

After the genius feast, the sword did not leave the Jade Dragon.

In the vast void, the sword is unparalleled, Jiu Luo, and a few people in the white.

"Tianhou brothers, with your strength, defeating the jade should not be difficult, how do you deliberately lose to him?" Jiu Lu asked.

He also saw that the sword is unparalleled to deliberately lose to Duan Yu.

"Beat him, there is nothing mean." The sword is unparalleled.

Jiu Luo shrugged, but did not say much.

And several people next to it, it is in the dark and quietly communicating.

"I have already submitted the brother of Xiong Tao, but the brother of Xiong Tao did not reply to me. What should I do this?" Red-haired man.

"Who knows, anyway, I have done according to the command of the Master, and how, I can't manage it." Bai Wei Road.

They are also very helpless.

They just want to try out the true strength of the sword, but unfortunately, but I can't find any opportunities.

at this time……


The three shadows suddenly rumored from the distance.

"Stop !!"

A low drink is also fiercely echoed during this day.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three people who come, the three people are headed, and the young man is a half-month man. He is in this genius feast to win the first, and the name of the three days. jade.

As for the other two, there is a hierarchical level of the fourth-order holy, and it should be that the Tian Yunge will be the two strongholds of the Zhou Yuxi, which is not accidental.

Duan Yu three people also stopped in front of the sword, and Duan Yu's eyes were dead and stared at the sword.

"Is there something?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, there is something." Duan Yu voice is low, "" What is the Jian Tianhou? I asked you, when you have to fight with me, is it in the end? "

"Yes." The sword is unbounded.

He is fighting this jade, and it is time to get a hand in a timely manner, and this jade can't see it. That is stupid.

"Why?" Segment jade asked.

"I want to get together, I will come back. Why is it." The sword has no double.

"Well, very good !!" Duan Yu tightly bite the teeth, "Jian Tianhou, although I won the first place in this genius feast, my heart always has root thorn, this stab is you, so I Now I am now looking for, here, you and I will fight again, this time we don't have any reservations, all of them will take all the strength, how? "

"Do you want to fight?" The sword is unparalleled, but the weird looks at Duan Yu. "Do you think it is necessary?"

"Of course, it is necessary, although I know that you are finally closed, but if you don't really defeat in your hands, I will never be willing, let alone, I also have a few points before, otherwise your sword has not necessarily suppressed me." Duan Yu low departments.

"Oh?" The sword is unpaired, and it is a smile. "It's all, since you are not willing, then you will fight a game, just here, this time, change you first."

The sword has no doubles, and the blood peak sword has been taken out.

"Good." Duan Yuxi came, and he immediately had a breath of breath. At the same time, a lot of purple Thunder was bungled, and it was a lavet void in the perimeter.

Seeing Duan Yu and swords unparalleled intended to make another hand, Bai Yan, Jiu Luo and others immediately retreated next to it.


A donation, Duan Yu's entire person is also directly into a purple Thunder.


A knife is scratched, it is like a purple, and it is erased from the sword.

The knife is smashed over the sword, but there is no hierarchy.

"What?" Duan Yu is shocked, and the next moment is sharp.

Because he shocked to see the sword unparalleled figure appeared on his side, the sword was not double.

That is a cold, and beautiful, feeling like a dream.

This sword is flat, slamming from the sword, and then trails straight to the arms of the jade.

No double sword, star dream! !

This sword is too fast!

Duan Yugen did not make any reactions, the sword light has swept on his right hand arm, and a terrible cutting force burst, his entire arm was blocked.

"you lose!"

The sword has no double shape has appeared after the jade body, and the dull tone is also delivered.

Duan Yusu is full of eyes, and a face of a face.

Several people who saw the voids saw this scene and couldn't help but squat.

"Strong !!" Red-haired man is amazed.

"It's very strong, he is this sword ... Although the speed is not the first moment before, it is too strong, this sword is too strong. This jade is the first day of Tianyunge, and The means is very strong, and the warlord he wears is very high. You can earn the armored armor, and the arm of Duan Yu is also admired.

"It can be broken by the sword. It can also be able to break the head of the jade. I still think that this sword is just a sword. If the two sides don't reserve, try their best to kill If I rely on Shen Li or the secret advantage, I may also fight him, but even defeat him, but now it seems ... I will go all out, but it is not his opponent, or it is likely still still He is a sword. "

Duan Yu has completely stunned there.

He knew that the sword is unparalleled at the critical time, but he does not think that his strength is really awkward.

After all, he did something very much, and before the war, he did not explode all its strength.

So he is not willing to find the sword unparalleled, that is, you want to defeat the sword.

Who can think ... The result will be like this?

"He, how can it be so strong?" Duan Yu could not understand.

He is already the first place in this genius feast. If he will definitely join the Tiantian three palace or the Taoist Palace, it is definitely the top genius of the Taijie Shen, but now he has been swordless. The sword gave it.

Just on the occasion of Duan Yu still

"Your sword, good !!" A thick voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked at the direction of the sound, but found a brown hair man who was nearly three meters high, the tiger's back, the brown hair, did not know when it appeared next to the void.

"Xiong Tao brother!"

Seeing this person, white and the three geniuses from the Taoist Palace are all overjoyed.

The sword is also seen in this person, and the spin is faint, "Are you finally exposed?"

"You find me?" Xiong Tao stared at the sword.

"Of course." The sword is not a hyper point.

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