Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3082 ends

(The first to come!)


"What happened? What happened?"

"This sword is covered, Duan Yu wins!"

"Sure enough, people are still Duan Yu, just fierce, I thought Duan Yu will be lost."

"How is it possible? Duan Yu is the strongest feast of this genius feast, and this sword is in front of the rush, only the seventy-sixth place, how to be the opponent of Duan Yu, but he can confess This is not bad. "

People who watch war around are discussing.

They just saw the huge label, and there were buddies sent in Taoli, but the scenes inside did not know.

Now I see the sword has no double admission, they just think that Duan Yu is defeating the sword unparalleled.

But these people don't know, Duan Yu in the battlefield is unusually uncein, he is dead and staring at the sword who is going to go outside the field, and the horror in the heart will not calm down.

At first, he did not put the sword unparalleled in the heart, but the result of truly handed ... The strength of the sword is completely scared.

Especially in the laurence, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unbelievable, and the sword is unbelievable, he will completely press it.

That foot, nine swords and shadows came crazy, but he just embraced the seven swords, the eighth sword he couldn't resist, but when this is critical, the sword is not double, but suddenly, and Retreat back.

As for the next scene, it is the scene seen by everyone, the sword is unparalleled.

"What happened?" Duan Yu is watching, "It's not that he just just the sword is not perfect. Can he only show the seventh sword?"

"No." Duan Yumi hit his head. "I just feel very clear, the ninth sword can be displayed, but he doesn't know, but his eightjf sword is indeed showing it, and it is going to be On my body, just when he closed it. "

"He is deliberately lost !!"

on purpose.

When I think of this, Duan Yu's hands couldn't help but hit it. He wanted to open the sword without double, but the sword was unparalleled but had already quit the battlefield, which made him feel angrily, but there is no ventilation.

"This guy……"

Duan Yusu deeply saw the sword and was unparalleled, and the half rang also went straight.

In fact, the sword is unparalleled.

The reason why it is deliberately lost, that is because he felt that this jade was defeated, it didn't mean it.

"It's too weak, this jade is already the first person recognized by this genius feast, but his strength, even the three original palace geniuses I have encountered in the white bones are not as good, this genius feast It is really a little meaning. "The sword is unwinding.

In fact, the genius level of this genius feast is not low.

After all, this can be the first day of the largest day, the first-order level of the first-order holy level, there is a lot of the true genius.

But the genius has a gap compared to the genius.

To put it bluntly, you can't blame these genius too weak, but it should be said that the sword is unparalleled, too strong, too metamorphosis!

You know, when he was in the endless territor, he could hardly resist the fourth-order peers with first-order holy war. Later, he went to the midst of the blood north, and he got a bigification, a big machine, and the strength has risen again. He now, The war is even more amazing.

In this case, other talents are of course not more than him.

And the void is not far, the four people gathered together, and the four-person face is also a little ugly.

"This sword is heaven," turned out? "Red-haired man opened.

"He deliberately lost, although Duan Yu is powerful, but not his opponent, he just doesn't want to expose his strength, so simply admitted." Bai Yan low.

"This is trouble, we deliberately let Xiong Tao brother to participate in this talented feast, it is hope that Xiong Tao can meet him on this feast, then a pair of positive battles, who wants, this sword Tianshou did not take advantage of the feast at this day. He directly enacted. "Huaxi youth.

"No way, since I can't touch it on the genius feast, I can only let Xiong Tao's brothers take the initiative to find him positive challenges." Bai Wei Road.

"Active challenge? Xiong Tao brothers are proud of no one, this time he can promise to participate in the genius feast, all give a big face, and if he takes the initiative to find a class genius challenge? Almost impossible, more What's more, even if he is willing, this sword is afraid it will not promise. "The glamorous woman in the golden armor.

"Don't try again?" White shrug shrugged.

He has no way.

Xiong Tao is the first person in the first-order holy, and it is a true day of proud. He is arrogant, and his eyes are also high. There is often a talented talents in the palace to find Xiong Tao challenge, but bear Taobao is too lazy to pay attention to those general genius, it is not qualified to make him shot.

Such a person, want him to take the initiative to challenge a first-order holy? Of course!

Unless the strength of the person is really very very, it is possible to make Xiong Tao to rise, but the sword is unparalleled to the end, there is no realistic strength, and Xiong Tao is interested?

The genius feast, the third round of one-on-one battle is a lot of war.

While the sword is unparalleled with Duan Yu, in another battlefield, a tall is close to three meters, and the brown hair of the tiger's back bear is ringing there. Although there is one in front of him, but this brown-haired man's gaze is I didn't stay in his opponent at all, but I have been staring at the battlefield of the sword unparalleled and segment.

When I saw the sword where the sword didn't have a pair of active admission, this brown-haired man was slightly associated.

"Since he has already admitted, then this genius feast, I did not continue to participate."

Brown hair is directly raised, "I will admit !!"

The sound spread, causing a void in a void.

Because the brown-haired man did not play with his opponent, and his opponent ranked is not high in the second round of round roads. It's ninety, such a genius in this third round. On the top, it should be the bottom bottom, but this brown-haired man is directly admitted.

This of course makes many people don't understand.

The brown-haired man is too lazy to pay attention to everyone, turned directly to the battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, and Xiong Tao has taken the initiative to accept, without him, this genius feast is naturally the world of jade.

The final result is that Duan Yu won the first day of this genius feast, truly famous for three days.

As for Jiu Luo, his strength is also on the bottom of the third round, and the first opponent in the third round will be eliminated.

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