Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 303, Sword, Sea


Tianbu is the main color of the sky, and the body feels that his body is hindered under the impact of these swords.

"Hey, a very unique means, it is a bit similar to the domain, but after all, it is not a real domain." Tianbao government's voice is cold, and the hand is fierce, and the next moment, a long red light, which is unprecedented.

This red light is full of violent, hot, in seeing this red light, even if the sword is unparalleled, I can't help but hop, the scalp wants to fell.

And Tianbao government is holding the red light, then it is quite a good fierce bombardment.

"Long Xiao!"

Tianbo Prefecture is a burst, and the face has become touched.

Long Xiao, his strongest trick, suddenly showed.

The huge fist bombards, and at first glance, it is unmortically, but when this boxing is in the void, Boom! The flames were erotic, and then the endless flames were integrated. Immediately became a flame dragon, this flame dragon roared with a shocking snoring, actually moving directly to the sword.

Tensuality is discolored at a time, all things have been trembled!

The sword is unparalleled, and he can feel the incredible power of this fire dragon.

The power, even if it is a general contest, it will be even more excused.

The sword is unparalleled naturally.

"Try my next sword."

The sword is unparalleled, and the murderous time in the body is straight, and it is a high-grade, and the three kids in the hands will come out, and the giant behind him. The shadow is equally slow to swing swords.

A very slow sword, it is the moment of this sword in the moment, but the whole world is falling into a dead.

Many strong people who watch the war are shaken.

Everyone is awkward, staring at this sword, has a fear of instinctivity, although knowing that this sword is not rushing to them, but they still think that this sword seems to be completely Kill a general.

Many people were scared by this sword.

Blood empty swords, second style, a sword shock!

The blood empty sword, as a three-grade high-order sword, but only three swords, the three swordsmanship, the power is terrible.

The first style, a sword is crushed, and the power is already.

And the second type of sword is shocked, and the power is far from the first style.

This sword is really enough to destroy the earth, and extinct the sword.

The same sword, the sword is also just a short year, before this, he has never regardneaded people.

This day, the wave is the first!

I saw that in the empty, the slowness of all people were self-fearful, and they hit the front of the fire dragon that was enough to have a friday, but they did not produce how much roar.

Sneaky, the two powers were madly annihilated with each other.

Once, a huge flame formed a fire group directly, the sword was not double covered. When the sword was burn, the flame was burned, and the flame even burned the sword unparalleled half of the body, but In the sword, the unparalleled timely urging spirit will disperse the flame, otherwise it will be burned into ashes by this group of flames.

Otherway, his half body is also burnt, and even some flesh and blood is more burnt.

"It's a terrible attack." The sword watched the borders of the burnt flesh and blood, secretly, but it was a clear, "but picking up my sword, he is afraid."

The sword is unparalleled to the sky, and the latter is angry at this moment. It is close to the "Wow".

This scene made a lot of strong people watching.

"Vomiting blood!"

"Tianbao government actually vomited blood?"

"A vomiting blood, a deputy model that is burned into changing?"

"It's really miserable!"

It's really tight!

It has been that many people think this battle, there is no big suspense, win certainty will be the owner of Tianbao, after all, Tianbao Hall is famous for a long time, and the sword is unparalleled too much.

But this fierce war continues until now, no one will dare to say that Tianbao host will win.

Tianbao Premium wiped the blood of his mouth, and she took a look at the sword again. "It is my big idea. I didn't expect your sword to have a killing impact. I don't check you for a while. It's cheap, it will not be as simple as it will be next. "

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Continue to fight!" Tianbufu gooled again.

The sword is unparalleled, and the same welcomes.

This ultimate battle is still going on.


A roar of the world, the terrible energy or the sword is swept again and again, and the wilderness below has become terrible, and the sword is unparalleled with Tianbu, which is in the madness.

Both people do their best, showing the number of people, but spelling a flag.

The strong people who watch the battle below have already seen it.

In this crazy and fierce killing, there is no somewhere in the field of swords that have been distributed from the sword.

Originally just like a tide sword, it is more alarming, more embarrassed, diffuse, and it has become more and more wide from the original 100 meters. After a moment, this sword is filled. The range of thousands of meters.

At the same time, in the field of swords, endless swords are like a tsunami madly, and they are imposed on the bodies of the wave.

"What?" The main color of Tianbufu is not changed.

The sword is unparalleled to showcase the excitement of exclamation.

"The third style of the sword, the sword is like the sea!"

As early as a year ago, there was no double in the sword, and he had been studying the third style, and he has been studying the third style. But the third style is indeed, and the year, he always feels Worse.

I didn't expect to kill this day with this day. Under this fierce, it is a great pressure, or he actually enlisted the third style of the sword.

Naturally, it is very easy to understand?

This is to let Du Tianzong's strong, will definitely be jealous, after all, the sword domain is from the hands of Daru Tianzong, and there are also many swords in the history of Da Luozong to study this sword, but never Someone can master the third-grade sword of this sword.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

He got the sword, and he only had a year of time. It can be held in such a short period of time.

Surprise, huge surprise!

The sword is also somewhat in the head of this huge surprise. After returning to God, his scorpion looked at Tianba, and the voice became cold.

"Tianbao host, look like this battle today, death seems to be you."

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