(Today's two is more!)


"Is it because the reason why the sky is secret?" Ice Feng couldn't help but think of it.

And the best is quite expected to look forward to the sword unparalleled, waiting for the sword unparalleled answer.

The sword is unparalleled, and you can finally sorry, "Sorry, I have not intended to join a force."

"Don't reject it first."

I have waved: "I have a certain kind of time with this less God of Shenzong, this is hard to come, I will stay here for a while, Ice Peak will stay with me, during this time, If you have problems on cultivation, or in the sword, you can come to me, or find an ice peak. As for the joining the Taoizhi, you can also think about it, wait for me to leave with Ice Peak, you will We are not late. "

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

I have a little smile, and the Sikong Lord next to him has read the past, "Si Wei Zong, I want to bother to bother in your less than one time in this lesson, I don't know if it is feasible?"

"Of course, I can." Si Weizong is the color of the surprise, "Mr. Hundreds of people with Ice Feng is willing to be a guest in my less God, and I am a small day Shen Zong, is of course not."

"That's more thanks." I am grateful to smile.

"Oharmonic, are you very intelligent?" Mo Mountain passed a little whistling voice.

I saw the Mo Mountain, but it was just gently.

"For, the orders of the three palace owners have been conveyed. I haven't stayed. The little guy remembers, I will come to you again 80 years later, you are ready, don't miss this opportunity. If it is missed, wait for the next time, it will be 10,000 years later. "Mo Mountain said.

"Know." The sword is not a hyper point.

Mo Mountain quickly left, and the Horizontal and Ice Peaks lived in Shandian Shenzong.

The sword is unparalleled, the room.

The sword is sitting there, but his look is quite quite.

"That is the secret place, the three palace owners of the Tiantian Three Palace have given me a quota?" The sword was unimaced.

He still can't think of it now, why is the three palace owners to give themselves a quota that enters the Tiantian secret.

Is it because he is high, the potential is big?

The potential is not big, nor the people of the sky, even if the three palace owners don't want to pull him, don't give him a precious quota?

"It should not be just the relationship between me talented, potential, and it is estimated that there is another reason, just this reason?" The sword is unpaired.

Half, he shakes his head, "Take him, anyway, the america is not my enemy. Now that since the big firing is over, I have no reason to refuse, as for the palace, there is no need to pay attention to it!"

The sword is nothing to do, and he suddenly found a very interesting thing.

The three freely alliances of the Taijie Shenjie, the Tianzheng, Time and Space Temple, Tianzu Road, these three freely alliances have a certain relationship with him.

The first is to , he is a member of the , although there is not much bundle, but it is also barely calculated that he is a strong in the sky, let alone he has promised to enter the secret city, The relationship between the is definitely more close.

The Tianzu Dao, he didn't have anything, but he got the blood north of the blood north, and the blood north was the strong in the ancestors of the ancestors. He also agreed to the blood north, waiting for his strength, will I rushed to the people of the people, which made him have a certain source with the Tiansu Road.

As for the Tempihood Temple ... This three most freely alliances, the sword is unparalleled, it is the temple of time and space!

He has got the mysterious golden stone, across the Tempihood of Time and Space in the goldenstone, and she has been a time and space of time. At that time, he is already a person in Temple.

Three free league, he actually did nothing.

Fortunately, these three freely alliances and heaven will be the same level, or even hostile relationships.

"For now, these three freely alliances are a huge thing. From these three alliances, they will take out a strong person, they are not I can resist, and I don't have to pay out how much they are, anyway. They don't have no reason to deal with me, I still have time to improve my strength. "The sword was unparalleled.

Whether at any time, the sword is unparalleled, only the absolute strength belonging to him is the capital that he really relies on.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled. Suddenly, an ice-cold strong body appeared in front of him.

This body is the rule of the rules that he was got in the secret of blood nuts.

This is the body, he is used to refine the emperor! !

"let's start!!"

Just in this lesson, the sword is unparalleled to refine his first emperor.

At this moment, there is another manor in Shaotian Shenzong, and the two of the ice peaks are sitting together.

"Adults, I don't understand." The iceberg opens, "although there is some talent, but it is not worthy of our trip to invite him, and he has rejected, but you have to follow. You stay here, give him the opportunity to consider with time, is it just because the Tiantian 3rd will give him a quota to the Tiantian secret? "

"Single, it is enough." Both is a smile, "You are also the people of the Taoizhi, although there is no main level of the rules, but it is also an invincible hierarchy, and there is a lot of things. What kind of place in the Tiantian is clear, you should be clear. "

"Unfair, anyone, but if you enter the Tiantian Middle, it is equivalent to get a bigification, such a big machine, so many days, so many days, if you need to have a powerful battle, you can get That last three places? "

"And now these three places, give this sword day, the genius is only two places, what is the big sacrifice? The three palace owners of the Tiantian 3rd Not stupid, if there is a special reason, it is impossible to get this order. "

"What special reasons?" Ice peaks were confused.

"I don't know." I have shaken my head, "but according to my guess, there should only be two possibilities."

"The first possibility, this Jian Tianhou has a world of unparalleled talents, at least than those of the Tiantian Trihan Chaos Palace!"

"The second possibility is that this sword is a special background or identity, let the three palace owners of the Tiantian Sanong use the quotation of the secret to him."


PS: Writers Party, today is more

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