Sword Master of All Dao

How can I have possible 3063?



When the three people of the Mountain will go to the news, the top of the Tiantian Three palace is quite important.

And as the king of the mountain, it is too easy to check that the origin of the sword is too easy to find out that the originate of the sword is too easy.

Among the vast chaotic voids, a three-eye man with a height of more than three meters, the whole body bronze skin, a woman, the last white-haired vicissitudes, these three ancient and powerful existence gathered together .

The triple is sitting in front of the stone table, and it is very calm to talk to each other.

"Call, this day, it is getting more and more boring." The white-haired vicissitudes of life sounded.

They are three people, every one is very long.

It can be because of the long time, and the three strength has already reached the limit. It is almost difficult to have a quiet space. It will be boring for a long time. It will lose fun. It will lose fun. It is exactly that there is no power.

This is very difficult, some are very difficult, some people with high mood, if some people with a lower sense of mood, the boring of long years will be easy to go crazy, become mad, even the ingredients began to start Distortion, becomes very dark.

And they are three, although the days are boring, but at least they can always keep my heart, it is good.

"In Mo Mountain, if you think it is really boring, it is better to go to the universe battlefield, there is no chance, maybe you can find what the body can be found, so let your strength will be further?" That is a woman.

"Universe battlefield?" The old man in Mo Mountain, followed but laughed, "Don't dream, the universe battlefield is a place, although there is unlimited, but there is more dangerous, like the rules of our level, go to the rules of our level Then, I don't know how to die. "

"The universe battlefield, is there really dangerous?" The woman's brow is slightly frowned. "If you are not enough, then the three people join hands, can we be in the inside?"

The three-eye man next to him also saw it.

"No." Mo Mountain still shakes his head, "The danger of the universe battlefield is not what I can imagine, I have listened to the palace owner to say that there is a general rule of rules, it is the cannon ash, like you We also barely than the cannon ash, unless we three people can further, so I will try it up with it. "

"Of course, if you really feel too long, it is completely irresponsible, then you can go to touch your luck, luck, you can get a big fir, you can die, you will be relieved. You can achieve your goals, anyway, I will not go to the universe battlefield, although I have been bored with this day, but it is better than death. "

When I heard the Mo Mountain, the three-eye man and the woman were smiled and smiled. He is more expected to the universe battlefield, of course, expectation, but more awesome! !

The universe battlefield, that is the rule of the rule, this is not a joke.

The gear of the gods entered the rules of the universe battlefield, and ten at least five were in the inside!

at this time……

"Triple, all are there." A hoarse voice sounded, and the silver-haired old woman with a shady is appeared next to the three.

"Herb, how are you free today?" The three-eye man showed a smile, and immediately walked a drink immediately, "came, sat down and drunk."

"The old man didn't have time to drink with you, I came today, I came to Mo Mountain." Silver hair old woman.

"Looking for me? When?" Mo Mountain looked up.

"This is the case." The silver hair old woman immediately said, "Not long, the old man said that there was a very great sword genius in the endless country, the potential is huge, and it is eligible to become a member of my Tiantian Triar Chaos. Unfortunately, this genius eventually did not agree to join me three palace. "

"There is this thing." Mo Mountain nodded, "this day is called Jian Tianhou. At the beginning, it was just a sacred level, and he had a second-order trick, the talent, in the numerous genius of the chaotic palace, fear For those who can be better, when I was invited to invite him, the result was refused by him, and after I was quite paying attention to him, I know that he is already a heaven member of the , and The strength is extraordinary. "

"Yes, it is this sword." The silver hair old woman is extremely lighter, "Just in the three genius mountains, the illusion, the evil master, in order to complete the mission released by the original Palace," One of the domains, and in the white bone domain, they saw the swordsmanship, and even both sides had paid. "

"Mountain king, illusion, evil master?"

Mo Mountain, bried woman, three-eye man, three people who face each other.

They are all high-rise, and some geniuses inside the Tiantian three are naturally familiar.

These three geniuses like this silver-haired old woman are now the three in the original palace.

"These three little guys should be a first-order holy level, and the swordsman seems to have already broken through the holy level, and the three people are in the same level. They have made hand, what?" Asked in Mo Mountain .

"The three little guys are defeated." Silver hair old woman.

"Is it lost?" Mo Mountain nodded, but did not feel unexpected, "The Jian Tianhou, the second-order truth of the gods, now breaking through the hazard level, its combat power is strong, I am afraid It is close to the fourth-order truth. These three little guys are not opponents, and it is normal. "

"You can join hands, and it has made the strongest strength in an instant, but it is easily crushed by the sword." Silver hair old woman low.

"What?" Mo Mountain was shocked.

That a woman with a three-eye man also exposed a horror.

They have just heard the silver fashion old woman saying that the three people of the mountain king were defeated, and I thought that the three people who were with the 'Jian Tian Hou' a one-on-one hand, was defeated by 'Jian Tian', and the three people were actually connected. And beat it?

"How is this possible?" The three-eye man stood up.

"The three little guys of the king, the illusion, and the evilness, I know, their three people are very good, although they are just a first-order holy, but its combat power is the most peak in the third order. Anyone of them has a three-order strength, and the three people have a force, a good way to see the soul, one is good at speed, join hands with each other, even if you encounter the true fourth-order peers It's enough to fight, how can it be the opponent of the 'Jian Tian'? "

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