Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2995, first-order peak, four!

(The first to come!)


There is no seafood and the vast sea.

The blood knife island owner and the remaining people remain there, and the look is extremely ugly.


The blood knife island suddenly looked up, with the end of his front, there were ten to gallop.

"Haha, blood knife, see you like this, seems to have some wolves?"

The cheerful laughter sounded, and the laughter was a burly bald man. The bald man came to the top of the blood knife island. When the breath, the breath is not in the first-order peak of the blood knife island. .

"Hey, I also saw the blood knife is the first time." The smile sounded, and it was a red girl. This red girl looks like Chu Chu, but the eyes are extremely cold, It's like a blade.

"I got the news, saying that your blood knife island has found the Qin Dong's place, and the nest is directly killed, you can see this, you are afraid that you can't succeed, and you still have a small loss "There is also a black gown and cool youth.

The burly bald man, red girl, black robes, cold youth, these three people are the first-order peak, and it is the mainstay of the other three major hegens in the sea.

"Well, there are three, unnecessary nonsense, I will come to you this time, it is to negotiate how to kill the Qin East." The blood knife island.

"Blood knife, according to I know, there are not many strong people carrying with them around Qin Jia, even if there is a hanker, as long as you find their existence, you should kill them should be very Easy to? How can I become now? "The burly bald man asked.

"I thought it was a must, and the result didn't expect the Qin family to call a lotion of the Skye Power." The blood knife island is low.

" ?" The burly bald man, the girl, the gapper, the black robes, the gods, the gods, the gods, all move.

"The strong strength of the is very strong?" The red girl asked immediately.

"But from the surface, it is not strong, just just the level of God, but he must hide his own breath, his strength is strong, saying is not good, no one in our four people must be strong Less. "The main road of the blood knife island," The strong person of the There is no room for struggling! "

"Just instantly kung fu, the people in my bloody oyster are mostly half a slaughter, even if the saints are killed, and after the shot, he is just a sword, the terrible power is still I am completely crushing ... I estimate that the strength of this person should have reached the most limit of the first-order holy, and it is also very close to the second order of true. "

"This is what it is?" The burly bald man, the red girl, the black robes, the cold youth look also gain.

"Blood knife, according to you, our strong people we encounter, only those who are slaughtered?" The red woman is positively.

The four major hegemones in the afternial sea are much different from each other.

The strong man of Jianzhi can easily slaughter the blood protection island, killing the blood knife island so much, and naturally can slaughter the other three major hegens.

"Yes, so I will call them now." The blood knife island is solemn: "Although the people of the Tianzhi is gone, but after all, there is only one person, one, one of them, no one is his opponent, can be Four hits one, he is only crushed by us. "


The burly bald man, the girl, the black robes, the cold youth, and the spin is secretly nodded.

Indeed, if they are said according to the blood knife island, they are not enough to slaughter the strong, then they can only join hands, completely unite, but they are the four big first-order peaks, unless they meet To the second order, it can be suppressed.

"Triple, this time, the emphasis on the Qin family is quite sufficient, even if we join hands, finally sharing down, the payment is still a lot, how, do you want to join hands, you decide." The blood knife island Tao.

"Can join hands." The burly bald man said.

"I have no opinion." The girl nodded.

"In this case, then we will shoot together." The cold youth also agreed.

The four people have reached a consistent, and many of the four big people in the waters of the sea, they will start immediately.


The sword is unparalleled in the no-sea, they have not hidden their whereabouts.

The strong people of the four major hegens have to find them is of course not difficult.

Soon ... !!!!

A large piece of strong figure came directly from the front, and the blink of an eye has come to the front of the sword.

"not good!"

"Another person in blood knife island."

"In addition to the blood knife island, others ... Luo Nikam, the demon snow island, black wind island, bad, no sea, the four major hegens, it is all coming !!"

The eyes of Qindong's escorts have been straight.

"How can it be?"

"How could this be?"

Lei Shu also glanced at the eyes, the incredibleness of the face, "The four major hegens in the sea is often competed for the benefits, and the hatred between each other is very deep. How can these four big overlords will join hands? ? "

"Interests, definitely for interest." Qin Dong's face is also extremely ugly, "said that people there have been blood book, giving a very high compensation, which makes these four big hegens can not think about the past grievances, Join your hands to kill me, enough !! "

Looking at the many strong people in front of the four islands in front, especially the four first-order peaks of the front, the guards of Qin Dong couldn't help but rose a despair, of course they also Not completely desperate, after all, they have a line of life.

This line of life is a person standing in front of them in front of them, wearing a gray mask.

"Jian Tian Hou adults." Lei Shu also looked at the sword.

Now the sword is unparalleled is their only hope.

Only swords are unparalleled to make them live.

"The strongest of the four major hegens gathers?" The face under the sword is unparalleled, and it is also an unusually cold and black atmosphere.

The eyes he exposed did not have a sense of emotion, sweeping everyone in front of him.

He has guess this task is not that simple, so there is no great accident to the appearance of this group of strong people in front of him.

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