Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3007 wants to get a way

(The first to come!)


Icy, but beautiful swords and shadows suddenly swept.

Swordsman ... star dream! !

The same trick, before the swords were unparalleled, they did not guide the swords in the bloody sword, but they only showed it. The result is still a sword to kill the second-order real holy fire.

Now the sword is unparalleled, but it is completely guided by the swords in the blood peak sword, and its combat is several times, and this sword is naturally a more terrible.

Fast, unbelievable!

The 'Star Dream' is the most horrible place, first is its tear power, followed by it.

Shi Shengren with Tianda King under a designated tactics, there is no way to move, and can only be hit by the cold swords and shadows.

This sword is first on the body of the stone.

Shi Shengren's body is strong, and the body surface forms a heavy mountain, but the mountain may be able to resist many second-order holy attacks, but in the face of swords, there is no double now this sword ...

~~~ I saw a lot of big land rules to scattered around the horrible speed, and the defense means formed by the force of this floor of this land is completely collapsed, and the sword is unparalleled. The sword continues to tear. The armor of the stone saints, followed by the body of the stone saint.

Following the sword light, there is still the rest of the storm, and he will continue to turn to the rear.

That day, the king's body was not as good as the stone saint, under this sword, and the body was quickly defeated.

Just a photo, the two originally planned to block the second-order truth of the sword, and die on the spot.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled to consume a foot 11 drop 'burn god' venom.

"With my current strength, if you guide the sword to fully display the star dream, with a designated tactics and the second-order high sanctuary, it is really easy."

The sword is unparalleled. He waved the two second-order high-rise Qiankun, followed by going to front.

And the news of Tiangu Wang and the stone saints, and the first time passed to the ear of the magic of the people.

"What? Tiangu King teamed up with the stone saint, and did not stop him, and was also killed directly?"

"A photo, Tiangu Kang and stone people die directly? This person's strength is this horrible?"

"This is too strong !!"

Those who followed the sword without double, or from the four-sided eight-party, the sword, the magical sound of the magic, and the heart was shaken at this moment.

They have been scared to make the strength of the sword unpaid.

At the distance, the witch who is rushing is, I am scared when I know this news.

"How can this be?"

"Tianzhu Wang and Shi Shengren teamed up, even if the most peak second-order holy is not a short time, but this person actually kills two of them, it is difficult to meet his strength has reached the third order. Times? "

Witch adaptors can't think of it.

In his opinion, there is only three halves of the three-order, and it can be able to do this.

"Hey, even the third-order holy, in my magic, the goddess is so arrogant, the magical sound of the magic, the truth, he will die !!" The voice of the witch is cold, "the command, the people The strength is extremely strong, it may reach the third-order holy level, we must be careful, try not to close him, but you must find a way to figure out his specific location. "

"In addition, informing the king, please come over."

"Golden King?" The hairdresses that followed the witch have not been shocked.

King King? This is in the country, it is definitely a very horrible existence.

Before the long years, the Magic Dord of the Magic, with a great means to create a magical sound, on the way, but he led a lot of strong people to fight, these strong people have died, but there are still few people who are alive.

These live strong people have now stayed in the magic sound god, occupying many territories, becoming a party.

And two super existence, in the country of magic sound god, but also directly to the king! !

These two kings are Kings and the wind, they are strong, and they will enter the third-order pest hierarchy before the old, is the most powerful two people in the Magical God. .

On weekdays, these two super existence don't ask the world, unless it is a national master to see it, otherwise they will not pay attention to anyone, even if the witch adult, I can only ask the two kings, but I can't order, and the other party Do not agree, or two things.

"Go, this matter is about the face of the owner of the owner, the big people are angry, the King King should promise to come out." Witch's big man said.

"Yes." The hairdressing nodes next to it immediately began to communicate.

Half sound has a result.

"Adults, the golden kings have promised to shoot, and now they have rushed to the nearest space channel." That is the truth.

"Too good." Witch's eyes are bright, "the strength of King Wang is unfunction, if he is personally shot, you can easily kill the person, and before the arrival of King, we will do not act rashly, just know him. The location is fine. "

This witnesses quickly gave the unparalleled monk of the murderous sword to the monk, the monetaries of the gods.


On the void, the sword is not doubled in front of the rapid appearance.

"It seems that two second-order colleges are killed before, or give these people a lot of shocking, now they are far away from me, I don't dare to get close to me." The sword is unparalleled smile, the power of the soul It was swept in all directions.

He is now very fast, and the magic, the goddess participates in the strong people who have kill, almost unable to keep up with him, but these strong people can not keep up with speed, but there is still a way to know the presence of his position. .

For example, the commander has long been conveyed, so that many cultivators in this territory act, countless strong people stand at all corners and is responsible for observation and inspection. As long as the sword is unparalleled, it will not know, of course, can figure out the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

But even if you know his location, it's a short time, no one dares to hinder him.

Even the two second-order peers were easily killed by swords. If you want to stop the sword, you must have a third-order real person to shoot, but even in the vast magic sound god, third-order truth The quantity of the holy is very pitiful, in this territory, the third-order truth that has been transferred in a short time, only the Jinshan Zong, who has been following the sword.

"This is not a way, my position has been in the monitors of the magic shadow, although no one dares to hind me, can not take long, wait until the truth of the magic, the truly strong strong, will come immediately come kill me!"

"It seems that I have to think of it." The sword didn't look at it slightly.

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