Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3060 Memory



"Magic water, evil master, how do you see?" Strong men opened.

"Here, it is a white bone domain, and the gods tissue is a big hegemony here. We have now destroyed their strongholds, which is not only provocatively bouncing, but directly face, blood Once the Journal of Once known, it will be immediately dispatched to send me three people. Because of this, we have been fully blocked in this area before, preventing the news to disclose !! "

"But these people, but everything just happened, once they spread the news, and the three people wanted to leave this white bones, I am afraid it is very difficult, so ... I propose, put these people All kills clean. "The evil charm young evil teacher directly.

This evil master did not deliberately crush the sound, his sword is unparalleled, and it is clear.

Suddenly, the fake stages of the swords and unparalleled teams are very shocked, and they are all in the heart.

"Triple, I will wait for it, and we also guarantee that it will never spread the matter today, but also hope that the three can raise expensive." Jiu Luo.

Jiu Luo is big in the week, but knows the time, and knows it down when it is down.

"Guarantee? Single one empty talk, what is it used?" The evil man ridicily laughing.

"OK." The burly man waved, and immediately saw the illusions who have never been speaking, "the illusion, with your research on the soul, should you directly have some of the memories of the other party?"

"If they don't resist, you can." Fantasy.

"That's good." The burly man silently said: "You have indeed inconsistent with me, but today you have seen some things that should not see, for insurance, I must do it all of them. But now I can give you a chance. You will give up the resistance, I will let the slight water erase some of the memories that have just been seen, you can leave. "

"Smell memory?" Jiu Luo et al. Was surprised, but it was slightly relieved.

"You King, you can be true." The evil man is watching the burly man, and there is no more.

"Fantasy, go." The burly man said.

The illusion is nodded, and I will prepare for the front ...

"Sorry, I refused." A indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

In an instant, everyone's eyes have seen the source of the sound.

And say this, Helhi is the sword that is not talking to it.

"You, just say?" The king stared at the sword and there was a compression in invisible.

In the face of this oppression, the sword is unparalleled. Memory, it is equal to the full memory of that person, and I have something, I don't want others to see, so I refuse !! "

When I heard the sword, the king of the mountain was long and cold.

"Tianhou brothers." The Jiu Luo next to Jiu Luo is anxious: "Erase memories, it will explore its own memory once, you have some privacy, you don't want people to know that this is normal, but no matter what to say, I have to keep my life first! Nothing is more important than your own life. "


"The weather, don't impuls."

The fake stages of the rear also opened.

And the sword is not a smile, "the life is crucial, but this world is more important than your own life, it is also, if I don't resist, let it erase my memory, but not only all secrets will A jealousy, even in the process of erase memory, my life is between the other party, I don't like this kind of life and death. "

"More more, you will be in front of these three, yet eligible for my hand."

This is an out of this, and Jiu Luo et al.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three geniuses in front of you are obviously.

Sure enough, the three geniuses have a significant change in the look of the other two in addition to the illusion.

"The king of the mountain, you are really kind, but unfortunately, someone still doesn't have a feeling." The evil charm young evil man said.

"Well." The king nodded slightly. "In this case, then he killed him, the slide!"

The sound of the king of the mountain fell, and the white robe woman standing next to the woman's illusion. The clear eyes were directly in the sword.

The eyes were shining with a strange ray.

A strong soul power instantly encloses the sword.

"Tianhou brothers." Jiu Luo was shocked.

You must know that when the three of these three people kill in the strong people talked from the Silites, it is the horror of the white robe, and the first order, second-order holy is instant, and its horror means, order People are soaked.

Now, this white robe woman has seen it in the sword, and the same means is displayed.

It can face the soul of this white robe woman, and the sword is unparalleled. It is natural, and even the gods do not change.

"Illusion, what happened?" The King of the King watched it.

"I have already blocked the soul attack, but this person ... he forcibly resists, and it is very easy to resist." The illusion is open.

"Oh?" The king showed a surprised color.

"The soul attack is good, but unfortunately there is nothing to do." The sword is unparalleled.

Since he broke through the unmanned saint, his own soul has greatly skyrocked. Although his soul intensity is just a first-order holy level, but it is more tough than the soul of the same level. In addition, he is also æ Linglong Tower is sitting in the town.

After reaching the saint, his Linglong Pagoda has reached the third level, strong to the extreme, this white robe woman just soul attack role in the exquisite Pagoda, but it couldn't shake the Linglong Tower.

Ling Linglong Tower can't shake, naturally it is impossible to have any impact on the sword.

"It can easily resist the soul attack of the illusion, it is good, but unfortunately, we have encountered us, evil signs, kill him." The king of the mountain.

"Haha, give it to me." The evil monk showed a shock smile, his figure was a moment.

The horrible speed broke out, a ghost figure appeared in front of the sword, and the purple light was bright, and it was the cold purple gun.

Long guns are incredible, the hole wears void, make a crisp aerobro.

"too fast!!"

Jiu Luo has already widened his eyes.

And the sword is unparalleled to stand in place, there is no one more to move, it seems that it has given up the resistance.


PS: Second, there will be a third more, wait!

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