstead of sacred people. Their young masters have them to escort them. As a result, they can only hide in this small island, they don't dare to show, and now Come on a god, but dare to say that it is to be acknowledged?

This seems to be a joke in most people.

"Uncle Lei, what should I do?" The young master of Qinsong immediately saw the past.

The uncle's color is cloudy, and he looked at the sword and wanted to see the sword unparalleled look.

But unfortunately, the sword has been wearing a mask. The only eye is just a pair of eyes, but this is an unusually indifferent to the eyes. He can't see it.

"The owner, this time, the average is the only task, that is to say, there is no one in the Jade, and someone picks up this task. There will be no second person within the mission term, but The other party should take this only task, and it is sure to have the strength of completing the task. This point of the Agency will also be tested according to the difficulty of task! "

"Now, this Jian Tianhou received this only task through the detection of the , then, it means that the Agency is recognized his strength and thinks he is capable of completing this mission." Lei Shu low.

"Is it capable? He has the ability to be just a gods?" Qin Dong couldn't help.

"There is no way, now this sword is coming, we can't let him go back, even if you go back, we can't wait to wait for another , so we can only gamble!" Tao.

"Gambling?" Qin Dongyi.

"Gambling this sword is like him, there is a grasp of the four big hegens, and it is also the gambling Aimeng will not violate his own principles. If you send this task, you must have the ability to complete this time. Task. "Lei Shu Road.

"That is to say, we have to pay your own life to this goddess?" Qin Dong's face is very ugly.

"This is also a way to have a way." Lei Shu is sighful, and immediately, he will only look at the sword, "Dare to ask how to take my young master?"

"It's all directly to me."

The sword is unparalleled to say, and his body has been suspended.

Qin Dong took looked at Lei Shu, and the two did not have too much hesitation. As for other people of the team, it is of course followed.

A group left the island under the leader of the sword, and then the light is directly lighted directly toward the edge of this unsuccessful sea.

On the way, the strong look of this team is a bit uncomfortable.

"This guy, I didn't want us to leave the unpopular area so bright. When did the four major orthoters?"

"Just, if you don't have any camouflage, as long as you see us immediately, then directly kill it, how can he be resistant?"

"It seems that this time, we are fierce."

These people are more or less have a bit decadent.

As they expected, they did not have any disappearances in the unspeakable sea, and they did not have any camouflage. It was easily discovered. I found that they are the four major dominine. First, the people of blood knife island.

Inside the palace.

"The island owner, find the position where the Qin Dong Master is." A thin old man came in to report.

"found it?"

Bloody island island, is a young man in bloody airtight, his eyes, flashing red, listening to the report of the thin and weak old, but the red light is extremely cold.

"Where did you find them?" Said the blood knife island.

"Just on the void of the nopage, I don't know what happened. The Qin Dong also has his guards, and there has been no disguise to cover up. It seems that it is like this to leave Sea area. "Skin old man.

"There is no camouflage with hidden?" The blood knife island is an eyebrow. "This Qin Dong should know that the four major hegens we have no gods are got to them, and they have been looking for their position, they are looking for a foot. It's a year, now it is good, they actively take it out? And so unscrupulous? "

Yes, the people in Qin Dong are too unscrupulous.

It is because it is unscrupulous, but it makes this blood knife island.

"Is it that Qin family's strong arrived? No, there are two major camps there now, and each other is also monitoring deterrence, and any party is slightly moving, and the other will miss this opportunity. The people there have actions, I will definitely get the news, but now it seems to be, but I really have to come over, it takes a long time, I can't be so fast. " The main finger is tapped with a plaque.

Half he looked up, "We have seen any special strong people from the guards of Qindong?"

"Yes." Silk old man said: "According to the news from the eyeliner, Qindong is indeed more than one person. The person wears a gray robbery, and the face is still a gray mask."

"Ceremony? Gray mask?" The main color of the blood knife island suddenly changed, " ! It is a heaven !!"

"The people of the ,,

There is a heroic name and terrorist power of the Taijie Shenjie. This blood knife is is certainly known, and he has always been aweed for , does not dare to get sin.

And the gray robes, gray masks, obviously the bouting of the Jade Strong.

"Adults, the eyeliner also came to the news, the person wearing a gray robo, is a god." Thin old people said again.

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