(The first to come!)


It is only a genius, although it is a genius, but it is not too dazzling.

"Is this little guy hidden his strength?" Basic unidentified.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but asked with doubts: "Seniors in Mo Mountain, what did you just say, what is it?"

He didn't know what the secrets of the sky, why would it cause this apless to react.

But since it is a secret, in the sword, there is no double view, it should be the secret of the heavens and the earth.

Mo Mountain explained: "Little guy, you also know what I exist, I also know that the Tiantian three palace brings together endless genius, in addition, there are also a variety of people in the Tiantian 3. The cultivation of the resource, and the secret of the sky is one of the biggest opportunities of the Tianda Trim !! "

"The secrets of the sky, is made by my union of the Ansyl Legers, containing great fortifications, anyone, but if you enter the peacetocks, you can get a great opportunity to follow the benefits, just to open up the Tiantian Middle. The chamber is not so easy, so even if you can eligible for the genius of the Tiantian secret, you can't do it! "

"Under normal circumstances, every 10,000 years, the secret state will open once, and only three places are opened each time, these three places are occupied by the three most beautiful three genius of the Tiantian."

When I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled.

Those who are surrounded by less Tian Shenzong and the disciples, they also exposed the color of the horror.

The mysterious alliance of the personally opened the secret?

Ten thousand years will only be opened once, and every time I open, just three entry places?

From these two points, you can see how rare in this tie in the secrets.

A rare place can be so rare, and the Tiantian three palace actually gave the sword without double one?

This of course makes people feel impossible.

Even the sword is unparalleled, it is also a bit.

This is simply a tart in the sky, and directly squatted.

"Seniors in Mo Mountain, I can really go to the secret?" The sword asked in some uncertainty.

"Of course, don't doubt, this is indeed the command of the three palace owners personally conveyed, but I don't know if you are willing to go." Yoshan Road.

"Willing, of course, willing." The sword nodded without a double.

You must know that before he is not willing to join the Tiantian three palace, it is a large extent because he doesn't know the position of the Amei, and I am worried that the and the heavens will be standing in the same camp, but since he saw the blood North After some confrontation, he knew that the three freely affiliated alliances of the Taijie Shenjie, and after the will of Tiandao, he didn't have much taboo for these three freely alliances.

At this time, if the Mo Mountain invited him to join the Tiantian three palace, he is estimated that it will be careful, not directly rejected.

Now Yushan did not invite him to join the Tiantian three palace, but whiten gave him a great opportunity.

Such a big kind of opportunity is straight to his head, he certainly has no reason.

"Little guy, this enumeration you are holding." Mo Mountain handed an unparalleled sword.

"Is this?" The sword didn't have a pair of doubts.

"This is my message, now I will start again, I have to open again, I have eighty years, eighty years later, I will use this in advance to find you in advance, and take you to the Tiantian secret. Mo Shan Road.

The sword is not a hyperbidden head, immediately accept this.

Playing with the Mo Mountain, Mo Mountain, the end of the end, "the person, my things have been done, next to what you have to do, please, no need to pay attention to me."

The gods were slightly moved, and then the sword was unparalphed. "Jian Tianhou, Jie Hou Feng has invited you to join the Taoine, but some things about the Taoist Palace, Ice Feng did not tell you clearly ..."

"Taoizhi, is the disciple of the Tianzu Road to cultivate the top genius. From the Taoizhi, there are countless strong people, and the rules of the birth of the rules have a lot, and there are many people have become three days. One party, with your talent, if you join the Taoine Palace, you can definitely get the maximum cultivation, others don't say, many resources among the single-Tao Palace, have benefited you. "

"In addition, if you promise to join the Taoine Palace, I can guarantee, let you go to the unfair of the deck three times, and also ask you to come to the rules of the ruling, when your master, personally point you "

Once this is the case, the ice peak next to it, and a few people have been horrified.

"Immortal Palace?" Bai Yan has a little trembling.

He is one of the genius disciples in the Taoizhi, and there is also a period of time, and some cultivation resources in the Taoizhi are clear.

Like this is a place in the Taoizhi, a place in the Taoizhi, is also a place for many disciples of Taoizhi.

But the same, even the Daoong disciples, it is not easy to enter the immortal palace.

Like him, joining the Taoine for such a long time, just just just entering the Taoist Palace, I will get a chance to participate in the fault, and I have received a chance of entertainment. As for the future, I can get it, I have to pass with others. Genius can get to spell, you can get it.

But now the sword is unparalleled, I haven't added Taoine, I have already guaranteed him, let him at least have three chances to enter the immortal palace.

There is also the second condition, please ask the rules of the Jianji, give the sword unparalleled people! !

To know that the host of the rules on the top is rarely disciples, unless this disciple is really excellent, or for yourself.

In the case of the rules of the Tiantian Three Palace, the disciples of the Tiantian Three Palace, like the Tiandi Palace, the disciples of the original palace are mostly under the main entrance of the rules, most of them can only pay some strength. The powerful top is not dead, and it is good to be lucky enough to pay off the invincible hierarchy.

Only the disciples of the Chaos Palace are qualified to pay under the main entrance of the rules, and they also have to rely on luck.

That is the same, the Taoishan is also the same.

Bai Yan is also lucky, it can be born under the Sword of the Ice Peak.

It can be found now, but as long as the sword is unparalleled to join the Taoine, he immediately arranges a rush of the rules of the sword to guide him.

This condition is more than too much than Bai Yi and others.

Not only surprisingly surprised, even the ice peak sword is very sad.

Because from his process of just talking to the sword, the sword is unparalleled sword talent, but it is not too much.

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