Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2994 sweeps!

(Today's four more!)


" " " " " ~~~

The strange figure continuous lightning, constantly burst, and the void is ~~~ It is like cut wheat, and a head is directly cut down.

Only less than a breathing time, more than ten of the blood knife island did not kill eight people.

This horrible slaughter speed, let the remaining fake sanctuary of the blood knife is is screaming.


The sword has no double body shape, once again bursting.


The blood knife island is a sharpness, and his eyes are completely scarlet, and its figure has been in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to stop the hand, watching the blood protection island owner, then single hand holding the sword.

! !

A pound of swords, driving three thousand three hundred feet high in the body, suddenly clear.

The blood knife is the main hand, it is a scarlet knife, which is a blood knife.

As he fierce his hands, a vast blood is raised, and the blood knife is is is crazy. At this moment, the power has been played to achieve the ultimate.


The knife is coming, and it is collided with the front of the pounds.

clang! !

A great sound, the horrible shock wave is intertwined, and the whole sea is completely set off.

In the most central, the blood knife island the main eye, the next moment, a terrible force is to ruin his knife, continue to bombard him above his body.

! !

The blood knife island is like a meteorite, and it directly entered the seawater below.

After a while, his body was rebounded out of the sea.

After you can rush out of the sea, the crazy and killing on his face have disappeared, and it is a horror.

"This guy, obviously just a god, powerful, is full of me?"

"Too strong, his power is too strong, the speed is also far better than I am, I am playing with him, I am afraid that I have not even a fortune, hurry !!"

No one is hesitant, this blood knife island is immediately turned to escape.

He is so, there will be the rest of the blood of the bloody island, and it is natural to escape from the heart of the heart.

And the sword is unparalleled, watching them, and did not go up to chase.

He just slowly forward and converged his own trophy.

You know, he just can slaughter the footsteps of the saints in an instant.

This is also the most cultivated saints that he cultivated to now.

Eight unstead of sacred people, even fake, the average of every family is estimated to have only one million Santan, but all add a unsained harvest.

All of them have finished doing, the sword is not turned to look at the rear of Qindong, Lei Shu and others.

I just said that it was slow, in fact, from the sword where there was no double shot, the eight unstead of sacred people, and then went to a sword to force the blood knife island, and scared the blood knife island, the wolf, this is just in a short period of time.

Qin Dong, Lei Shu still has their guards, which have already been scared in front of him.

Exactly, they are not frightening, but completely!

The blood knife island, the tipped, there is more than 30 strong people, more than ten people who are not dead, even with blood knife island, the powerful first-order peak, so huge lineup, they have no half a point before Grasp.

Even Qin Dong and Lei Shu are just prayerless swords without double can block the blood knife island.

Can the result?

Just one moment, but the effort of electro-optical rock.

Many strong people in the blood knife island, they were slaughtered, only a few people were escaped, and the blood knife island is already repeated, and the wolf fled.

And all this is that they only distribute the swords of the gods in front of this.

"He, he ..." Qin Dong pointed to the sword, the eyes were sluggish, and I didn't know what to say in a time.

"Young master, pay attention to your move, don't arranging this adult." Uncle Lei is shouting.

Qin Dong is also immediately conscious, and quickly recovered his fingers, but his mood still can't calmly.

For a long time, still Lei Shuyi has completed the mood. After lighter, he will come over with the sword.

"Thank you, the Jian Tian Hou gods slammed the blood knife island for my young master." Lei Shu is full of fear.

"I just didn't have to complete the task, thank you, I won't have it." The sword is unparalleled, "Okay, let's continue."

It's not going back to say that the sword is not born.

Qin Dong, Lei Shu and others immediately followed.

The opposite is true ... before Qindong, they are very nervous, I am worried that I can't live with the unspeakable sea.

It can now be seen that there is a unparalleled strength of the sword now, these emotions have disappeared.

"Uncle, this time, we are looking for people." Qin Dong quietly said.

"Well, it is looking for a person. The strength of this sword is very strong, it is very strong, from the war that he just showed, his at least a first-order peak, even in one The peaks of the order is also very strong, and the blood knife is not his opponent at all, with him guards us, we should be able to leave this unspeakable sea. "Lei Shu smiled.

"This sword is very powerful, but I am very curious, is he really just a god, or said there is a hidden breath?" Qin Dong frowned.

"This is ... should be hidden, if it is only a god, then his talent is too terrible, so terrible genius has already entered the legendary three palace in the legendary League, which It appears here. "Uncle Lei said, he also believes that the sword is unparalleled should be hidden.

"Then why should he hide a breath, I feel hidden, there is nothing big?" Qin Dong was confused.

"Who knows, maybe this Jian Tian Hou adult is used to playing pigs to eat tigers?" Lei Shu Road.

Qin Dong, I was a smile. "Whether, no matter what this sword is hidden, it doesn't matter if we don't have to leave this, we will return to the family, wait back to family, After the fight, I took the family's strong, and I gave this unspeakable sea area, so that the four major hegens of the unspeakable sea became the dog !! "

Lei Shu can't help but dumb, and you also show a smile.

Because of the existence of absolute strength of the sword, Qin Dong, Lei Shu and those guards are obviously relaxed, but the sword is unparalleled but clear, and this task is not very simple, and I am afraid it will be I have a lot of trouble.


PS: Today's four is more!

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