(The first to come!)


"How, how is it possible?"

"This is not too powerful."

"They are really just a first-order holy?"

The priests of the sword are unparalleled, all of the unbelievable expressions.

They are also unbelievable.

First-order truth, a punch, directly disguise a three-stage real vomiting blood?

First-order truth, rely on speed to defeat a third-order peeled holiday?

First-order true holy, only one level, second order, and one people like the three three-order real holy?

"Genius, this is the real super genius !!" Jiu Luo is hot.

Genius, he is also.

But the same genius, he compared with the three people in front of him, and it is too much.

Any one of these three people can easily suppress the third-order truth, and he encounters the third-order pendant and only the wolf.

"What happened this, how can these three geniuses, how can they kill the dominance of the gods?" Jiu Luo was confused.

The sword is not frowning.

"These three people, any of the true days of the arrogance, than the bloody jade from the Tiandi Palace I have ever seen, I have to be in some, so the genius will see a difficult day, and There is also three at the same time here. "The sword has no double mind, and he immediately guess the three genius should come from the same part.

As for the stronghold of the branch of the gods, it is likely to be in the implementation of special tasks.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

At that battlefield, the madness of the three-stage real holy, which waved the purple long gun, was suddenly burst.

His gun method, the speed is amazing, but at this moment, his gun method suddenly increases, and it has also increased the feet three times! !

A purple light is incomparable, instantly caves wear voids, so that the third-order resorial is not a half response.


This purple light passed through the third-order pestinal throat, and the devastating power broke out, this third-order real holy, screamed, did not send it, and the body was directly crashed.

Seeing this scene, the evil charm young and smiled, followed by it again.


"A three-order real holy, this is killed?"

"This, this is too terrible, and the third-order pee is not to master the unstead of death? Why don't you die?"

The swords in the sword are unparalleled, and they see this scene, and immediately broke out.

"It is a toxic liquid, and the evil charm young guns are integrated into special venoms, which is a purple venom." Jiu Luoyi is shrinking.

"It is 'magic star' toxic liquid." The sword is unparalleled soon.

For some to annihilate, you can easily kill the poisonous fluid of true holy, and the sword has some understanding.

The 'burning god' toxic liquid used before him is one of them.

However, 'Burning God' toxici is very good, but it is also a large number of first-order, second-order pendant, to the third-order pest hierarchy, the power is more sorry, and the effect of incinement venom is also minimal.

And 'magic star' toxic liquid, the name of the name is much larger than the 'burning god' toxic, and the value is naturally higher.

'Burning the gods' toxic liquid, with the privileges of the sword without double-level members, if you exchange it in the Treasure of Jiantong, you can get a drop of 300,000 Sheng Dan.

But 'magic star' toxic, to go to Treasure Pavilion as the identity of the heaven, but it takes five million Sheng Dand! !

Thirty thousand one drop with five million drops, this is a difference in the middle, and the effect gap is natural.

Like just the evil young people, just a drop of 'magic star' venom, and kill the third-order pest.

"The talent is so good, it can use five million Santanes' poison to kill the true sorcerer, the origin of these three people ..." The sword is unparalleled.

In the battlefield, although the soul organizational strong, although many, they can really make threats to the three people, but also the four three-order real holy.

Now one of them is killed by the evil charm youth, the second third-order, in the madness of the strong man, is precarious.

boom! !

A strong man fierce a punch, like the meteorite, the third-order holy, head of the trip to him.

The third-order holy skull was burst on the spot.

"Evil." Strong man drunk low.


The third-order holy laughing laughed, who had just killed the opponent, appeared next to the strong man, when the three-order high slander began enough moment! He stabbed directly, the gun tip just just met the third-order pertow, the third-order real holy immediately started to be annihilated.

The second third-order truth is once again killed.

Next, strong men, the evil charm young people will once again, the two of the two areas of immersing in the white robe environment, and they have not lived from their hands.

Just a moment, the four three-order pests were killed.

As for those first-order, second-order colors, they also suffered from these three people.

Because of the coverage of blood color ban, these first-order, second-order colors did not escape, and finally was killed.

And all of this is unparalleled by swords, and Jiu Luo has seen clearly.

"It's too hard, this is the real genius !!"

"Only three first-order high holy, actually ruined a stronghold of the gods organization, and all the strong people in the base will be killed."

"It's too powerful."

Those fakes in the team couldn't help but launched.

But at this time, strong men, the evil charm youth, the white robe woman has gathered together.

"Fantasy, evil."

The two people in front of the man, "It seems that everything goes well."

"Everything goes smoothly? It is not too good." The evil charm young evil master flashed a variety of color, and the evil eyes also saw it next to it.

And the direction of this evil man is is the direction in which the sword is unparalleled.

That a strong man, the woman's illusion of the white robe is also seen in the sword.


The three movements caught up, and the sword was unparalleled in front of them.

Jiu Luo and others are all shocked.

Jiu Luo deeply took a deep breath, and Xi Xiang, "three, I just pass, there is no malicious."

"I know." Strong man nodded slightly, he looked out, the sword is unparalleled, and the team is really just passing, and it is just to block it in this area.

But even if it is just passing, the sword is unparalleled. They are still in the eyes, they have seen their dominance in the gods.


PS: Today is still three more, first update one, and two more late.

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