Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3005 chasing!

(The third is over!)


"Look, my killing in this time also caused the vigilance of the magic of the truth." The sword was unimaced.

According to the intelligence given by the , his goal has always been alone in the house, and there are very few people who will follow him. But he rushed over, just started to cover the soul, and Didn't find any hairdressing existence, so he started.

Who once thought that he had a hand, and there were three powerful hairdresses in this house.

Two second-order peaks, a third-order high! !

This can be scared by the sword, and he will choose to escape without hesitation.

And these happels were obviously not intended to let him go, just chasing him behind him.

"Chasing ..." I haven't been there for a long time. "The sword was unparalleled.

If it is last, he does not know how many times they have been chased from the weak and step by step.

Every time he is dangerous.

But after this life, he still cultivated for hundreds of years, but was chased, it seems to be ahead.

"However, this is what I want." The sword is unparalleled: "Only this is a bit risky, and only this can I inspire my blood!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands. After watching, "Let's come, this time I rushed to take risks, rushing to stimulate, I hope you can really force me into the desperate situation, only this, I can Find a breakthrough opportunity !! "

The people were chased, but the sword was unparalleled not only without tension, but the opposite is very expected.

And behind him, the four sincere people are tightly followed by swords.

Among these four people, they exist on the list of killed, but they are a breath of evil black robe.

This black robe is cold, but there is no cold, but his heart is a felection, "Fortunately, after I pick up the news, I have a vigilant, the fastest time, please come Three friends, let them hide in my house, or ... "

This black robe is really unimaginable. If there is no such friend, he will become.

You must know that he is just a second-order holy, and the strength is not as good as the fire.

Even the firecraper is directly killed by the other party. If he encounters the other party alone, it will only be dead.

But fortunately, he is smart, the reaction is also enough! !

"I am not dead, then I am dead now, it is him!" The cold eyes of the black robe stared at the sword.

Three people next to him, the same fellows are alive.

"The strong man of the , is so fast!" A golden short-haired man in a short shirt said.

This golden short hair is a strong third-order San Jinshan, the strongest third-order Sheng Jinshan Zone! !

"The speed is fast, he should be extremely high, with several of us, you want to catch up with him, I am afraid it is difficult." A green girl said next to him.

"Don't worry, I have given this matter to the witch adult, the witch has already arrived at the fastest speed, and he has also mobilized strong from the nearby territory. Now, we can come here, as long as we can Follow him, always tell his position, our people can find a way to have a circle around him, and when he is inserted! "The last white man said.

"Yes, he will die !!" The old man is also cold.


In the edge of this domain, there is a hidden space channel in the edge of this domain.

! !

The light is bright, and the five teams will come out from the space channel, and the head is the first to see the Temple of the Temple to see the Purple Sign of the Magic Front. This purple robe is the Jinshan Zongwei. Witch.

This witch, in the status of the magic, the Lord of the Magic Sound.

This incident, the impact is too affected, even the owner is angry, so the murder of the sword is unparalleled, this witch person is personally.

"We now just rushed to the edge of this domain, and it is still very far away from Jinshan Gongli. I am afraid that I haven't come to come." The witch gods slightly, in that, "other people?" "

"Go back to adults, after you get down, you don't just use this domain, and there are several domains around the world. As long as you are the strong above the world, you have rushed over the fastest speed, now rush to Jinshan Zong. The strong people near them have 18. "A true holy opening road behind him.

"18th?" Witch's brow wrinkled, "Not enough, not enough, let others speed up the speed, and the people of the Tianzhi are not weak, even the fire cocks and Shengzun can directly kill, and he In the hands, there seems to be a 'Burden' toxic liquid that is not dead. In this case, the general first-order holy, even two or three are jointly, it is not enough to see it in front of him. "

"Don't be too dispersed in our people, it is best to join hands together, don't break the opportunity one by one."

"Yes." The truth is respectful.

"The soul is really the Lord?" The witch adult asked.

"Not yet, but it is too fast, and the other people have sent a ballast to the hands of Jinshan." That really holy.

"Very good." The witch neitched slightly.

This time, they are ready to be prepared.

Although the breath of the sword is only a god, everyone thinks he is just hidden, and the real realm is definitely true.

And to deal with the hairdressing, of course, you have to use various means.

The soul is killed, and the treasure is suppressed, they are prepared.

"Walk, we also come immediately!"

A few people who have also personally come from.


Among the vast void, the sword is still in front of the rapid appearance.

In the way to escape, he also found a lot of breath.

"The speed is very fast, in such a short time, there are so many strong people, it is worthy of the magic, the sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are slightly smile.

"There is already a lot of strong people around me, but these strong strength is not too strong, and there is no absolute grasp to leave me, so there is no trading, they are waiting, etc. Many, form a more complete surrounding loop, like it to completely break the opportunity to escape. "

The sword has long guess the intention of the high-rise of the magic.

"I can't continue this way again. Anyway, I have given you a chance. If you can get it, you can see your own skills." The sword is unparalleled, but the body is instantly accelerated!

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