(The first to come!)


"Even if it is not a full shape, you can rely on this sword to defeat Xiong Tao, it is still too difficult." The sword was unparalleled.

Xiong Tao is the first day of the Taoizhi. It is not only a high-quality, and the creation of the stick method is also very good. It is still a special life, the innate advantage is compared to the same stage practitioners, and it is much more.

The sword is unparalleled, the heavens and the earth are so strong, and the life level, it is too much higher than that of Xiong Tao. This Xiong Tao is a first-order holy, or the first-order peak is the peak, its Shenli can also It will be used to reach the third order.

But the sword is unparalleled?

He is now the strength, but it is enough to compare the third-order peak, and even surpass most of the third-order peak.

In the power of power, he is stronger than Xiong Tao! !

In the rules, he is not weaker than Xiong Tao.

Xiong Tao founded the Jinshan stick, and the 15th sticks were constantly hosted, and they were strong.

But his stick is not really perfect, but the sword is unparalleled.

He was in the world of Bodhi for a hundred years, and he created a lot of exquisite swords to create a unparalleled sword. This is a truly complete and strong sword, this sword, alone may not be too terrible. It can be involved in all aspects, which can be much better than Bear Tao.

In addition, in the secret, the sword is unparalleled than Xiong Tao.

On the treasure, the sword is unparalleled, just used the ice fire tour dragon, and the blood peak sword is also unparalleled.

Comprehensively, how can Xiong Tao can compare with him?

"On the strength, this Xiong Tao is already the strongest person I have seen in the first-order holy, but it is a pity that he is strong, but it can only let me show the blood, but it is not qualified. I have the strongest trick. "The sword was unparalleled secretly.

There is no double sword, seven-fedian swordsmanship.

, star dream, the sun, the emperor killed, life and death, the magic sword is very amazing.

However, in the unparalleled swords, the truly terrible, but also to make the sword unparalleled, it is even more proud, but the last type ... blood repair! !

That kind of sword is the greatest result of his century in Bodhi World.

But unfortunately, no one can force him to show this strongest sword.

The sword is unparalleled with Xiong Tao, has ended.

As a result, the sword was unparalleled, and Xiong Tao defeated.

This result allows the surrounding white.

"How is it possible? Xiong Tao brother, actually lost?"

"The first day of our Taoist Palace, not only in rules, the understanding of the law, even the brothers of the special life of Xiong Tao, go all out, actually lost to this sword?"

"This sword is in the sky, is it strong?"

White, red-haired man, black robe, golden warfare, beautiful woman, four people are somewhat.

Half rang or the first reaction of the beautiful woman, "Bai Wei, Xiong Tao brother and this sword, the mirror, did you record it?"

"The Master has already told it before, and I certainly recorded it." Bai Wei Road.

"This is good." The beautiful woman is looking back, but the arrogance is asking: "You think that this sword is on this battle, is it a whole all the strength?"

"This ..." Bai Yiyi, I will take it: "It should be all taken out. In the face of the solarky brother, if he still leaves, it is not too metamorphosis."

"This ... I really don't necessarily." Beauty woman.

In short, they have been shocked by the genius disciples from the Taoist Palace.

On the other side, there is still one person shocking as white and others, and even shocking eloquent.

This person is Duan Yu.

"He, is he is so strong?" Duan Yu smashed his eyes and stared at the sword.

He before, on the genius feast of the Jade Dragon, he was unparalleled with the sword. Although he knew that the sword was unbeaten, it did not think that he was unparalleled than the sword.

After the genius feast, he immediately found it, and the sword was unparalleled. As a result, he defeated him without a double sword, let him know the gap between his unparalleled unparalleled.

It can make him unmealed that this thing has not ended, and the sword is unparalleled with Xiong Tao's battle, it is completely shocked to him.

Whether it is Xiong Tao or a sword, there is no double in his eyes.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, and the sword of his last show ...

The world has been completely calm.

So people on the field, almost in shock, even the bear Tao is also the case.

It can be at this time, and the transformation is church.

"Haha ~~~ This is very lively."

Shuanglang and with a little sorrowful laughter swayed in the world.

The sword is unparalleled and the people present immediately look up, and look at the source of the sound.

I saw the void next to it and there were five people in parallel.

These five people are all shrouded under the black robe and the breath that is scattered is very strong.

"Fourth-Year Sacred?" The sword is unbentered.

This suddenly arrived five people, they all were all four-level holy, and the most center of the cold old, the breath that was emitted by the body has reached the top of the fourth-order peak! !

"These people?" The sword didn't look at it slightly.

Xiong Tao, Bai Yan, etc. also immediately gathered together.

As for the side of the jade, the two fourth-order pests immediately immediately took the section.

"Who are you?" Xiong Tao was cold, he sounded in the world, and his right hand had quietly took out anorge.

"We are ..." The cold old man who is headed in the five black robes smiles: "Of course, it is a person who kills you, do it !!"

boom! ! !

A unparalleled breath suddenly opened from the rear, and immediately broke the black mist, and the horrible speed was directly in the sword.

This black fog diffuses is too fast, and the sword is unparalleled. They have not made any reactions at all, and they have been fully enveloped by this black mist.

"not good!!"

Xiong Tao has changed, and a message immediately passed out.

Not only one of him, while notice that the change, Bai Yu, Duan Yu also sent to the ice peak and Tian Yunge.

"Haha, do you ask for help? Useless, when you just fight, we have been carefully searching this void, there is no half of the people in the shadow around, and now you have to save you, in a short time Also, someone can get here !! "

"When they really arrive, you will die, I have already died!" The cold old man laughed.

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