Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3006 intercepts

(Today's four more!)


call out! !

The sword is unparalleled.

Before he fled all the way, there is a speed that can converge his own, and there is no effort to break out.

The reason is to give the opportunity to give the magic of the country.

Now the opportunity has gone to the same, the magic, the goddess has gathered around him, and his speed broke out completely.

This outbreak, the outbreak of the speed is Her he has just flooded more than ten times! !

To know, he just plays a very fast, even the second-order peers can only barely follow it, but now it is more than ten times, what is this concept?

"not good!!"


"His speed!"

I saw the speed of ten times the sword unparalleled instant, and I was shocked.

The spin is immediately submitted to the witch.

"The person of the witch, the person of the doesn't know why, the speed suddenly has increased ten times, we can't keep up." Jinshan Authority personally communicate.

Although he is a third-order truth, it is not good at speed, and it is the same speed of the sword.

He is so, don't say anything else.

"Damn !!"

After the witness received this news, the look is also extremely ugly. He immediately changed the deployment. "There is no way, you can only take it immediately. Now, where is the location, who is there?"

"Adults, Tiangu King and Stone saint are in front of the man." He is the true sisters.

"Tiangu Wang and Shi Sheng people?" The eyes of the witch suddenly lit, "these two can be the second-order high-order, and the Tianzu Wang is tangled, and the body of the stone is very strong, they If the two are jointly, unless people are three-stage real holy, they will definitely intercept! "

"It is reasonable to say this." The truth next to him nodded.

"Fast, give him a joint message, to join the two people together, to intercept the person, do not need him to kill the people in the sky, just need to be entangled, don't give him The opportunity to get out is successful, waiting for the Jinshan Zong, the soul is the same, and then it is not too late! "Witch's big man said.

"Yes." The truth immediately went to the news.


Among the voids, the two movements are standing in parallel.

These two people, one is cold and cold, and the hand is holding a darklip whip, and the long whip is also full of all kinds of dark scales, just like a monuped snake.

Another person is a high-tech man who is almost three meters, and the body is very strong. This high man is holding hands, and there is a giant ax with two meters long behind.

"Hey, Shi Sheng people, I didn't expect to be able to join hands with you one day?" The hand holding a black whip, a cold and cold gray robe smirk.

"I didn't expect." The high school man at nearly three meters is like a mountain, that is, the stone saint is indifferent, the sound is also very flat.

Although they are all the strong people who are magical, they have passed the festival.

This is not big, not let the two live and die, but the two will not have anything, but now because the two people's orders, they have to join hands.

"According to the position of the witch, the person of the should immediately arrive, with the strength of you, I really stop him?" Tiandao Wang Dao.

"Why, are you afraid?" Shi Sheng people glanced at Tianzhu Wang.

"Can you be afraid, that is, it's a positive killing of the firecad, and the strength of the fire is better than you, and more, let alone, I don't want to have the ability of your body, if it is It's a lot of accidents. It is possible to kill me directly. After all, he has a 'burning god' poistribute in his hand. "Tianshu Wang said, there is indeed a worry.

"If you are afraid, then you will hide behind me, you don't need you to fight on him, just you only need you to wait the pole, put him blocked him." Shi Sheng people. "

"There is no problem with it." Tianda Wang showed a smile.

at this time……

The void in the distance is over.


Tianda Wang, Shi Shengren's eyes are all squints, and the faces have become more dignified.

And the natural place where rushing is the sword.

His speed has been opened, almost far away from the strong people behind him, but at this time, he also saw two people who were standing in front of the Tianzhu Wang and the stone saints.

"Two second-order peers?" The sword is unparalleled, "I want to let me stop or entangle it, and then wait for other strong people to arrive, will I bore?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes have become emerging.

"I have no time to play with you, so ... is dead !!"

The sword has no double shavitation, and the three secrets have been displayed at the same time.

At the same time, you! ! !

A shocking, and supreme swords suddenly broke out.

The hidden sword hidden in the blood peak sword has been guided by the sword unparalleled.

And with the unparalleled swords rise to the swords, he guided the swords naturally more, and the improvement of his war is also greater.

If he is unpopular, he is like a sword. !


The sword has no double shape, 'Silver' s body law suddenly broke out.

The body is ghost, a silver light is instantly bursting out, through the void, in an instant, he has appeared in front of the Saint Tianshen.

"Good terrible speed !!" Tianzhu Wang scared a big jump.

"Tianda King, you will return." Shi Sheng people made a low drink. The strength of the big land around his body is condensed, and the blink of an eye is already in front of a heavy big mountain block in front of the sword.

As for the Tiandu King, according to the stone saint, the first time retired, I want to retreat, and then put their whip to entangle trapped the sword.

But at this time, the sword is unparalleled is one hand.

Under this point, immediately has a powerful time and space rule.

Time and spaceplays, a designated tactics! !

This trick is to determine the weakness with the feelings of the swords and space rules.

One hundred and twenty years ago, he presents this trick, only can only affect the general and first-stage real holy.

However, in this twenty-decade, he has greatly improved the time and space rules. Now it has reached the most limit of the stage, which is comparable to many third-order truth. In this case, the trick is displayed ...


Without any signs, Tiangu King and the stone saint have directly solidified there.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled.


PS: Today's four is more! !

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