Sword Master of All Dao

Cap 3062 Monster in the monster

(The first to come!)



The whole world is silent.

The three genius of the mountain, the magical water, and the evilness are standing in parallel, and the eyes are wide, and they are dead. They are unparalleled. They see the sword unparalleled will integrate the 'evil god' poisons into the long sword. Their strength.

Jiu Luo and those fake sacred people, they are also in a dullness.

"You, I am from the three palace." You Wang immediately opened.

"Is it a Tiantian 3rd?" The sword was unbrick.

He has encountered several genius from the Tiantian 3rd Palace from the endless territorial domain.

In front of me, the sword is unparalleled, and it is definitely from a great force. It has a good background. I didn't expect it to be a three-palace.

"Tiantian three palace, there is a Tiandi Palace, the original palace, the chaotic palace, all of you, from which palace?" Sword is unparalleled.

"The original palace, I am from the original palace." The king directly said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not unexpected.

These three people obviously be more than the blood jade, Long Yun, Qianchen, but strong is not too long, should not be the super genius of the Chaos Palace, the original palace genius is in line with his three people.

"I heard the sky, the sky, the genius of the original palace, is the leader in the monster. Today, I have seen it." The sword has no double smile, but it has already recovered the blood peak sword, "I just three people There is no killer, then I will stay in your life. "

After saying, the sword walked in Jiu Luo, "Jiu Luo, let's go."

The sword is unparalleled.

Jiu Luo and those fake sages have also come back from the shock, they are amazed at the Beishan three people, followed by the sword unparalleled directly.

The three people in Beishan stand in place, there is no hope that I want to hinder.

As for some of the previous memories, it is natural that it is naturally impossible.

Soon, the sword has already disappeared in the implementation of the three people in Beishan, and the three people in Beishan still stand in that, the three people are quite wonderful, and the mood is even more calm.

Half, or the first opening of the evil man, "the slide, you are good at the soul, the sense of sense of sense is also the strongest, just that person, is a disguise, or is he really just a first-order holy?"

The King of the Mountain is also immediately seen in the past.

The slight water is slightly shaking. "I didn't induce him some hidden signs, at least in my opinion, his is just a first-order holy."

"Even you can't see it, this person is really a first-order holy, but it can be the first-order holy, his strength, how can it be so strong?" The evil master shocked.

The king of the mountain and the slide are also shocked.

Yes, too strong! !

"Let's all from the Tiantian three palace, and the top genius of the original palace, even if it is in the vast gods, our talent is absolutely the top, the most terrible, even if you encounter a chaotic palace monster……"

"In the monster of this era, it is still in the first-order hustle, only one person, I will make one of them, although the strength is terrible, there are many more than me, but I feel and evil. If you join hands, you should have a fight. If you add a magic water, I will join hands, and even completely press the genius of the chaotic palace! "

"But today, we have encountered the practitioners of the first-order holy level, three people teamed up to show all the combat power, the result ..." Beaishan muttered. "

The illusion of water is lighter, "His soul is extremely tough, the soul defense ability is also strong, the soul attack on the whole force is on him, and there is no hierarchical impact on him, even my most powerful commencement, He can also break the terrible momentum! "

"His strength is also strong, with the Beishan, you have a pair of hands, and the result is a sword to get you below the ground!"

"His speed is even faster, no accident, his feelings of time and space have reached the third stage. The sword is stronger, just a photo, the sword is completely crushed, even on the spot. Evil's body ... "

"Whether it is speed, strength and even the soul, there is a strong incredible thinking, and there is no existence of any weakness, even if I have just felt, when he is fighting us, there is still something to finally Take a hand, that is, he has not all made up! "

"This person is too terrible !!"

terrible! !

This is the evaluation of the magical water to sword.

Beishan is also evaluated in the heart of the evil man.

"If we are such a chaotic palace genius, in the goddess of the gods, it is a monster level. Just the person should be the monster in the monster, even if the monsters in the Chaos Palace are more than him, they have a certain gap." Beishan Tao.

"From the direction of his plunder, he will follow the team, he should come from the endless land, and is crossing this white bone domain with the person, there is an incredible monster. Who is he? "The evil man is curious.

"No matter who he is, since we have met, since we have met, then we can't pretend, we must immediately report this matter." Beishan Road.

"Yes, has a rule, referred to some real top genius to enter the Tiantian three palace, is a great reward, and like the person, the incredible monster, once we referred to the sky Three palace, then we can get a lot of benefits, yes, we just forgot to ask his name. "The evil master.

I just had no double battle with the sword, but I didn't ask the sword unparalleled name.

"I just listened to the truth in their team called him to be a brother of Tianhou, he should call Tianshou?"

"It should be." Beishan nodded, "The big monster like him, it is impossible to completely have a half point of traces, we will refer to the name, to check the ability of the Tianzhi, should be easy, go, we Leave here first. "

Soon these three geniuses left.

The truth of them will be in order to implement the special task of the original palace, they will arrive at this white bone domain. There is no relationship with the sword. Just because they are in the attack of the Silk chau, they have been seen by the sword. In order not to report If they are leaked, they will not be paired with the sword.

Just I didn't expect, this time, there was a big metamorphosis.

After the three of them left, they immediately happened here, and talked to those high-rise of the Tiantian Thirteen.

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