Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3089 Fourth-Order Peak



"He said yes." Xiong Tao low Shen said: "Although I am already asking for a Taoist, the Taoist Taoine will take a certain amount of time."

"I have a lot of strong people before the Tianyunge, now I have come over the fastest speed, but I have to go to this, at least half an hour." Duan Yucao.

"Half for half an hour?" The sword was unbolded.

Half for half an hour, it seems not long, but the strength reaches the level like them, ten breathing can make a frontal hand for many times.

Half for half an hour is enough to kill.

"Haha, half an hour, do you stick to a half anxiety?" The cold old man smiled, but his eyes were a double glance, "the first day of the Taoist Palace, and the other is not clear. But it is natural to beat Xiong Tao on the front, and the talents are naturally more, plus other people are also from the Taoiza. We will be in the net, and the harvest is really not small. "

"Do it, give these genius, as for the Xiong Tao, if you have a chance, you will raise him, but he is a special life, caught back and use it."


With this overcast old people, these black robes, including the cold old people themselves, they immediately opened their hands.

Five five four-order pests, including a fourth-order peak, and kill the swords directly.

The sword is unparalleled and others gathered together, and the noodles are dignified.

"The surrounding void has been completely blocked by the black fog, we have no escape opportunities, there is no way, can only fight." The sword has no double voice low, "Xiong Tao, with your strength, deal with a fourth-order holy, should not Is there a problem? "

"Yes." Xiong Tei nodded.

"Two, two of you are also the fourth-order holy, one person should pay one." The sword is unparalleled to the two four-order high sanctuary after the jade.

"No problem." These two four-order hairdry niche have nodded.

"White, you are also the genius of the Taoizhi, although it is just a first-order holy, but all is a good strength, you will add Duan Yu, five people teamed up, think of it is also entangled in a fourth step. True St., I will show the field, assist you. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Although it is very difficult, you can try it." Bai Yan bite.

"That's this, you deal with a fourth-order peak, as for the strongest fourth-order peak of the strength, give it to me !!" The sword is unparalleled.

This is, Xiong Tao, Bai Wei, and Duan Yu can't help but read the sword.

But but the fourth-order peak is really holy?

Fourth-order peak, normal conditions can be more stronger than the general four-level peak.

Said slow, but the sword is unparalleled with the exchange of people, just just in an instant.

In this moment, they have reached a consistent.

"Hand !!"

The sword has no doubles, and everyone is moving.

Booming ~~~ The magnificent power crazy crazy is condensed behind the sword, and the 30,000 feet high golden emperors overlook everything in the world.

The sword is unparalleled, the power of the stars, and the breath of his body suddenly increased, and his body surface also made a layer of black gold armor!

Seven stars secret, penalty God, Jiu Yaoxingjia, three secrets simultaneously show! !

At the same time, a high-end sword is also out of the blood peak sword.

You have to know that when the sword is unparalleled to defeat Xiong Tao, it is just to show the penalty.

As for the seven-star secret, Jiu Yaoxingjia, including the sword in the blood peak, he never used it.

But now, he is about to face, is a high-order high-order peak, this is much more powerful than the magic sound of the magic sound in the magic sound, face such an opponent, he I don't dare to go, I use my best! !

" !!" The sword didn't have a double burst.

" !

The sword light is moving, and a sword is very unparalleled.

In an instant, the world is still fiercely echoing.

"The beads of rice are also dared to fight with the sun and the moon?"

The yin cold man swept the sword and was unparalleled, and the mouth disdainfully slammed, and immediately shot.


Heaven and earth shake, a huge black palm print completely covered the sword unparalleled front.

And the sword is on the front bombardment on this black palm, ~~~ Black palm print instantly collapsed, a lot of power crazy in the four weeks, and the sword is still carrying a good Victori Dynasty Mercure.

"What?" The cold old man exposed the color, but the figure was sudden and arrested, escaped the sword with swords.

"This kid, his strength, more than just when he is talking about Xiong Tao?" The cold old man was shocked.

Before the sword is unparalleled with the battle of Xiong Tao, he also looks in the eyes.

It is true that the strength of the sword is unparalleled with Xiong Tao is surprising, but he did not really put it.

Because whether it is the strength of the sword and unparalleled or Xiong Tao, it is only the fourth-order pest hierarchy, it is not too strong in the fourth-order peak, how is this four-order peak?

Who once thought that when he was unparalleled with the sword, the strength of the sword was unparalleled in this moment, much more powerful than before.

"This little child, when I handed my hand with Xiong Tao, I didn't hide a lot of strength?" The cold old man whited, and the look also gained.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is too cold, staring at this overwhelming old, "go all out to weigh the strength, it is not difficult to fight, it is not difficult, but I have to do it, not with him. Positive counterparts. "

While the sword is unparalleled, he is also observing the surrounding battlefield.

Several battlefields around, Xiong Tao, Bai Xiang they have paid a four-order resor into the four-sided unparalleled command.

Xiong Tao is still good, as a special life, the strength of the previous show is indeed, even if it is facing the last four-order holy, it is not in the wind.

But other battles are not very profitable.

The first is the two four-order holy sanctuary under Duan Yuxi. Although it is also a fourth-order holy, he is only a Tianyun Piese to give Duan Yumu drive, and the status is very low in Tianyunge, and the strength is also strong. Where to go, he has two people in the previous black robe, and the two can be absolutely disadvantageous.

As for the other side, white, sedaine, a few people are only incomparable to the last black robe, but the situation is not optimistic. The main strength is too far more than that of them. If you accidentally defeat it by the black robes.

"There is no way, I have to speed up the speed!" The sword was unparalleled, and he looked at the eyes of the cold old people.

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