Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2993 killing innocent

(The third is over!)


"what did you say?"

The voice of the blood knife island is abrupt, he is also full of horror to see that thin and weak old people.

"Let's say this." Silk old people said.

"God 1. You determine that he is clear, how many people who are more exclusive are just a gods?" The blood knife island is a bit difficult.

"He is very affirmation, but it may be that the man deliberately hide the breath, and our people can't see it." Thin old people said.

"There is this possibility." Nodding the blood knife island, "But no matter what to say, since the Qin Dong's situation has been found, for the huge reward, no matter what this person is hidden, we have to go. Try a try !! "

"Direct order, everyone, start now !!"

With the order of blood knife island, the many strong people in the blood knife is still moved.


The top of the vast sea area, the sword unparalleled people are still flipped in the unscrupulous front.

But just here ... !!!!! ~~~ The dense linear foot has a few ten stones from a very fast speed.

However, the blink of an eye has come to the front of the sword.

After the ten gods stopped, the strong breath on his body immediately oppressed his sword.

Looking at this group of strong people in front of it, swords are still indifferent, but they can protect Qin Dong, Lei Shu and their team's guards, but the completion is extremely gloomy.

"Blood Knife is one of the four major hegens, the blood knife island, is the blood knife island owner !!"

"Scorpio, more than 30 people, there is half of them accounted for half, and even the blood knife island is coming over, this is waiting, how do we resist?"

"Blood protection island, it is said that it is a first-order peak."

These guards are full of heart.

That Lei Shu is also very nervous with Qindong.

"Haha, Qin family's kid, finally let me find you." The blood knife island with a cold smile, the sound is shot, and his eyes swept the people in front of him. When I saw Qindong, I was here. Immediately burst out a variety of light.

Of course, he also saw the sword unparalleled existence.

"Is this the strongman of the ?"

The blood knife island, also carefully read the sword and unparalleled eyes. He left the right to see a conclusion.

"God, really just God." The smile on the blush island is more strong.

"Uncle, what do we do?" Qin Dong's body shape was a little trembling.

"Don't worry, first look at this sword day, he can have such a big confidence, that eighth else is also a means, maybe he can really stop this blood knife island, as long as he can stop this blood knife island. I can leave your grandfather you left. "Uncle Lei Shu.

He is a top fake star, and it is also extremely strong in the top pseudo.

As long as he is not touched, he is not afraid.

And the power of these blood knife island, although not dead, there is more than ten, but the truth of the holy, only one of the blood protection island.

If the blood knife island is unpacked by the sword, if you can't take it, he does have to take Qin Dong.

Under the gaze of everyone, the sword is unparalleled, and it is finally lifted.

"This person, I have to take him away, block the road, kill innocent !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the cold voice is issued from his mouth. In this Mo Daowei, you will open it.

I heard the sword is unparalleled, not only blood knife island, even if Qin Dong and others are all.

They did not expect the sword without double one opening, they directly said such a word.

Block road, killing innocent?

He is too domineering?

Don't forget, it is the top of the blood knife island, but it is more than ten fake, with a first-order peak.

In the face of such a lineup, he dare to say killed innocent?


The sword is unparalleled, and it is like thundering.

"court death!!"

The strong people in the blood knife island are angry.

They will not be scared by a god of the district, and the instant is directly bursting.

Seeing this scene, the sword has no difference in murder, "Don't roll, then die !!"

boom! !

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is like a shell.

At the same time, he is a lot of golden power begins to roll.

Seven-star secrets, penalty God, Jiu Yaoxingjia, three secrets have been simultaneously displayed.

He slowly raised his hands and swords, swords.

" !

A sword is pulled out.

This sword, it seems that the cloud is light, but it can actually draw the moment, but it has just put the sword unparalleled self-swords, and the strength of the three thousand three hundred feet in the body has reached the extreme, ~~~ A large number of time and space rules are condensed with swords, and condense the blade of time and space.

Numerous time and space blade with dense Ma Ma is integrated with the sword.

Time and space rules and swordsmanship, perfect combination!

boom! !

A huge storm rises empty.

This storm, like the horizon of the world, after sweating, immediately set off a tsunami that is enough to die.

Time and space swordsmanship ninth type, storm! !

"This sword !!"

Originally full of killing, I want to go to the sword of the sword who is arrogant, the sword of the sword, who is arrogant, in the moment of seeing this horror sword blade storm, but a face color Big change.

Including the bloody protection island, also exposed a surprised color.

So horrible sword, even if he, the heart is full of palpitations.


The huge sword blade storm, covering all the strong people in the blood knife island, and then endless swords while ebased.

This stranded power is horrible, even if it covers all the strong people in the blood knife, at the same time, it is more than 30 people, but the power is not a common force.

Just hear ! ! !

A lot of sounds like Jian Feng's body continues to ring, it is like autumn wind sweeps the leaves.

The blood knife island has more than 30 strong people. It has nearly half in an instant, and people with weak strength were killed on the spot.

The rest of the people survived in this sword, but most of them suffered a part of the power, they were not very good.

It is at this time ...

"Be careful!!"

The scream of the screams sounded, and I saw a ghostless voice. I didn't know when I appeared in a fake of the blood knife island.

The fake sancto did not have any response, and the sword was brushed from his neck, and the whole head flew out.


The strange figure flashed, and there was another side of the second fake, the same sword, the second head flew out again.


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