Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 302 Guild Wars!

The strong people who watch the war will be dull.

"Too too strong!"

"Tianbao host, it is terrible, I am also a list of bloody months, but I feel that he can boke me directly."

"The swordacker is also very powerful, you can kill the top of Tianbo Prefecture, not falling."

The whole wilderness is full of fanatics, and everyone is watching the two people.

They are all clear, just just a preliminary confrontation, both parties should only try to attack, and they have not used them.

Nobody noticed that in this battlefield, there were two figures standing here. He looked at the battle in front of the forefront. These two people were cold as frost.

"The big brother is really powerful." That dirty girl said.

"Is it powerful?" Cold as frost is cold, "a yang deficiency has this battle, it is good."

In the eyes of others, the sword is unparalleled with a yang deficiency, this combination is simply against the sky, but it can be seen in the frost, but it is just a good.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled with the Tianbu House, and the body is stable. The two eyes have seen the opposite side.

"Yes, no wonder if there is a gut, dare to challenge me, there is a bit of strength." Tianbufu stared at the sword and unparalleled, like staring at the prey.

"The Lord of the Hall, your strength should be more simple, take out your strength, otherwise you will kill you, it doesn't mean something." The sword is unhealthy.

Just confrontation, the strength of the Tianbufu main show is terrible.

Not only don't realize the source of Wan Beast, but also realized the source of the fire. The comprehension of the two origins has reached the top of the 'level', which can also push eight nine-nine-nine or even nearly 10% of the world.

In the realm of this source, Tianbufu is no longer him, plus his attack means is incomparable, and it is strong, far more than ordinary half, it is much stronger, and it is no wonder that he can take half of the sacred to repair. The situation has become the owner of a family.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and the war of Tianbao's host has just been showing, it is not enough to really be based on the twenty-first place in the bloody list.

"I have never been fully out of power, because I can't find my opponent, and you are in front of this qualification."

Tianbufu is laughing, and I took out a pair of red gloves. This pair of gloves is full of secretizen, and then the blood pool is general, then it is slow to wear this glove in the hand.

The many strong people who watch the battle below can't help but exclaim.

It is necessary to know that when the wave host with the sword with the sword, but the red hand is empty, but now he has taken this glove.

This glove is his weapon.

"Tianbao host, I have to make it!"

"I don't know how strong the true strength of Tianbao Prefecture?"

The strong people who watch the war are all looking forward to.

The sword is unparalleled in the glove of Tianbo Prefecture, and the face does not change color, but the heart has become more downs.

"Kid, I hope you can persist in my hands for a while, let me go more." Tianbu House grinned.

"Come on." The sword was not passionate.


The air suddenly broke out, and then the voids appeared in the void, and these flames filled the whole void, like a fire sea, and there is a fire god in this fire.

This flame war is in the eyes of electricity, and it is amazing, and the eight parties.

It can be held at the right hand, and the one-in-one flames, the surrounding flames are actually gathered in his fists in the amazing speed. This fire sea is completely concentrated in that punch. on.


Tianbo Premium is blowing, and there is no one in the shape of a sword. Then, then the whole vast fire is bombarded.

Time, Tianshal!

Just like a volcano of hundreds of millions of years, it suddenly broke out.

The sword is unparalleled, only a hot, violent power suddenly broke out in front of himself, and this force seems to be able to combust to everything in the world.

"This guy, he is a higher in the source of the fire." The sword is unbolded.

He feels that this punch is at least 50% of the power of the heavens who have just justice!

It is important to know that the strength reaches these levels, even if it is just a complement, it is very huge.

Wei Neng foot is 50%?

This means that if he is still like the eighth style of my sword, he will only be completely crushing.

Although the sword is surprised, it is not afraid. On the occasion of the violent heat, it is about to bombers, and one is enough to have a terrible killing that has fallen in the world.

The ice-cooled killing is swept in an instant, so that countless strong people below the battle, I can't help but a spirit. Everyone's eyes are full of perspective.

This is killing ... it's terrible.

The three kids in the sword have also burst into a murder. As the sword is unparalleled, it is also a strong shadow that is behind him, and the difference is different from a year ago, this giant, this moment Virtual shadow, has been closely condensed into substance.

The giant hide the prime sword, with the movement of the sword unhappy, and angry at this moment.


The void seems to be huge by this sword.

The horrible sword, the strong people who watched the battle met, and they were stunned.

It's a steady attacked by these two stocks, it is impact on the front of everyone's gaze.


It's like a sudden fried giant, this roar produced in a single confrontation, and the strong people who will watch the war are stinging. If you can't help but cover your ears, you can't affiriate, the madness of the The sound absorbed in succession, and some remaining waves also swept directly to the ground below.


Suddenly the ground tremor, one of a huge pothole or swords.

It's like a desirable scene.

And in the most central, swords of the battlefield, the swords have risen red, dead and stare at the top of the day, the latter is also staring at him.

"Killing this source?" Tianbufu mainly colored slightly, "Even swordsman is also very terrible! It seems that I am a little bit of you, your strength is better than I think than I think."

"Is it just a little bit?" The sword has no double scorpion, from the surface of him, the flames of the sky is swept the tide of the sky, and the surrounding 100 meters is covered. among them.

Subsequently, these swordsmate water is crazy to shock toward Tianbo Prefecture.


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